Smoking pot


Well-known member
Hiya i had a bad night last night, i was smoking pot with friends and i started to get really conffussed and parinoid, also got agreesive because i did not know what was going on properly, have any of you had a bad experence on it and does it make your Anixty worse?


New member
i don't know if smoking pot affects axiety, but just a word of caution, smoking will do more damage to you than any hight you can get


New member
I know what you mean...pot makes me ultraparanoid...I used to be able to smoke it when i was younger with no problem but now (mid thirties) I cannot. i tried a few months ago and feel like I looked and acted so stupid...never again...........


Well-known member

hi there
i just made a post under the shynesss topic about ADD, and i has this same experience, it was really bad so much that i really did not have one clue what the hell was going on, what people were saying to me. is it possible that you have ADD too?maybe not, i know how bad the paranoia can get


Well-known member
For Myself...

I used to take 5 prescriptions for my Anxiety and Depression problems. When I started smoking pot I had a nice feeling like I could handle things. I live in an area where pot is pretty acceptable, Humboldt County California, so there isn't a high stress level on worrying if I'll be caught, incarcerated etc. I've been able to discontinue All my medications and have been psychiatrist, pill and liver test free for over two years. I'm not encouraging the use of marijuana by others but I felt that by seperate viewpoint should be represented. Also, no I don't feel weird, stupid or paranoid when I'm stoned. I smoke a little in the evenings, never before work, and on the weekends. The effect I receive is that of an herbal soother. Thank You! :)


Well-known member
Paul said:
Whats ADD???
Some other disease the government invented so they can sell Methylphenidate/Ritalin. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). long term use of Ritalin leads to addiction and severe depression.


Well-known member
ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder, very similar to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It is arguably overdiagnosed and overtreated-- but it is a valid, accepted disorder. Psychiatrists came up with the definition, not the government. ;)


Well-known member
I used to smoke pot between the age of 14 and 16, when i was back in high school. I am 19 years old now and i quit that. At the begining i felt so good. But later on i've had hell. I couldn't concentrate on anything. My anxiety just increased. I felt like everybody is looking at me. I couldnt communicate. I couldnt have small conversations. It's just so bad.


Smoking pot while having social anxiety has got to be the worst thing you could possibly do. Where already paranoid as it is and pot will make it ten times worse , especially around people. I smoked pot when I had social anxiety and I really felt like going to the hospital, that's how bad it was. So now I won't come near it.


Well-known member
Same as u loner fuck pot its so shit makes you more shy paranoid and shaking with nerves.

On the other hand magic mushrooms can make you unbeleivable confident and also erases your thoughts after you have come down as in no sp but ya can hardly do mushrooms all ya life.


Well-known member

Yeah, mushrooms are great, especially the part where you puke and then hear the trees talking to you. That can't be good for anxiety. My buddy wasn't real thrilled when the walls started bleeding either. We all pick our poisons. I've tried almost every depression, mood stabalizing and anxiety medication available. Those are great until your milk comes in or you become suicidal. I think the only things that work universally, no not pot, are homeopathics. Never met anyone who killed themselves taking those and Hylands Nerve Tonic has worked for me really well. I take an "emergency dose" of eight of these tiny lactose pills which are the carrier medium, and I'm okay to leave the house within a half hour. Xanax didn't nearly that fast for me and neither did Adavan.


Well-known member
I've never tried mushrooms. And never will. But i tried speed with friends a few years ago and let tell you I loved that shit. It took all my problems away. It seemed my social anxiety went away. Not like pot where it makes my social anxiety worse. Anybody reading this do not try speed , you feel good on it while it lasts but it very addicting and they say it kills you faster than almost any drug.


Hey seek , you're a newbie like me. But I've never had paranoa while doing speed. Actually it made me feel better about my social anxiety. I guess with you it made you feel worse. It seems to me everybody has what works for them and what dosen't. I personally will not drink or do drugs around other people. When I do it, I do it alone. The only thing I do now is drink and smoke. And I'm planing to quit drinking and smoking.


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
i tried speed with friends a few years ago and let tell you I loved that shit.

no way! :roll:

i'v tried shrooms once in life and i like it but it was a bit intense back then. it took me from pleasurable hallucination to bad ones in seconds and viceversa. but overall it as good and i like it. Speed makes people so nervous so i don't think its indicated in cases of anxiety, plus you can get a heart attack. the come down of speed might be kind of unbearable (depenind on dose) to people who already has some sort of depression.

Valeriana tea might work better for anxiety and insomnia and its therapeutical, no addicticion, i do reccomend it to temporary beat nervousness. but i dunno where they sell it in the states.


Staff member
Carlito said:
But I've never had paranoa while doing speed. Actually it made me feel better about my social anxiety.

Take it from an old speed addict

it makes your SA far worse, not while you are taking it obviously, you feel like you can take on the world, months later you suffer extreme anxiety, panic attacks, depression, infact I wonder if my socail phobia is induced from taking speed/acid/cannabis/mushrooms?

I wouldnt be surprised and I've met a few online who think the same



Wow, very interesting that after my first post I am now reading this last response. Do you think the lomg term effects of this type of drug use are even treatable by cognitive means? Or are meds really the best option?

I personally don't mind the notion of being on a drug for the rest of my life if it will help me function normally again. Fighting fire with fire in a way. I just don't see how a therapist can help me workout some of the bad trips I have had.


Staff member
I'm not on medication as I dont trust it.

I'm trying the 'mentally challenging way of dealing with it'

positive thinking has worked well enough for me, hopefully the therapy I will be getting will help further


Well-known member
positive thinking is the thing that has helped me most. its just getting there in the first place thats hard.
but as for drugs, youre just giving yuorself more highs and lows then you actually need.