

Well-known member
This is my first post. I'm 27 and I'v had sa for as long as I can remember. I read about social anxiety a few years ago online, and since then I've been able to put a label on what I feel, but I've never had any sort of counseling and I certainly can't afford it now.
Anyway it's been affecting my job lately (more than usual- I have an enemy :|, and shes loud and popular and very very btchy, and I don't deal well with conflict) , and for the sake of that and my 2 year old, I need to help myself.
I haven't had any friends since I stopped smoking pot 5 years ago (Even with no friends at all I feel better without it, less panic attacks). All I have is my mom and I just can't talk about this stuff to her.
Anyway I've been reading the posts on this site and I can relate to so many of them. I've been crying excessively and feeling nice alternately since I started reading some of the posts the other day. Thank you for this site and all it offers! [/i]


Well-known member
Welcome to the site Emmasma.Sometime it's good to know that you aren't the only one out there with these feeling.Stick around im sure the site will help you out. :D


Active member
Hi there and welcome.
I have been having a similar problem at work with a co-worker and she has been bad mouthing me to people even though it was her who stuffed up. She has basically tarnished my name to make herself look better.
I have now made the decision, and I think that you should too, to just emotionally distance yourself from this person. When they speak, just let it be like water off a ducks back. Just go to work and think, I am here to earn a living and I am not going to let this person make that hard for me. Once you cut yourself off from that person you will find it easier. Nothing they say or do will affect you then. Hold your head up high and know that you are far better than this person.
Obviously, it is them who has a problem and it's eating them up and that's why they are causing you problems, so just shrug your shoulders and think, that's your problem, get over it. And you can go on being as happy as you can possibly be! :D


Well-known member

Great to have you with us.

Every experience you have had can help someone else here, because we can all relate to how you feel and how you deal with it. This is a great place to find inspiration, help, guidance and to let off some steam.




Well-known member
emmasma said:
I have an enemy :|, and shes loud and popular and very very btchy, [/i]
So I went today, 1st day back since that bad day with my "enemy" anyway, turns out she passed out in the gas station yesterday and had to go to the emergency room and get her gall bladder removed, and shes leaving for colorado next week for a year! (preplanned trip, not because of this unfortunate occurrance) :lol:
Mabey I have her to thank for giving me a few real bad "sp days", remind me of who I am, and now I'm trying to improve myself. It hasn't been as bad the last few years, and I guess I'v just been content being at home alone not talking to anyone, bound to catch up with me sooner or later anyway.
Sometimes good things happen (or bad things happen to your enemys) :twisted: