What are you're obsessions ?


New member
i can relate. I have to wash my hands loads, like if i touch something dirty or if i have a bad thought about someone or am in a very competitive situation. Also when i wash my hands i have to do it three times. So my hands get really dry and red. I don't wash my face loads but i spend like up to an hour in the mirror making sure i look just right.

I have this other thing where if i'm walking on pathing stones i can't step on the cracks, i have to step on the stones. I also have to pull the sleeve of my jumper over my hand before touching door handels and when i turn out the light i have to switch it on and of three times and then another three until it feels 'right'. I can't hand in work if it has any crossing out on or my hand writing is bad so i re-wright every essay like 5 times untill its perfect. I have to check other stuff loads aswell like is the door locked? is the light off?

this might be being paranoid but if people cough near me i get really nervous and i get worried people will spit on me by acciedent and i can't help staring at people's hands and i hate people touching my stuff.

(soz that was sooooooooo long)


New member
My worst obsession would be checking silverware, plates and glasses.
I do this not only at home, but also at restaurants and other peoples houses. I feel very silly when i have to check my silverware when i go out to eat, as the other people tend to stare. It also makes me feel guilty when i am a guest at someones house and i must check the silverware, but i just HAVE TO. Also i am afraid of germs and bugs, therefor i will not touch bathroom door handles, sink knobs, etc. and when i see a bug or have one anywhere near me i have to take a shower or i feel creepy crawly all day. My stupidest thing is that when i go to bed at night, i walk down the hall to my room, turn on the light and look all over my room, under my desk and my bed, in the closet, behind my dresser and the strange thing is, i dont know waht im looking for, im just making sure htat whatever it is isnt there. Then i turn off the light and go to lay down but first i have to flip my pillow over. Again, i dont know why.


New member
I have hundreds of different things I have to do some of these are...

If I write in cursive then all my letters in each word must be touching each other and they must all be sitting on the line.

When I go to school I always take my backpack and my purse even if I do not need them. When I set my backpack down the straps must sit untwisted and flat on the ground beside each side of my backpack....the backpack can not be sitting on the straps in any way. My purse goes to the right side of my backpack with the front of mypurse facing away from my backpack. The purse can touch the strap.

When I use blankets they can not look exactly the same on both sides because I have to choose which side to claim as the "top" and that side must always face away from me. I cover my couch with blankets too. I can not let my skin touch the actual couch material.

When I turn a volume or channel down on my Tv, radio, anything that you can do this with...I have to take it down one step below what I really want and then take it up one...so it is where I want it. All volumes must be on even numbers.

I have a pair of pants with zippers on the pockets. The zippers must always be exactly in the center. So, half unzipped, half zipped.

My closet and my drawers are arranged almost perfectly. They must be. In my closet I have a hoodies seperating the group of pants that fit me and the pants that don't fit me. I then have a hoodie seperating my pants from my T-shirts which are also grouped. I only have tye dye shirts and black shirts. My tye dyes go first after the pants and are in order from the best condition they are in. Then the black shirts are next and they are also in order by their condition. By condition I mean how new they look....like holes, rips, stains, etc...after my black T-shirts I have all my dress shirts.

When I am writing I have to make my A's, D's, E's, I's, M's and W's certain ways.

My rosary hangs on a specific push pin in my cork board when I am not using it or carrying it with me. Jesus is on one side of the crusifix and the other side if flat. The flat side of the crusifix must always face the cork board. This gets annoying because it likes to twist alot for some reason.

I have a rat, named Ratty, that I have to pet everynight before I go to sleep. I have to pet him 3 times on the head with my right hand. The difficult part is that I can not let any part of arm, hand, or chest touch his cage or the desk his cage sits on. This is actually a difficult one to do.

I have many many others, but I will save them for later.

I sometimes get frustraded with some of rituals and I quit and try to focus on something else, but I can not force myself to ignore it. I keep thinking that something bad will happen. This varies sometimes it is just a general feeling of negativity, but then sometimes I think of specific things It is strange. I think that I will get a disease or a rash. Or that I will die or my boyfriend will break up with me. Sometimes it is just an anxious feeling that I can't calm unless I do what I feel must be done.


New member
for some reason hair has always been very important to me so I constantly play with it , run my fingers through it , and fix my hair clips I also have to put my shampoo, conditioners. and other styling products into my hair in a very sepcific order. If I do even one thing out of order I have to start over. I also find I have to use exactally 4 drops of soap, if not then I have to start over again . Sometimes I organize randomly to take my mind off things and I write a lot too.


