Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Watching through all of Arrested Development and it's making me kind of sad. I just wish my family were more like people. It's funny, I always thought that family was a bullshit lie people told you about to just get you in their palms, but I learned that I actually value family. Just not my family.

They bring something into your life that nothing else can and Im starting to believe that that is what is missing from my life.

It's just I got born into a drug family. They're all aggressive with each other, stealing, backstabbing, lying. There's no trust. That's not how family's should be. I feel like I got a bum deal.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
It's just I got born into a drug family. They're all aggressive with each other, stealing, backstabbing, lying. There's no trust. That's not how family's should be. I feel like I got a bum deal.

You an' me both, Razzle. Though, ah wus born into an physically, verbally and emotionally abusive family. Still, same adjectives apply. :sad:


Well-known member
I need to know how to go on about moving out from my moms and getting my own place with my sons SSI or government assistance straight from another county I live in now. I really need to get out of here. I really want a job but I just feel lime I have no luck at all.


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I don't know why but for some reason every time I meet a new girl (regardless of whether I'd like to date her or not) and we talk online, she stops talking to me before a week goes by. I used to feel like someone was intercepting these messages and telling these girls that I'm an a**hole and stuff like that, since the conversations themselves aren't long enough for someone to conclude that and just ignore the person.

Someone once told me that I move from a conversation topic to another too fast, but I only do that because I really can't find anything else to ask about the topic we're discussing. Maybe I'm just too socially inept to make friends and to date girls.


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like they are being perpetually punished since birth and one wrong movement due to negative coping mechanisms gained from said early experiences yields more punishments?

As a side note, a lot of people are really flaky.
I saw a thing that said "If you're feeling lonely, watch a horror movie with all the lights off. You won't feel alone anymore."


Well-known member
how do I go to a care physician and tell them I need meds... Do I ask for a psych evaluation or what?

The clinic I've gone to always ask what the visit is for when I make an appointment (which has to be made).
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I needed this today.

"I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped."

Gestalt Prayer by Fritz Perls
I saw a thing that said "If you're feeling lonely, watch a horror movie with all the lights off. You won't feel alone anymore."
^ I would actually prefer to feel lonely than watch a horror movie in the dark! :eek:

Thank (insert any deity you prefer) for Chocolate. :thumbup: