Smoking pot


Well-known member
But if you smoke pot, where do you keep your flowers?

P.s. It made me paranoid in the end. That and my friends at the time were a bunch of deceitful, sly, backstabbing bastards.


Well-known member
ya man...shit i dont even go near weed anymore....u see when ever i smoke with my friends...when i get high i dont even talk to anybody..i just go mute....and in my head this weird thoughts just wonder around like they are teasing me in 1 way or the other..they dont want me to hang around with them and all that stufs...since i cant have conversations..
daymn guy i wish i was in peace...i feel like nobody in this world for me...i barely talk to anybody... :cry: ...i feel like a coward man :(


Well-known member

I did a lot of Coke for about three years. I thought I owned the world everytime I was coked up and I was the life of the party. But coming down was the worst experience of my life. I don't think those were the days when I was cool. I don't think dropping a grand in 48 hours on something going right up my nose is cool either. Coke was the drug that allowed me to be the social animal I thought I should be. The "downward spiral" isn't a myth or a joke. I felt so good partying that I left my little puppy home alone for 24 hours and when I got home and remembered I owned him I felt bad. When I realised he hadn't made even one mess waiting for me to return I cried. Were all different in needs and morals but I think we all know when it's time to stop.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
drugs are overrated.

They are not overrated while you are using them i suppose. or if they have killed somebody you know or nearly killed you. saying they are overrated sounds almost like an invitation to me.
Sex is overrated and i think thats the only thing in this world overrated :roll:


Well-known member
haha sex is deffinately overrated... everything else is fair game!!

i've never done drugs. i plan to smoke pot one day for the experience though...