An idea


Well-known member
Hmm ::eek::. Wow, thanks!

Now why can't a sweet pretty girl say that to me? ::p: Beh! Hey, I'll still take it, thanks man.

Yeah man, you're right - you gotta use what you got ;). Like making "lemonade from lemons" - I think that's what that saying really means :)

Yup. There's a great older book, I should post a thread about it, by Dale Carnegie, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Very old... but SO current still... true life lessons. Literally, espouses everything said in this thread... been very helpful for me recently.
Really you recommend it? Hmm, I might give it a ready ;). Yeah old books are quite good I have found... no bull**** just the main subject - straight and direct :)


Well-known member
"There is no failure except in quitting"

A good quotation taken from the lines above that I'll keep in mind.


Well-known member
Obtain Perfect Clarity Today


Today is an excellent day for clarity. There is a clarity which comes only when you clear your mind completely of regret and worry, clear the rest of your body of fear, and when you completely banish doubt.

Let your choices and decisions come from a place of present mind awareness. You need a clear awareness of exactly how things actually are, exactly how things are in this moment.

Combine that with your inner truth, known in your center by its peaceful, settled feeling. For your inner truth knows everything else that is happening in the world at this moment and its most likely outcome. Add to that the higher intentions and purpose of your soul self and you have the perfect clarity necessary to make the right choice every moment of every day.
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Well-known member
Choose to Win


You are full of power and strength, the strength to overcome your persistent habits and reactions that no longer serve you well.

Choose not to battle. Choose not to fight this war. Choose to end the struggle and win.

And the best way to win is not to fight yourself. The best way to win is to light the fire inside and begin to see yourself in a new way. It is no longer you imposing a will against yourself. It is you loving yourself and doing what is best for you. It is you, embracing your glory in love and warmth, accepting a little setback or mistake with ease, knowing that this will happen, in the course of time, but knowing that the battle is already won, because there is no battle.

A deep inner resolve, a deep inner peace, a glow of strength and power within, and a sure knowledge that you will prevail, will surpass the imposition of will every time.
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Well-known member
Today You are Free!


Today is a day for freedom. Today is a day to be as the bird, singing and full of joy, leaving worries, troubles and regrets far behind.

Right now, take off from that bough and fly. Feel yourself lifting up into the sky. Look down and see how your worries are as nothing, just like little dots upon the earth. Lift off and see how the past does not exist, the future does not exist. All that exists is this moment, full of freedom, full of joy, full of a deep peace inside.

Today, be as the bird. Fly, fly to adventures unknown. Let the wind gently take you where it will. Feel the ease and grace of it. No striving and trying. No controlling. Just lifting gently and easily on the breeze of life, tipping your wing just a little to go this way, just a little to go that way, using the power of the wind to propel you along, easily, gracefully and effortlessly.

This is the way to live. Free and powered by forces under your wings, gently, lovingly lifted and carried into each moment and embracing it as it comes.

Ah, how blessed you are!
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Well-known member

You are Like a Snowflake

You are like the snowflake, utterly unique, but yet also a part of the bank of snow, inseparable. You are one and you are part of all. You are an individual full of power, but your power derives more from your connection to the all than to your individuality. But yet your individuality is a treasure that makes the all what it is. Without you, the entire world, the entire universe, would be lacking something it now has.

You do not need to rationally understand why you are here or what you are to do with your life. You do not need a plan that you can explain to the world. All you need to do is go deep, deep enough that you are full of peace and connection. And there, you may simply ask, what shall I do right now? And faith will be all around you, letting you know that the answer to that question contains within it all of the intention and purpose that you need. Your higher self is connected to the greater swirling patterns of what is and the answer which comes answers not only your purpose and higher intention, but that of the entire universe of which you are a part.

Yes, the answer says, right now, do this. Do this full of faith, full of connection and oneness, full of love and peace, and your one little action will be a harmonious part of the all that is.
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Well-known member
You are Not Alone


You are not alone. You are never alone. You are surrounded by love and caring at all times. You are surrounded by wisdom and guidance.

You are a part of all that is. You are a very important part, and who you are and what you do influences the rest, just as the rest influences you. And within all of this, there is love, the very substance of the universe.

You may choose whatever metaphor you like, be it angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, God and the holy ghost. Call it what you will, it is real, tangible, powerful.

Your importance is such that helpful, loving and wise beings and energies are with you at all times to point out to you the next step to take, to make the road clearer, to guide you along the path best suited for your own purpose.

