Graduate School-I am so conflicted!


Well-known member
Do you have a full ride scholarship? Grad school can be pretty expensive. I read horror stories about people who went on to grad school only to graduate with 50K+ of debt which can take a lifetime (or more) to pay off!

I highly recommend speaking to people in both departments as well as in the industry to get some feedback.


Well-known member
No, I don't. I'm also worried that the level of debt will make it impossible to buy a home one day. But, as things stand now, I'm going nowhere. I need to be doing something exciting and challenging to move me forward in life. Otherwise, I tend to get bogged down in my own misery.


Well-known member
I was a graduate student at New York University, where film seems to saturate everything. (I was studying something else.) I do recall being lonely there, but eventually I found a clique. Unfortunately, the clique didn't last forever, but at least I eventually found some people. Anyway, we talked about film a lot. I think studying film is a good idea, because it is a *very* easy conversation starter.


Well-known member
Personally I'd choose film. You seem more passionate about it too. It's both technical and creative. Lots of ppl in the industry actually has some type of "mental illness" which helps creativity ;)


Well-known member
I was a graduate student at New York University, where film seems to saturate everything. (I was studying something else.) I do recall being lonely there, but eventually I found a clique. Unfortunately, the clique didn't last forever, but at least I eventually found some people. Anyway, we talked about film a lot. I think studying film is a good idea, because it is a *very* easy conversation starter.

Personally I'd choose film. You seem more passionate about it too. It's both technical and creative. Lots of ppl in the industry actually has some type of "mental illness" which helps creativity ;)

You both offered great feedback. The thing about film is, I don't really need to go to school to learn it. I have won some minor awards in the past (so has every other filmmaker) but I don't have the finances to continue new projects. A quality film school would give me the crew and equipment that I would need.

I would learn more in a Psychology program. I could always do film on the side. With Federal loans, I could divert some of the money for my projects. I could also create documentaries on mental illness. Another bonus, a Psychology degree would provide something to fall back on.

:thinking: I won't know until I talk to people in the respective departments. At any rate, I need to get the HELL OUT of my parents house! I'm going nuts!


Well-known member
I think the more you speak to the right people about your options, the more you'll know about what to do. Good luck choosing, mate. I know it's a tough decision.

Yeah, getting out of your parents' house is vital for independence. I am hearing you loud and clear there!


Well-known member
You both offered great feedback. The thing about film is, I don't really need to go to school to learn it. I have won some minor awards in the past (so has every other filmmaker) but I don't have the finances to continue new projects. A quality film school would give me the crew and equipment that I would need.

I would learn more in a Psychology program. I could always do film on the side. With Federal loans, I could divert some of the money for my projects. I could also create documentaries on mental illness. Another bonus, a Psychology degree would provide something to fall back on.

:thinking: I won't know until I talk to people in the respective departments. At any rate, I need to get the HELL OUT of my parents house! I'm going nuts!

Here's a crazy idea for a film: make a film about conceptions of mental illness in antiquity: [ Mental Disorders in Ancient Philosophy ]

Of course you won't. I know that no one makes a film just because someone told them it would be a good idea. When someone says "You should make a film about X," you should reply to them "Why don't you make it?" :giggle:


Well-known member
Here's a crazy idea for a film: make a film about conceptions of mental illness in antiquity: [ Mental Disorders in Ancient Philosophy ]

Of course you won't. I know that no one makes a film just because someone told them it would be a good idea. When someone says "You should make a film about X," you should reply to them "Why don't you make it?" :giggle:

Thanks! That is really fascinating........who know, maybe I will. ;)

When I get a job and money, I am going to buy that book.