Do you ever feel that everyone secretly despises you?

I don't know about despise but I often feel like people think I'm annoying and/or pathetic. Of course there are probably some people who do think that, but I doubt it's as many as I feel it is. It's hard to tell if what you're feeling is the truth or just insecurity. They're often indistinguishable because the feelings are real to you.


Despise is a strong word.. I think that most people just don´t give a crap about me.


I think it's more interesting to recognize that such questions crop up all the time and often equates to insecurity. The usual 'solution' it seems is to simply buck up and find acceptance from within.

If that is the case however though, then why is affiliation, a need to be accepted and to have a sense of belonging so paramount to human existence?

I think people well and truly cant stand me.

I can mind read you know.
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I feel like that a lot. Well not really "despise", I don't think anyone will normally despise a person unless they are given a reason. I just feel like people don't like me or look down on me by thinking a variety of negative things. I'm sure people probably just pay no attention to me for the most part, but it's so hard for me to think that everyone doesn't dislike me all the time, even if for no reason.
I sometimes feel that people secretly dislike me, which is the scariest thing for me. I just don't know if me thinking they dislike me is worse than actually knowing that they dislike me.


Well-known member
I used to feel this way. Going to class, coming back home, everywhere I go, it felt like there were people who dislike me.


Well-known member
Yes. Whenever someone that I interact with on a regular basis doesn't I am convinced that they hate me and are avoiding me. Then I remind myself that no one even cares enough to hate me. :p


Well-known member
I don't feel as though everyone despises me, but I do feel like people see me as some sort of special kid that no one actually wants to be around.


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Well, in my year level, I'm sure there are a large number of people who..I wouldn't call it despise, but more just look down on me. In my mind, I feel as if they see me as inferior. .-. It's not a nice feeling, but I know that I have a super-awesome group of friends, plus there are other groups of people in my grade whom I know think of me as a good person. ^.^ I choose to focus on what they think, because they're much nicer people anyway. ._.


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That vocal minority are like yappy dogs going off in the background, they just won't shut up.