who wants love in their lifes


Well-known member
Who actually wants love in their life.. love makes you think irrationally, makes you do things that are stupid

I personally hate love, because you have to be happy in order to be in love, and even finding that right women.. well.... lets just say dogs have better chances of finding love that i do..

so to those who think love is a bunch a bull.. i am glad you feel the same way, to those who think love is the best thing to feel, well... i have only one thing to say, is that u are going to end up being hurt


Well-known member
Lifesnotfair... it goes both ways, bitterness and loneliness can also cause distortion. I've been annoyed by your posts about women in the past, but now I just feel sorry for you.


Well-known member
get of your ass and do something about it, if you stay feeling sorry for yourself all your life then all your life nothing will change for you. do you want that? then do nothing.

i'm not trying to put you down, it's just reality.


Well-known member
what your saying is stupid

i think bieng happy and sharing your life with someone is better than bieng a lonely doomer and gloomer ... just my opinion :lol:

and dont use dogs as part of an example of anything negative, if humans were like dogs there wouldnt be any problem in the world.

lots of urine all over everything, but no major problems :lol:


Well-known member
RonW, I agree. Sometimes people are at their worst when they post on SPW. Lifesnotfair, can you please give us a bit of background regarding your life with social phobia? I'm sure we can give you better help if we know where you're coming from.


Well-known member
what more do you want to know,, the part where i have no friends, the part where every girl that i have approached to talk to has rejected me, and igorned me, to hating people in general.. should i be more specific???


Well-known member
look, i know that im going to end up hurt, but everthing ends up with you getting hurt. Thats how things are. May aswell enjoy it before you get hurt. Otherwise you're just going to end up with a life of misery


Well-known member
lifesnotfair said:
the part where i have no friends, the part where every girl that i have approached to talk to has rejected me, and igorned me, to hating people in general...

um how do you expect to make friends or find a girlfriend when you hate people. it more then likely shows in your attitude. you probably are able to just fine but you need to work on your sa so stop asking for negative attention and do something about it


Well-known member
everyone on here has experienced pain.
some of us just feel like we have to get on with things...and pity those who either do not try, or cannot.


Well-known member
Lifesnotfair, one day i hope you experience deep love. Its a wonderful feeling and no matter what you say it cant be knocked. Obviously you have yet to experience it.


Well-known member
well I'm neither good looking or lucky...lol. Love is for everyone, its just a case of finding the right perosn....which can take toooooo long!!!


Well-known member
Don't give lifesnotfair a hard time its obviously very hard for him, love is also for the ugly just take alook at shrek hes happy now he was a loner.

Being in Love is the best thing out there you gotta try and find it, its like a treasure hunt


Well-known member
I think Lifesnotfair needs to be venting to a really good pychiatrist who might be able to help him past his hostilties and resentment?

He reminds me so much of "Crashmodem" with the same unhealthy outlook on life, and Crash never would seem to take heed to any of the good advice he was given or do anything to make things better for himself. It was almost as if he was hoping one of us here at the forum would email him some magic 'fairy dust' to make things better for him. If I had that dust, I'd not only use it for myself, but I'd give you some Lifesnotfair, and spread it around here at the forum, too. I'm not saying you aren't justified for your feelings Lifesnotfair-- hurt and rejection are horrible things to live and deal with and I think your emotions are defending YOU the best that they can, but never the less, they are still not healthy emotions, and you need to talk to a professional to help you, other wise, it could be a even longer lonely, bitter life for you. You could become the modern day Scrooge!