sa and aggression


Well-known member
Do you think that everyone on here just cookie cutter like have social anxiety exactly how you have it, like period? Maybe they've got other disorders, maybe they are schizophrenics or have paranoid disorders, and a myriad bunch of others the technical names of which i'm not gonna bother with. You sound a bit aggressive yourself.

Well said!!!! After that 'pull yourselves together' thread was pulled, I'd thought he'd be more cautious about being completely out of his depth. lol


Well-known member
Well said!!!! After that 'pull yourselves together' thread was pulled, I'd thought he'd be more cautious about being completely out of his depth. lol

hmmmm now would that be the thread i got banned for ? , well lol i was drunk when i posted that , and to be honest i deserved to get banned for it , things are not quite as easy as pull your self together are they , i dont even remember posting it , but if that thread was me then im sorry if i upset anyone , if im wrong ill admit i was wrong , as far as sa and aggression goes , im not aggressive , but iv seen people on here get very aggressive , and im not out of my depth , i have a valid point , anyways case closed edit as far as the bank goes i did write them a letter it wasnt agrgessive , it was more of a jokey one , im pretty sure who ever read it probably had a good laugh ....... and just so you know just went to the bank its shut , and theres still no envelopes in the cash machine :rolleyes:
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I wouldn't be aggressive or mean towards anyone on here. If they got mean with me, I'd probably apologize or ignore them. I don't like confrontation. However, I would say that I do have pent up anger/frustration because I don't express my feelings when I should, and I hold back on saying things when I want to say them out of fear of being judged. That's more of a "real life" issue though. I try not to take out those feelings on anyone around me. I just try to find ways to deal with it. I wouldn't call myself aggressive at all though.