Easier to make friends with females?


Well-known member
I realized recently that the few friends I've had and anyone close to being a friend have all been females. I never had any male friends. I think maybe I feel the need to compete with other guys and my feelings of inferiority make me think that I can't, so I gravitate towards girls as friends. Cruelly ironic then that I can never find a girlfriend.


Well-known member
Same! good points/ponderings

I agree also that females seem to usually be better communicaters . Not sure why


Well-known member
i'm the same way

not sure why

i like being around women more for some reason

they do smell better


Well-known member
i'm the same way

not sure why

i like being around women more for some reason

they do smell better

They smell better, look better, sound better, smile better, bathe better, feel better, bend over better, the list can go on...

Oh but friends with females. Like anyone depends who, for me anyways. I could find it easier with a female or a male depends.


Well-known member
Women are nicer than men. That is a broad generalization, of course: there are nasty women and nice men. However, the percentage of women who are nice is significantly higher.


Well-known member
Guys are much easier for me to be friends with and talk to, probably because i grew up around them my whole life and not females. Only way i can talk to a girl is if i work with them, and sometimes i flirt with them.
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I realized recently that the few friends I've had and anyone close to being a friend have all been females. I never had any male friends. I think maybe I feel the need to compete with other guys and my feelings of inferiority make me think that I can't, so I gravitate towards girls as friends. Cruelly ironic then that I can never find a girlfriend.

Mhm, guess its diffrent for everyone. Can't relate to this since I've never had a female friend.
I don't make many friends/acquaintances on either sides in real life, but online I do tend to prefer to talk to females. But what I found more is that it isn't gender per say; it's mentality.

The thing I notice a lot when I talk to males (online or otherwise) is that there is -still- somewhat of a macho sub-culture amongst them, making it difficult to read their body language and speech/typings because their real thoughts and emotions are often (slightly) suppressed, if not completely hidden. Though, this isn't nearly the case with all males, but the ratio surely exceeds the amount of females that are in denial about their true emotions/thoughts.

Perhaps it's also because I'm slightly feminine myself, but that's besides the point. :B
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Well-known member
Maybe women find me unstruworthy, something to do with my anxiety, or I am fearful of reaching out only to be rejected even on a friendhsip basis? I have made real life friends neither male or female.
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Death Rider

Active member
Hm... Nice points. I never thought about this.
I think the thing that bothers me the most about men is the macho mentality, as blackpuma mentioned. Or maybe another side of the coin is the competition. We all want to seem better, stronger faster..(mmmm... daft punk) than others, but in my case I tend to avoid competition with others. Can't say why, really :/ Probably because I don't believe in myself enough, fear failure, feel the need for perfection..
Maybe that's just how life goes? We use guys for expressing our anger, competitive tendencies n' stuff. *Manly* stuff.
What currently gives me most pleasure is talking to someone, feeling accepted, feeling wanted (a sublimation just like competitiveness). This is best experienced with the female gender. Also, talking to guys gives a different experience. For one, you can talk about other girls, which I found out is not a popular topic with women ;D They tend to get jealous. Also, guys tend to get themselves involved in more stupid fun stuff, which I like. Adrenaline makes life seem longer :>>>


Well-known member
I find it difficult to be friends with women without taking it to the next level. If I'm talking to an attractive female, I find that I automatically go into flirt mode. More often than not, if she isn't attractive to me or I feel that I can't turn it into a 'more than friends' situation, I just leave it behind. My interest level drops to zero. It's one quality I'm really not proud of, but I don't know how to change it. I spoke to my therapist about it and he says it's fairly normal to be this way, but I'm not so sure.

As far as male friends go, I've only had two real ones in my life, and they were both quite a few years ago. I stopped contacting both of them because I sensed certain imbalances between us and that we just weren't very compatible on a friendship level, so as of then I decided I'd rather do my own thing.
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Well-known member
Guys are much easier for me to be friends with and talk to, probably because i grew up around them my whole life and not females. Only way i can talk to a girl is if i work with them, and sometimes i flirt with them.

This this and this

This happens to me too
I make friends more easily with males ?? :confused: and I'm a woman ::p:
I just find guys more chilling and relaxing :D Women can be sooo complicated ::p: XD but I do have some female friends, their cool to hang around too, more the ''cool chick'' attitude girls tho:p
erm, your a male.. your attracted to female.. thats normal.
i know plenty of guys like you out there.. no offense.


Well-known member
Female friends are underrated. :) That is if they're true frinds, not the kind who just uses you as an emotional tampon.


Well-known member
Women are probably much nicer than men(generally, men are bastards), but i've never really been friends with any. I've always excelled at quite vulgar bloke humour, which i'm not sure women would appreciate, so i tend to keep quiet when they're around. I grew up in a house full of men so that's probably why i find them so much easier.

most of the women I've known have far dirtier minds than the men

silent k

Well-known member
i think it's a balance thing. i could say that i generally prefer females, but at the same time, theres is a point when it becomes to much and i need some bromance

silent k

Well-known member
I prefer classy women. Well mannered, respectful to others and themselves, humble and intelligent. Imaginative minds are very endearing too. Raw, loud, boastful, cheap and stupid women who think they are the aforementioned type disgust me. That essentially includes every female celebrity and those that follow them, unfortunately. But it's not about the numbers, a single genuine woman is worth a hundred thousand tramps. That cheap women do not like those good traits is of no concern to me, I don't have the time nor the patience for them anyway.

Don't think so. I'm skeptic about whether a real man-woman friendship is possible (not a superficial one, I mean).