seriously guys i'm tired of school


Well-known member
I'm tired of my idiot biology teacher who can't even remember the day we are suppose to have a test. I'm tired of the kid who only hangs out with me because he also has no friends at school. Same with the other kid who hates society because they look down on people like him. I'm tired of having to listen to the radio on the way to school that plays the same exact songs everyday. The only break I get is training at the gym and lifting heavy weight, and after that it's back to reliving yesterday.
well I guess I'm tired of my life not just school lol

what am I suppose to do??
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Well-known member
If you could graduate faster, go for it! You don't need to waste time in school.

Speaking of which, I'm tired of school too. Ever since pre-K, I've been in school for 20+ years and never taken a semester off. I hope I can pass this semester so I can finally graduate! Out of school possibly forever!


Well-known member
I understand how you feel, a couple of months ago I was going to drop out because I told myself it would be better and that I didn't really give a ****. Good thing I didn't though, Does life still suck ? yes. But if it's going to suck anyways It's going to with a better paying job.
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