Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I wonder if people in this forum think I am unapproachable. Am I? Do I come off as unfriendly? Don't be afraid of being honest. I can handle it.

I've read several of your posts & you don't come off as unnapproachable to me. Then again, I believe that everything is in the eyes of the beholder.
I wonder if people in this forum think I am unapproachable. Am I? Do I come off as unfriendly? Don't be afraid of being honest. I can handle it.

I don't consider you unapproachable at all. Maybe it's because I've seen you around for quite a while, but you're probably one of the more approachable people here as far as I'm concerned.


Well-known member
That feeling like 95% my friends are in relationships and I'm the only one who isn't. I don't really mind about that bit...but when they say things like, "maybe I'll come and meet you for dinner tomorrow, but it will depend if *he* lets me."... then it just makes me utterly fed up.
You definitely don't want to be in a relationship with someone like that. I'm guessing he doesn't get in too many of them and now because he feels like he has some upper hand, he's going to believe he has power over her. Doesn't work that way.

I can't believe she has to run it by him! I mean, of course you would tell your partner if you're doing something, but he doesn't run her life. My friend let his girlfriend go to Paris, and she let him go to New York. He said he doesn't have the right to tell her not to go - that is a relationship! What your friend is in is not a relationship and hopefully she sees that.

No wonder you're fed up.

It's going to take all the strength within me not to say something I regret later, I know it ::(: I hate her boyfriend so much. He has a classic case of little-man syndrome - takes his anger all out on women - his gf, waitresses etc... probably because he wouldn't have the guts to stand up to another man. I hate him but what can I do. By being with her, he has a presence in my life that I can't do anything about.
I think you should tell her. It's going to be tough for her, and maybe she'll start disliking you, but you'll put the thought in her mind that maybe he's not all she thinks he is, and eventually dump his sorry ass. Good luck.


Well-known member
I'm sleepy. Can't believe it's almost 7:30pm. Where did my Saturday go?

Good news is that I finally finished up a gift for a friend. :) I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to finish it before she got here tonight. Finally got the spray I needed though. It turned out super cute and now I need to buy more jars to make them for myself too and my parents for their new back patio they're having built. Hopefully that'll finally be finished by next week. It's been in the works forever, it seems.
I went shopping for a bridal shower party for a friend. Why are we supposed to buy gifts for the shower and the wedding? Do I look like I'm made of money?

Well, maybe in certain types of light.. But people should know better, really, people are never made out of money. It's not physically possible. I think.

I guess you could go the paper maché route, and construct proteases limbs. But that would be silly. You could just buy real ones instead with the money.