You can learn to tap into this advice with direct communication or you can just feel it, in your core. Following your own inner knowing, subtle though it may be, is often the very best way.
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Well-known member
Define Success on Your Own Terms


Today, define success and prosperity on your own terms. Begin to build your own life based on love, compassion and respect, both for yourself and for others. Nurture your spiritual foundation and build a peaceful center within, a center which will withstand the setbacks and obstacles which are a natural part of life and growth, making you stronger as you meet each challenge.

Find out what is truly important to you, what feeds your deepest core, what builds you up inside, and follow this, do this, no matter what anyone else says, no matter what society directs. You are fully responsible for your life and you can make it beautiful and fulfilling, your interior world a safe harbor you turn to and your outer world a loving gift.
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Well-known member
You Are Perfect in Your Imperfections


Right now, as you read these words, open up the crown of your head and accept the energy of your soul self as it pours down and clears away any thoughts of your own imperfection.

You are perfect in your imperfections. Your so-called failures are but steps along the path of learning. And your perceptions of failure are but judgments against a false standard.

You are perfect exactly as you are. You are deeply loved no matter what you do or do not do. You are who you are and no more is asked of you.

How could there be more? You are exactly as you need to be in this moment. You are standing exactly where you need to stand to take the next step. Accept yourself as you are and move forward. Be glad to be who you are and know that you are deeply treasured, just as you are.

You are who you are and it is good.
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Well-known member
You are a Dot on the Larger Canvas


If you are confused about your life, if it does not seem to make sense and you cannot see how your activities fit into any sort of bigger picture, then go more deeply into the moment. The answers are not found by asking why. They are found by going deeply into the moment, setting aside your plans and just being.

Here, inside this moment, there is peace to be found. There is a rightness to each moment, even if it does not make apparent sense to you. This moment and your life within it are part of a larger canvas, but all you can see is one little dot of paint. Of course that one dot does not seem to make sense!

But there is a very large canvas writ across the sky, and this one little dot of a moment in this one little dot of a life is a part of that larger picture that you cannot see and perceive.

But if you come down deep, you will feel the peace of it. And that peace will lead you to acceptance, surrender and faith: Faith that you are a part of the whole and connected to it, and peace in knowing that you are just as you should be to make your little dab of color shine out and enhance the whole.


Well-known member
You Cannot Fail if You Do Not Quit


Instead of asking yourself what you might do if you had more money, if you had more time, if your job were better, if you had more training or education, if you had a loving partner in life, if you had more friends, instead ask: What would I do if I had no fear and no doubt?

To what heights might I aspire if I unleashed my passion and did what I truly want to do, in spite of obstacles, in spite of barriers and challenges, in spite of setbacks? If I truly believed, both in myself and in the help which is there for me, what might I take on? If I truly believed I could succeed, what would I begin?

If you will but ignite your inner fire and allow yourself to begin, and then continue no matter what happens, you cannot help but succeed. Will the end result be exactly as you had envisioned? No, of course not. Life is an adventure of growth and change, and if you will but begin, you will learn much about what you truly enjoy doing and who you truly are. After all, there is no end result; there is only life unfolding step by step.

And there is no failure except in quitting, no end to what you might do except in succumbing to fear and doubt. Fill yourself with courage and faith and you will find everything you need to move forward.
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Well-known member
I received this literally half an hour ago. It was sent by an email list I subscribe to.

Opportunity Surrounds You

You are, right now, standing in opportunity. It is all around you. At this age, at this weight, with these resources, you are surrounded by opportunity. There are doors and windows flying open all around you.

The larger arc of your life is one of constant renewal and opportunity. But this moment, right now, is utterly unique, and the talents you have right now and the types of opportunities which surround you in this moment are here for this moment only. And so, you must take a deep breath and step through a door, take some action, allow yourself to act on those dreams.

If you do not fully believe in yourself, that is all right. Act as if you do. Act as if you are completely confident. Pretend to be the person you aspire to be and the universe will respond. And as the response comes, you will begin to actually be this person you aspire to be. And the response will contain within it both the seeds for your growth and the seeds for your success. You will be praised for some things and given advice on others. All of this is the fruit of action.

Do not let this moment turn into a moment of regret. Do not let this moment be one that you look back on with longing, wondering how you could have missed the signs, how you could have doubted yourself and been so afraid. Let this be a moment you look back on with pride, proud of the courage you had to step out and act, even though you were uncertain in many ways, even though you had to take a deep, deep breath to overcome your fear.

Good post!


Well-known member
Be as a Rose


Move easily through the seasons of your life. Be as a rose.

Enjoy those times when you are in the bud, when things are new and the spring seems as if it will last forever. Enjoy the cycles of spring within your life, within each year, within each day, within each moment.

