telling people


Well-known member
as i said earlier ^^ i do tell people, but alot of the time for like my bfs mates and so on..people i dont know very well, but that come into contact with me its just "yeah shes just unbelievably shy" but some teachers know about it..not many...if i rush outta class cos im gna getg an attack then my mate just covers for me saayin im probably gna e sick, or that im haveing a bad time at home... it varies the excuses really. thankfully i dont run outta class that often...i feel that people would stare at me and often i can calm myself down till end of the lesson period.


Well-known member
I hate running out of lessons.
Especially when it's particularly bad and you're gone for ages.

My classmates come outside to see if I'm alright though, I think its nice of them to be concerned rather than confused. From telling them I can be sure in my mind that they're not being negative behind my back and it softens the blow of walking back into the lessons and carrying on.
I even put a note on my desk if the teacher is out when I leave 'Having a nervy, back in 10'. I think a humor softens it slightly as well.


Well-known member
Also telling people makes me feel like its some kind of excuse or something

FruitLooPs, i deffinately feel like this too. i constantly tell my bf this but he knows.

I even put a note on my desk if the teacher is out when I leave 'Having a nervy, back in 10'. I think a humor softens it slightly as well.

lol! i wish my teachers would have been so understanding. course, i never left class. i always have the urge, no, NEED to leave some situations, but i'm afraid that as soon as i do, i'm just drawing more attention to myself. at places other than school, people will be like "aww, where you going? come back" and that drives my head in the sand.


Well-known member
It depends of the person and how severe it is I suppose.

I've always used humor as a defense mechanism, it keeps my real thougts and feelings at a distance.
The last time I ran out of the class, I came back in and said 'Sorry, I smelt food' then sat back down. People just chuckle and move on. Its good, I don't get questioned if I say something like that afterwards (if its one of my classes that don't know about it that is)

I know running is bad, my therapist has even told me off for it but I just have to run, I have to get away. In my lessons I cover my face to try and hide but if I get asked a question or they say 'I want you to tell me, one by one...' I get up and run out.


Well-known member
hm, running is bad, but if you come back, i don't think it's as bad as going out, going home, and swearing that you're never going back! :wink: matteroffact, it might be a good thing that you can leave for a moment, gather your thoughts (i guess, i'd probably be out there crying or something lol) and then going back in with rejuvenated (spelling?!) drive. you gotta do what you gotta do


Well-known member
I am out there crying and trying to catch my breath more often than not. I go back in because if I don't then I know I'm going to get behind with my work. I value my education so much because a lot got taken away from me when I was at school.

It was definately hardest telling my friends and peers about the SP.
My frinds at first were like 'there she goes again...' and my peers were like 'you sure thats a real problem or you just being lazy?'
My mates still don't quite get it. I can't go in the canteen at college but thats where they always hand around and they leave me somethimes :(


Well-known member
wow, some friends! j/k :wink: i can't really complain, i can understand how someone wouldn't be able to understand how we feel.

gosh, i remember i was at friends of my bf's family for new years eve in another state and they were all drunk and dancing and of course, i'm the only person in the house (literally) not dancing and they're all looking at me begging for me to dance, and i didn't want to be rude and just walk out but i feel horrible just sitting in there at the same time. finally i gatthered the courage to leave and i just walked out of their house and stayed out for so long. it took me forever to go back inside, i had to sneak back in and sneak upstairs to go to bed at like 9:30. on new years eve. yeah, i deffinately made a great impression...

eventually my b/f's parents caught on that i wasn't a very outgoing person (i dont' know why it took them over two years to figure that one out, no shit) and they were pissed off and thought i was holding my b/f back. in my deffense he was forced to tell them i had SA (i wasn't around for this, he told me about it later). and of course they thought it was a load of bull. i was so hurt because these were the same people that called me their third daughter (yeah, kind of incestual) and then they'd say that i was lying to my b/f and that i was distant from him in social settings b/c i was going to leave him and was just using him for his money.

it goes without saying that the next hardest thing i had to do was to go back into his house after we got back home when i knew what they'd said behind my back. and what kind of information they had. to them it was an excuse. not fun. ugh, sorry, that was a horribly long story, but yeah. i get carried aways sometimes... :roll:


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
wow, some friends! j/k :wink: i can't really complain, i can understand how someone wouldn't be able to understand how we feel.

gosh, i remember i was at friends of my bf's family for new years eve in another state and they were all drunk and dancing and of course, i'm the only person in the house (literally) not dancing and they're all looking at me begging for me to dance, and i didn't want to be rude and just walk out but i feel horrible just sitting in there at the same time. finally i gatthered the courage to leave and i just walked out of their house and stayed out for so long. it took me forever to go back inside, i had to sneak back in and sneak upstairs to go to bed at like 9:30. on new years eve. yeah, i deffinately made a great impression...

eventually my b/f's parents caught on that i wasn't a very outgoing person (i dont' know why it took them over two years to figure that one out, no shit) and they were pissed off and thought i was holding my b/f back. in my deffense he was forced to tell them i had SA (i wasn't around for this, he told me about it later). and of course they thought it was a load of bull. i was so hurt because these were the same people that called me their third daughter (yeah, kind of incestual) and then they'd say that i was lying to my b/f and that i was distant from him in social settings b/c i was going to leave him and was just using him for his money.

it goes without saying that the next hardest thing i had to do was to go back into his house after we got back home when i knew what they'd said behind my back. and what kind of information they had. to them it was an excuse. not fun. ugh, sorry, that was a horribly long story, but yeah. i get carried aways sometimes... :roll:
*hugs* thats really harsh, i got that kinda shite off my bfs sisters, his parents ar a bit meh boutr me too but they dont..promote that fact whereas his siters jsut call me a liar - not to my dface but to hi and then he talls me...its really hard to go and see them and then to try and act as best i can..


