Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
It seems that I do all my productive work little by little, bit by bit. I can never just do it all at once. This whole week I've been doing that, and while it's better than doing nothing, I still feel like I'm dragging along.

I was supposed to go drop off a check for the remainder of a dentist bill, but I just didn't want to get up (luckily it's not due for a few more days, so I still have time). I even skipped therapy, which I regret doing.

I've had a negative attitude about nearly everything for a while now. I don't know how long exactly, because I haven't kept track. Probably at least a month, though it might be longer. I remember feeling this way before I left my apartment for spring break, then I was all right during my time away, and I felt sh**ty right after coming back.

Wish I knew why I felt so low and if there's a cure. :/


Pirate from the North Pole
It´s the same for me. Once I get stuff done, I feel good. But then there are days or weeks with no creativity, I don´t know exactly why, I guess it has something to do with being afraid of my own criticism.

I know what you mean, I spent over a year not producing anything because I was scared that the result would suck :rolleyes:


"Stop comparing where you’re at with where everyone else is. It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find peace. It just feeds your shame, fuels your feelings of inadequacy, and ultimately, it keeps you stuck. The reality is that there is no one correct path in life. Everyone has their own unique journey. A path that’s right for someone else won’t necessarily be a path that’s right for you. And that’s okay. Your journey isn’t right or wrong, or good or bad. It’s just different. Your life isn’t meant to look like anyone else’s because you aren’t like anyone else. You’re a person all your own with a unique set of goals, obstacles, dreams, and needs. So stop comparing, and start living. You may not have ended up where you intended to go. But trust, for once, that you have ended up where you needed to be. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Trust that your life is enough. Trust that you are enough." - Daniell Koepke
Internal Acceptance Movement

That sounds good, but even if you manage to not compare yourself, other people will. You have to be as good or a lot better than others in order to survive in this world, that´s a sad fact.


Well-known member
I saw a girl on a dating site, but I can't write a letter to anyone there for the next 3 weeks, so after a quick search I actually managed to find her facebook profile and I kindly wrote her, that "I hope you don't mind, I'm from the dating site, you are truly beautiful, I'd love to get to know you...".
Maybe the message I sent her gets to the "Other" folder in facebook messages, which sucks cause people usally never look there. If she doesn't reply me for a few days I think I'm gonna add her as friend. I just hope It won't seem like an unwanted intrusion to her privacy...
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Well-known member
I saw a girl on a dating site, but I can't write a letter to anyone there for the next 3 weeks, so after a quick search I actually managed to find her facebook profile and I kindly wrote her, that "I hope you dosn't mind, I'm from the dating site, you are truly beautiful, I'd love to get to know you...".
Maybe the message I sent her gets to the "Other" folder in facebook messages, which sucks cause people usally never look there. If she doesn't reply me for a few days I think I'm gonna add her as friend. I hope it's an OK thing to do...
Either way, kudos for trying! keep it up! don't know if I would have the guts :)


Well-known member
I saw a girl on a dating site, but I can't write a letter to anyone there for the next 3 weeks, so after a quick search I actually managed to find her facebook profile and I kindly wrote her, that "I hope you dosn't mind, I'm from the dating site, you are truly beautiful, I'd love to get to know you...".
Maybe the message I sent her gets to the "Other" folder in facebook messages, which sucks cause people usally never look there. If she doesn't reply me for a few days I think I'm gonna add her as friend. I hope it's an OK thing to do...

It's good that you're trying! Don't get too fixated on this girl there just might be another girl that is more compatible-You'll find out soon enough if she's interested in you, if not, move on. No big deal. The main thing is to continue'll find the right girl soon enough. :)


Just wondering if anyone else thinks they are obliged to committing suicide because they think about it so much and think they must eventually prove it to themselves ?


Well-known member
Just wondering if anyone else thinks they are obliged to committing suicide because they think about it so much and think they must eventually prove it to themselves ?

If I knew what's beyond, I would have probably done it already...I am afraid to stop to exist..
I'm tired as I don't know what, but I still have excess energy.

Wait - that pretty much sums up what espresso does to you when you're still up at ungodly hours of the morning, doesn't it? That should be its tagline - "Doesn't wake you up, but boy it keeps you going!"

My stomach is in tiny little knots. One can of Pepsi doesn't do that to me. Good to know for future reference.
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Oh man, I was looking at reference pictures where animals tails attach to the body approximately. And I came across a rear focussed picture of a horse tail, with the caption ''How To Bang a Horse...'' boldly next to it with the ending cut off.

The full caption was ''How to Bang a Horse Tail'', ''Bang'' in context meaning cutting/trimming. I couldn't breath for a few seconds from laughing. Context is everything..
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^ There's a mass of people that text 100 times a day on average..? That's boggling to me on its own. E-mails, phone calls and texts all included, I have trouble even reaching 15-20 in a whole month. And those would be busy months.


Super Moderator
I'm currently being forced by my family to gain weight, after dropping five kilos in a week. My sister, the doctor, is calling everyday to make sure I ate.


Well-known member
Oh man, I was looking at reference pictures where animals tails attach to the body approximately. And I came across a rear focussed picture of a horse tail, with the caption ''How To Bang a Horse...'' boldly next to it with the ending cut off.

The full caption was ''How to Bang a Horse Tail'', ''Bang'' in context meaning cutting/trimming. I couldn't breath for a few seconds from laughing. Context is everything..
Haha, that's awesome!

Uh... huh.

Frequent texters tend to be shallow, research suggests - Manitoba - CBC News

I know I'm not the only one who isn't surprised.
I see what they're saying, but come on. I text every day, so does that make me shallow? Are the two things even related?
Teenagers with blonde hair are usually attracted to yellow things!
Adults with office jobs found to be dog people!
Internet users are mostly humans from Earth, research shows!

I'm currently being forced by my family to gain weight, after dropping five kilos in a week. My sister, the doctor, is calling everyday to make sure I ate.
Five kilos in one week is quite an amount to lose. I see why others are worried.


Well-known member
I wish I didn't so often feel such dislike for humans... I just find so many people so infuriating...

Why is it that so many people who are completely and demonstrably wrong on subjects are so certain they're right? Why is it that people choose to have children, then proceed to dump them on other people rather than look after them, and then think that somehow they're a fantastic parent? Why is it that people are shallow and irritating?

There are so many great people in the world, but they're vastly outnumbered. *Sigh*

Also, I'm so sick of feeling a desire for children... I have so many reasons not to have children, yet they're all vanishing quickly as far as my mind's concerned - other than the fact that I'd be constantly terrified during pregnancy (I'm a bit of a hypochondriac at the best of times...), I'd be unable to go to hospital due to agoraphobia, and childbirth has got to be one of the scariest things ever... I've felt "broody" since around May 2010... It was gradual at first, but since last year it's become incredibly intense... And the past six months have been quite unbearable... I literally am unable to not think about it... Every single day, usually for a great majority of the day... Everything brings the subject into my mind...