And when life moves into the summer, when you are enjoying the open blooming shining forth, your perfume wafting across the garden, your beauty fully expressed, enjoy this as well. Enjoy this period in your physical life and this period in your mental and spiritual lives as well. And see also, like the spring, how different enterprises you undertake move from spring to summer.

And when it is fall, enjoy those last long days as they slide down toward winter and know that this is a beautiful time as well, a time for gratitude and preparation, a time of transition as well as a beauty of another sort, where the blooming is slower and less full, but yet it is still there.

And when winter comes, when one thing is ending and a cycle is over, be as the rose. Return your energies and your focus to your roots. Know that you can weather the storm and the transition, if you will but return to your center, your roots. If it is not time to bloom now, it will yet be time again, when the spring returns.

As a life ends, an enterprise completes, a love affair or marriage is over, let yourself be dormant for a time, pulling in your strength from your roots. But then know that the sun will shine, the snow will melt, and life will spring forth in newness. A new rose, a new life, a new beginning, a new spring is always there.

Nothing ends. Nothing is lost. Life flows and continues always.
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Well-known member
Say Yes to Life


Today is a day to say yes to life. As you go through your day today, be aware when your mind is saying no and turn it around.

Become aware if you are mentally filtering life, sorting out potentials and possibilities and rejecting them because they do not fit into your plans or previous perceptions, judging people as not being quite right for you before you have even spent time with them, assuming you would not enjoy certain activities you have never even tried.

Today, begin by being aware of all the times you say no. And then, begin to say yes. Start going to very different events, talking to very different people, doing things you have never done. Allow yourself to explore things which are completely outside your plans. Assume that each person who approaches you has an important gift to give you, of knowledge, of experience, perhaps even of love. Open these gifts and be grateful.

Life is a banquet and there are many, many different kinds of foods on the table before you. It is time to taste something new, time for adventure.
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Well-known member
Source: Live Laugh Love

You may not think that the world needs you, but it does. For you are unique, like no one that has ever been before or will come after. No one can speak with your voice, say your piece, smile your smile, or shine your light. No one can take your place, for it is yours alone to fill. If you are not there to shine your light, who knows how many travelers will lose their way as they try to pass by your empty place in the darkness?..


Well-known member
You are Deeply Creative


You are a deeply creative person. You are an original, with things to be said and done in a way which no one else could say and do them. You are unique in all the world, and yet you are deeply connected to all that is and have something important to share with the rest of the world. Yourself.

Do not ask whether you are creative. You are. Ask only for the courage to shine out with all that you are.

Push away the shadows of fear and doubt from your life and open up to yourself. Shine out with all that you are. Dig deep and find the courage to say what you believe, to live your life in full integrity, to be a walking, talking representation of your truest self.

There is a price paid for each time that you suppress your truth because you are afraid someone else will not approve of it. Imagine if you were to live your life in full expression of your deepest truths and talents, letting your original self shine through. What a joy that would be! What freedom!
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Well-known member
Your Life has Deep Meaning


Do not wonder whether you have a purpose. You do. Your life has deep meaning. Do not worry and wonder about what your purpose is. You are fulfilling it right now, simply by being you.

You are standing where you need to stand in order to step forward and do what you need to do. There has been no mistake that sent you far afield. There has been no error, cosmic or personal, that has blown you off course. Instead, each so-called mistake has brought you the learning and growth you needed to be where you are now, poised and pregnant with possibility. And the world around you is the same, fertile and ready for your planting.

And you, just as you are, are an important part of the springing forth, of the newness, of the unfolding, of the birth of greatness.

And your purpose is simple: to be who you are, as fully expressed as you can be, living and being and doing your truth in each moment. This is all. This is much. This is enough.


Well-known member
Focus Your Attention


Where you place your attention influences what comes to you. If you place your attention on worry and fear, or on doubt over your capabilities, you will tend to pull what you fear toward you. If you place your attention on positive action that makes you ready for wonderful things to flow toward you, that focus will tend to pull toward you the people who can give you a little lift up toward your dreams.

You are powerful, but all of the power resides in this moment, and all of the action is within what you can do. If you wish to motivate other people to do things, do it in a positive and direct fashion, by learning to be an effective leader and infusing others with your commitment and passion. Make all of your actions positive. Make all of your thoughts positive. Leave off worries and complaints, manipulation and attempts to control others. Go deep, find your truth, infuse it with dedication and passion and shine out, glowing with resolve, glowing with right action, shining as a beacon for others to follow. This is the way.
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