Post your picture thread


Active member
Does anyone else feel like when you see yourself in photos, that image doesn't match up to the one in your head? I feel like it's different than what I see when I look in the mirror or the one inside my head, although I have several versions of each. I wonder what's closer to "reality" or the way others see us. I don't know, I'm usually dissapointed by what I see in pictures.

I know I'm going to regret this...





Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like when you see yourself in photos, that image doesn't match up to the one in your head? I feel like it's different than what I see when I look in the mirror or the one inside my head, although I have several versions of each. I wonder what's closer to "reality" or the way others see us. I don't know, I'm usually dissapointed by what I see in pictures.

I know I'm going to regret this...




Happens to me all the time. You are very pretty btw.


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like when you see yourself in photos, that image doesn't match up to the one in your head? I feel like it's different than what I see when I look in the mirror or the one inside my head, although I have several versions of each. I wonder what's closer to "reality" or the way others see us. I don't know, I'm usually dissapointed by what I see in pictures.
^ Yeah I definitely feel this way. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I think I look fine, and of course that image stays in my head. But then, once I see a picture I look completely different, and not a good different either. :p

BUT, you shouldn't be disappointed with your pictures or regret posting them here. You look absolutely gorgeous. :)
Does anyone else feel like when you see yourself in photos, that image doesn't match up to the one in your head? I feel like it's different than what I see when I look in the mirror or the one inside my head, although I have several versions of each. I wonder what's closer to "reality" or the way others see us. I don't know, I'm usually dissapointed by what I see in pictures.

I know I'm going to regret this...




I get what you are saying. You are GORGEOUS, though!


Active member
Thanks y'all! Though it's funny how it's hard to believe people when they compliment you. But I'll take nice words over mean ones any day (I've had my share of bullying back in the day; not fun).


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like when you see yourself in photos, that image doesn't match up to the one in your head? I feel like it's different than what I see when I look in the mirror or the one inside my head, although I have several versions of each. I wonder what's closer to "reality" or the way others see us. I don't know, I'm usually dissapointed by what I see in pictures.

I know I'm going to regret this...

You're very beautiful. :)


Well-known member
wow you have some sexy lips. a lot of girls do crazy things like implants with hialuronic acid to have what you have:)


I know I'm going to regret this...

I think I'm In love :eek: No seriously you are stunningly beautiful, I hope that's not rude of me to say.

I know what you mean about pictures not matching up with our own idea of our self image. I get that when I look in the mirror too, like I'm almost surprised by how different I look compared to the mental image I have.

I guess it's just how powerful anxiety can be, In that it actually taints our view of ourselves.