Recent content by palenikana

  1. palenikana

    Coming to this web site

    First of all I would like to say I am very happy I found this web site, and that I read other folks stories that are similar to mine. However many times I wish sometime I don't have to come back here anymore and hope I become better for the good. Do many of you think like this in a good way...
  2. palenikana

    Comfort Activity

    Do any of you have an activity where it makes you feel comfortalbe with no worries surrounding you. I find surfing to be very tranquil, however this is a problem for me considering I live far from the ocean, and I can only do this about once a year. I think doing this traveling and activity on...
  3. palenikana


    Do any of you hate to leave a message on someone's answering machine. I get so nervous when I have to and I usually end up pausing, tremble my speech, or just mess up. Anyone go through this or been through this and became better?
  4. palenikana

    Telling people about your phobia

    Have any of you told your friends and family about your phobia. If so, could you tell me how they reacted to your statement. I told people close to me a couple weeks ago, and I feel most now look at me as strange and weak (almost like a freak). Did any of you feel like people acted like this...