Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

All life begins and ends with Honk. This is the truth! This is my belief! least for now.
— "The Mystery of Life," vol. 841, chapter 26

All life is a game of honk.
—Old rich guy in "Titanic"

I'll never be your geese of burden
I fly for miles, my wings are hurtin'

—the Rolling Stones

Honk unto others as you would have them honk unto you.
—The Honkin' Big Bible, Matthew 7:12

Ask not what your flock can do for you, but what you can do for your flock! HOOONK!
—John F. Kennegoose

Woah~ Amber is the color of your beak I see.
Woah~ Shades of gold HOONK naturally

—311, "Amber"

I'm not sure if the horse comparison really works that well in the way it's used in the video. Horses themselves were used as a form of machine to automate and improve locomotion over longer distances by people. In context, they got replaced by an improved machine when it became available.

Were this to happen to people themselves, in too great numbers to the point where it started to drastically hurt the species, people would boycott the companies and organizations that enforce these measures. We might be looking at an evolution of economy over the next few hundred years, as the need for a functional purpose diminishes.

It's quite scary to think about - because it's hard to clearly see how things will go down.

A potential outcome is that somewhere over this tech threshold you could yourself have a robot that grows you food and aides in becoming truly self reliant.
I'm slowly getting plans together to move out. Though, I'll still need to find a way to make more money. Currently it's simply not enough. Most of what is actually in my price range are garages. I'm pretty sure you're not legally allowed to live in those.
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Let's see, I spent the majority of the day eating mostly crap, lying around and completely ignoring my to-do list.

I enjoyed every second of it.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Let's see, I spent the majority of the day eating mostly crap, lying around and completely ignoring my to-do list.

I enjoyed every second of it.

Aint it grand? :bigsmile:

i have a lot of small object to do!

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I grow the thickest beard of all my siblings. If you knew how pathetic my facial hair was, you'd know how deeply tragic that fact is.


Well-known member
It's so hard to stay motivated doing something you don't like to do, or feel like it's giving you any sort of experience whatsoever. :sad:

I'm hoping I didn't miss an assignment deadline through my online course. She mentioned in an announcement once, I recall, to have a set of questions prepared for one of the presentations (or was it for a few of them?). Yet, I cannot find that announcement and it's no where in the course schedule or syllabus. Why would you tack on assignments and not remind people?

Ugh.... :eek:mg: I'm not expected to be handed everything. It's just kind of annoying me how disorganized this course is.....