Active member
i don't have OCD, but i have some wierd obsessions.

one thing someone else in this thread already mentioned: adjusting the pressure around them, like sitting down. i always have to adjust myself when i'm sitting down on a couch or in a car until everything feels the same around my body. for example if i feel some part of my clothes more clumped in one spot, i quickly adjust it without thinking, and that can result in another spot becoming more clumped, and it keeps going until it's perfect. this also happens with my glasses. if the nose pieces don't feel the same on both sides, then i have to take off my glasses and try to adjust them. this one can really be a hassle because it takes so long to get it perfect. new glasses are hard to get used to for this reason.

another wierd thing i do is tracing the shape of objects with my eye. it's hard to explain, but i've been doing this since i was very young. i do this a lot with letters, for example, a teacher's writing on the board, i stare at the letters and trace their outlines with my focus. i'm not explaining it right, but yeah.

i also worry about how i look constantly. i have been trying my hardest to improve my appearance, but there are things i have been forcing myself not to do because i am embarassed to do them with my family knowing. for example, i want to do something with my hair, something cool, but i can't knowing that my family will know, so i settle and leave it unkemt and shaggy, but i do take good care of it. i make sure to buy only a certain kind of shampoo and conditioner. i also worry about keeping my body as clean as possible at all times. i make sure to wash all parts of my body in the shower with a big sponge and body wash. i scrub hard. i also wash my hands a lot. i recently got a job in an environment that makes me feel extremly uncomfortable. i have been washing my hands a lot there and i think the other people who work there probably think that i'm a freak or something.

again, i don't have OCD, well, i mean i could, but i havn't been diagnosed or anything. the reason i don't think i do, is because i can force myself not to do certain things if i know i'll really be embarassed. i think everything that's wrong with me is from one big problem in my brain or soemthing... it's like, at every moment in public, something is always automatically analyzing every thing around me and automatically tells me how to react or tells me if i can do something or not. overanalyzing? i do have SA (or APD, I can't determine which) so overanalyzing can stem from that. wow here i am rambling on again... why do i always do this!! most of what i type must not make any sense to anyone. sorry


Well-known member
Constantly checkin the doors locked
Showers off
Plug sockets are off
Chargers unplugged!
Cookers off, even if it is i have to check the hobs are off

My worst one has to be splashing water on my face after rinsing my hands
Would be intresting to know if anyone else does this? is it common?


New member
the frezzer has to be packed right
my hands have to be clean
i cant go out with out my boyfriend with me
house has to be clean
make sure the door are locked
make sure i have a soft toy in bed


New member
Hi i´m new here, and well some of things i do are:

cloaked said:
another wierd thing i do is tracing the shape of objects with my eye. it's hard to explain, but i've been doing this since i was very young. i do this a lot with letters, for example, a teacher's writing on the board, i stare at the letters and trace their outlines with my focus. i'm not explaining it right, but yeah.

Yes i do that too, specially with the clock we have here at home because it has many shapes, i waist a lot of time doing that, i also have to look at things several times until it feels alright, it´s annoying.

Also, when i´m alone i have to check every room to make sure there´s no one there (even when i´m pretty sure i´m alone) and i have to close all the doors, if it doesn´t feel right i have to open them again and close the all over again. :lol:

Sometimes when i touch something with my right hand i have to touch it also with my left hand.

When i read i have to read the same word or whatever over and over again.

And probably what bothers me the most is that whenever i hear someone
coughing i have to cough too 8O


New member
Touching doorknobs, bowls, and cups with my fingertips
The number three (usually multiples, but ones with three, like 33, are best)
Both sides of body feeling equal
Face being clean
Hands being clean before I touch anything
Clothes being clean
Unwanted suicide thoughts
Anything that takes skill (If i screw up while driving or playing a video game or something, I won't be able to think of anything else until I do it again perfectly).


New member
a new and different one every year.
when i was younger as soon as i inhaled a breath, i had to inhale a whole tune of a certain (always the same) song.
also i had to roll my eyes back and blink 10 times in a row when ever i thought about blinking or eyes.
and another was i had to constantly contract my muscles.
thats just a small sample.
most of this i was able to (somewhat) control when in a public place, but it was very hard, and more pressure every time i thought about it. i still have these problems, but nothing to serious or noticeable by others (thank god).


Well-known member
sometimes i get a sort of balance thing occasionaly, like if i touch one (foot by accident, not exactly if i do it deliberately), i have to touch the other. if i touch it too hard i have to touch the other to balance it out.......uhm. is that OCD? cause its pretty obsessive, it doesnt happen all the time but once i 'm going i just have to 'balance' things like that.. oh my eyes are the worst, its embarrasing ...if i blink in one eye, i balance it, which doesnt feel right, so i do it again, and just keep blinking. hrm

i rearrange things too, sometimes in parallel, lines, whatever. And i dont leave them alone, i keep doing it and fidgeting. Light switches, washing hands, rinsing clean cups before i use them, washing EVERYTHING before i use it, (if it involves water of course....i dont wash my clothes every time i put them on....)