Well-known member
yeah, mental illness is still a touchy subject these days. most of the time if you tell someone that you've got a disorder, they either think you're lying or think you're crazy :roll:

thanks though. it's all passed over but the memories are still in my head :?

but it's deffinately rough if someone you're going to have to spend some time with (like bf/gf's family) doesn't understand. but i guess that's what happens to everyone, everybody's a critic :D


Well-known member
I only told my parents, and even that was a hell of a thing for me to do. I could never tell my friends either, I jes don't think they'd understand, maybe one of them would. I almost told him a few weeks ago, but I chickened out at the last minute. I told my parents not to tell my brothers either, don't want them worrying or knowing that they're bro is messed up. :/ So yeah, only my parents know, but they are very supportive. :)


I don't tell because I know that no more than 1 % will understand what I'm talking about . Usually they making big eyes 8O and say to me : Why ? You are neurotic or what's wrong ? And after this they put a long distance between us , to be sure that I'm not attack or something dangerous happend to them ! :?
My mother not even now don't want to believe me and look to me like to a alien ( she always did it , but I don't blame her ; she's just not understanding ) . Only my man can accept and undestand the way I am , that social phobia is not something imaginary and he try to help me in the moments when I think that I can not go on like this . I don't know , just don't know , why love is not enough to heal all the fears I'm struggling on !


Well-known member
I have never been diagnosed with SA, but there is a possibility that I do have it. I've always been extremely shy, and during elementary schools, I believe teachers and counselors have tried to address the issue with my parents. I did have to repeat first grade, for a small mixture of reasons, but I am guessing my extreme shyness was one of them, although I m told otherwise. as yrs progressed, I excelled as a student and was even moved up to the higher track. My shyness did not cripple me in my classes and for the most part, I got things done regardless of it.

However, I have had people TELL ME that I have social anxiety. whenever my sister and I would be in an argument, she would tell me that I had social anxiety, no friends, and I was afraid of people, and "just to talk." Other students would call me a mime or a mute. Then, my first BF (now X), which I had last year told me "You have some sort of social anxiety." I was extremely upset about this. If I had SA, which I don't know, I would tell him if I wanted to and was comfortable with it. THERE was no way that someone was going to TELL ME that I had it. He was a psychology major, trying to work with what he has learned in abnormal psych I guess, but it still made me upset. He had said some other things that concerned me - that related to my shyness - and I am glad that we broke up. It's not that I would be ashamed to have SA, but if I had it I don't think I would tell people. I jut believe that if I told people - that it could have a good or bad effect- it's quite the gamble. For the most part, I believe that people would instantly lable me - think me ill- and go on making other assumptions that I am not capable of certain things because of it. I believe that if I had i, I would continue on trying to gt better each day and not go around telling people and risk being stigmatized. People know that I am extremely quiet, they may assume I do have SA, but don't ever diagnose me.


Well-known member
Oh God.
My Media Studies teacher called us all up to talk to her today and when she got to me, she put in my report 'Needs to join in more with class discussion'. I don't know what I looked like but she gave me a strange look and asked if that was ok. I just said 'Fine' really quickly and walked out. :?

I don't know if I should tell her or not.


Well-known member
i would absolutely love to tell people how I feel but simply cannot. I'm envious of the people ;) that can. I think finally being able to say who you are is part of self acceptance and the road to recovery. I don't think you need necessarily to let everybody know exactly who you are but I do feel people close to you should you. Having said that I have told my parents-my mum finally accepted it after it became evident work-wise (the fact that I cannot hold down a job for more than a year) and my dad just didn't want to hear about it. He would rather believe I am lazy (I'm not-I'm actually a very hard worker) than have to admit that I have extreme confidence problems. I am extremely ashamed of myself and my weaknesses. Yes I know I shouldn't be, but nobody wants to feel weak. I have attempted to tell friends and could read between the lines pretty quickly in who may be understanding or not-mainly not and I abandoned most attempts at explaining my behaviour. I cover up who I really am so well... However the older I get, I'm thirty now, the more obvious things are becoming as I am not achieving in life like my friends even though I am as capable as they are intellectually! Shit! I just can't hide things so easily any more!!


Active member
I'm soo jealous of the people that have understanding classmates, teachers, and friends. Like I said, they all thought I was nuts. :roll:


Well-known member
My parents know now, but kind of hard to hide it from them when the police come to take me to hospital because they thought I was about to kill myself (which I was)

so yeah parents have known for years and I've let the occasional friend know, some of them Ive kept in touch with but none in the same city as me.

but on the whole - no I dont tell people, especially at work. My work is of a freelance nature and I depend upon people reccomending me or offering work to me, there are never any jobs in my line of work that I can apply for in the newspaper!

One of my greatest fears is that word will get out within the industry that I have socialphobia and depression and that it will affect my career and ability to get work.

I go to a great effort to keep it secret from my employeers and colleagues. Even to the extent of lying about doctor visits etc. Last year it came pretty close to the secret coming out when I had a panic attack and ended up in hospital with a suspected heart attack, managed to convince them all that it was nothing serious


Well-known member
No one knows the extent of my SP not even my bf. Family & friends just think I'm extremely shy around strangers.

Its kind of strange really because when I'm with my bf and family I'm a totally different person, I wouldn't say confident but there is no pressure there and therefore I feel at ease and able to be myself without fear of being critizised....... 8)


Well-known member
Cassie i feel the same way, i wish i could just talk it over in detail with my doctor but i just cant ARGH.


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Its parents evening tomorrow at college. Another hur of 'she really needs to participate more...blah blah blah...classmates are getting suspicious...blah blah blllaaaahhh'
I hate it.