Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
Nope. Especially since I've lost a ton of weight. But overall I've never really been too self-conscious about it. Over time I've come to feel blessed to have the heritage and the features that I do, regardless of how they may look to outside eyes.


Well-known member
No i don't, i like to think positive about myself. I used to 'hate' myself and moan about it to everyone which was really unattractive itself.
So now im happy to be me and i like many of my features =)

That's really good that you have found a happy medium and can see some of your good points, you are a beautiful girl and you should be happy with yourself :)


Well-known member
I really don't like my appearance. I got glasses, I am tall and skinny and I have trouble to keep straight back. Since summer I started to grow mustache and beard but I still don't like myself.


Well-known member
I don't think I'm ugly at all. I like the way I look, except I need to lose weight. After I lose the weight again, I'll really have no problem at all with the way I look. My anxiety has nothing to do with my looks.


I'm definitely not a fan of how I look.I don't like how slim I am,and I don't think I'm good looking.I felt a bit better about myself when I went to the gym,but I still felt pretty horrible.


Well-known member
Yes I feel ugly. I have acne scars over my face that I can't seem to get rid off. Facial hair that bothers me and I won't shave from fear of it coming back thicker and then I'm very pale because of my fear of going out.


New member
Yes. I keep thinking that if I could change the way I look and not be ugly then I could get over my social phobia no problem. I've felt this way since I was a kid.
Unfortunately, I don't have the money to fix my imperfections.


Well-known member
Yes I feel ugly. I have acne scars over my face that I can't seem to get rid off. Facial hair that bothers me and I won't shave from fear of it coming back thicker and then I'm very pale because of my fear of going out.

same here re the acne scars does my head in ...I had totally clear skin up until I was 20 and then had this horrible acne which I messed about with all time and has left these horrid scars which everytime I look in the mirror makes me cringe (Im 25 now and has only really startin to clear)

also my nose is pretty big and made worse when I was assaulted/punched in face in a street robbery 2 years ago and left with a broken nose and bump now on my nose :/ ...looking to get a nose job at end of year though lol
but yeh I dont like way I look and feel pretty ugly

cant stand people looking at me direct in the face


Well-known member
Yea I've always felt pretty ugly....from weight gain to acne scars and just overall bad self esteem. I've always had a weight problem and I go from losing weight to gaining it back all the time and I have pretty bad acne scars too. I cover up the scars with lots of makeup and whenever I don't have any on I feel like a freak. I'm at the stage where I know I can change myself, but even at my best I'm really only average. I wish I could have surgery to fix some things......but that requires money and I'm pretty sure I'd take it too far and end up looking like Micheal Jackson......may he rest in peace...::(:


Well-known member
It depends on my mood really. Sometimes I look in the mirror and quite like what I see, other times I don't think I look human. It's the same when I see most other people they all (mostly) look "normal". I think we see ourselves a bit differently to how we see others.


Well-known member
Yea I've always felt pretty ugly....from weight gain to acne scars and just overall bad self esteem. I've always had a weight problem and I go from losing weight to gaining it back all the time and I have pretty bad acne scars too. I cover up the scars with lots of makeup and whenever I don't have any on I feel like a freak. I'm at the stage where I know I can change myself, but even at my best I'm really only average. I wish I could have surgery to fix some things......but that requires money and I'm pretty sure I'd take it too far and end up looking like Micheal Jackson......may he rest in peace...::(:

I wish I could wear makeup to cover my acne scars lol (but being a bloke would look a bit funny :rolleyes:)


Well-known member
I always feel bad when I read people's comments on threads like this because I've seen pictures of most of them & they're all attractive people. I've never seen a person on this site who I'd consider to be unattractive, yet everyone seems to think they are. It's so sad & I wish I could make everyone feel better about themselves, but it's impossible. If someone thinks they're ugly, no amount of me or others telling them they're not is going to change that ::(:

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I always feel bad when I read people's comments on threads like this because I've seen pictures of most of them & they're all attractive people. I've never seen a person on this site who I'd consider to be unattractive, yet everyone seems to think they are. It's so sad & I wish I could make everyone feel better about themselves, but it's impossible. If someone thinks they're ugly, no amount of me or others telling them they're not is going to change that ::(:

It's true. The girls are drop dead gorgeous on here. If SPW was a real town, I'd have walked into several lamp-posts by now.


New member
I wouldn't call myself naturally ugly, but I do perceive myself as rather ugly in my current state. I don't really bother to care about my appearance, and I'm somewhat overweight too.

I guess I could look much better if I put some effort into it, but I can't really find a reason to, since everything seems so pointless thanks to my lack of social life.
I know I'm ugly. It just adds to my anxiety. I don't try to better myself either with exercise for example. I see no reason to since I'm going to be alone forever.