I have a thing about 'neatness' when i write as well, no matter how rough, i alws double underline all the titles, etc. I'm always the last to finish work in class, by the time everyone's well into an excercise i'm still undelining the date and making everything look as good as possible. (And if the vertical in an I doesnt touch the horizontal bits,....well it has to...)


Well-known member
I wash my hands at least every hour.
I wash my feet before putting socks on.
I double left-click on open space then right click and from the dropdown menu and click "Refresh" then move the mouse in two counterclockwise circles before using any computer that runs in Windows.
When talking to myself, I say the same thing over and over again for no reason.
When using a calculator, I hit the clear button three times before entering the first number, and I calculate everything twice, no matter how simple the calculation.
Every time I see a stack of paper, I press down on the edges and corners and run my fingers down, from the top of the paper, over the edge. I do this to make the extremities of the edges concave down.
I wear the exact same clothes every single day and wash them every three days.



I have to pray. Pray, pray, pray. Pray.

I have a slight obsession with hygiene, I've recently began to cough out bad smells for fear of contamination! And I remember doing some of the things people talk about doing such as counting for even numbers, or seeking symmetry in the amount of touches when touching my teeth together, but these have never manifested to be a problem.
What has though is an internal waking nightmare where my relationship with "God"? is so messed up I'm tripping over my mind in thoughts of fear, shame, blasphemy, disgustingness, etc. in an attempt to eradicate the first thought which only snowballs the agony. The prayers become formulaic, and if an intrusive (or "sinful") thought pops its way in when I'm trying to pray I have to start over again. Work meetings used to be horrendous. And when driving it's really not a good idea! This is only a brief description of the problem, but will do for now.

Thought I'd gotten out of it, (have been through clinical psychology and medication) but in the last few weeks it's hit home again after many months (almost) in the clear, and I don't know why.

Waiting on my membership activation, but desperately wanted to ask if anyone else suffers OCD in the form of praying, or if not in any other internal compulsions?

Oh yeah! I should mention my dependancy on alcohol to shut down at night, which only compounds the problem. And sometimes I find myself taking gulps of lager in a repetitive fashion whereby I seek to hit a point of satisfaction from the thirst quenching but if it's not properly symmetrical and quantatively similar I have to keep going til I get it right. But that sort of thing, is much easier to take a grip over. It's the internal crap that kills me.

And reading. That pees me off. I studied literature, but as someone else said, sometimes find myself reading the same sentence over and over to get the utmost out of it, and getting absolutely bloody nowhere.

And I've edited this five or six times already so I guess that says it all!
Sorry, too much about me!


I get really uncomfortable if something isn't in even numbers.
If I type something up on the computer and if I make a mistake, I can't help but delete the whole sentence and more.
I also wash my hands 20 times a day and I switch the light on and off at least 4 times everytime I turn a light on.
There are more of those but that'll do.
I'm to scared to tell my parents, I try to keep it hidden, but it's getting hard. They watch shows like Monk and they instantly get the impression that OCD is weird.


I also make sure things are off such as power points and if a tap is dripping I turn it as much as I can for it to stop. Every time my hands come into contact with water, I always get a towel to wipe them otherwise i'd feel an extremely uncomfortable feeling.


Well-known member
Weighing myself
clicking my fingers when I have to speak to people
I'm frightened of smelling
checking under the bed before I go to sleep


New member
i hate touching things with my left hand and not touching them with my right, along with other things...


Well-known member
Damn.After reading this I've realised I do have OCD's and probably had them for years.

1/ Checking all appliances are off before leaving house 3-4 times.
2/ Always keeping doors locked.
3/ Always rinsing my face after washing hands
4/ Always looking for imperfections
5/ Always looking for spiders (Although that may just be the fact I'm an arachnophobic).

Come to think of it, I could easily write a big list.A lot of your obsessions I can relate to.Funny how they seem so normal to ourselves at the time.


New member
I ask my husband a million questions. It is a reassurance kind of thing. I have to get the answer just right, but then of course there is another one. It mosty revolves around his grown children, who I feel are more important to him than I am. My therapist said it is fear of loss. I am going to a physichiatris next month to try the med Anafranil. My aunt, who has had ocd for 50 years has been on it for many years and says it has helped.