Recent content by Egmanns

  1. Egmanns

    Dont know what to do!!

    Hi all, I used to have social anxiety but after years of CBT and facing my fears im over it, thank god!!! My problem now is scarier, i feel sick all the time, like nervous kinda sick. I think its cause i cant stop thinking about things, i analyse things way too much!!! Does anyone else get...
  2. Egmanns

    Good looking people

    I just looked at the peoples pics for the first time and i have to say there are some really good looking peeps. Justs go to show that it can affect anyone.
  3. Egmanns

    What are ur symptoms

    Im just trying to see wat other peeps symptoms are. Mine is a nervousness in my stomach and fear of talking. Whats yours?
  4. Egmanns

    All you think about?

    Is always thinking about SP ie 24 hours a day normal? All i think about is my SP even when i am alone. Also becuase i spend alot of time alone i think way too much and make myself sick, anyone else get that?
  5. Egmanns

    The cycle of social anxiety

    This is just my opinion but would like to express it and hopefully it may help some. Like ya'll ive had social anxiety for a while now. Im 22 and thankfull im young. I looked for answers for years and was angry and suicidle cause i wasnt better. It wasnt till recently that i realised why. I and...
  6. Egmanns

    Is this illness really treatable.

    Ive been trying for like 2 years to beat this and face social situations daily but i still find it hard to talk. I use CBT. What are your views on what treatment is best and is it treatable?
  7. Egmanns

    Physically find it hard to talk.

    I find it physically so hard to speak most of the times. the words come out weak or staggered and it really makes me angry. I face situations everyday but i cant beat this physical side. Whos up for a poll ya'll?
  8. Egmanns

    Cannot Speak

    Does anybody ever find they cannot physically speak? I get so nervous and when i try to speak i just cant and the words come out wrong and even my tone of voice feels nervous.