How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Hopeless, worthless, lacking motivation, just want to sleep. I looked forward to the new semester, I thought it would bring about new chances to meet people. I was wrong. It's the same old story all over again.

Right now I don't know what do.


kinda crummy ... just not feeling right ... just going through swings of anxiety and depression. its definitly messing with my sleep too :(


Well-known member
I feel horrible and very very lonely. Its almost 12 at night and I am more than ready to lay in bed and hopefully fall asleep... I really wish I could sleep forever :(


Well-known member
^^Lol I feel the same way SleepingBeauty, I just want to sleep all day but I'm feeling insomniac as usual. Also got a bad stomach ache, I have to clean my room becuase I hate when it gets a little cluttered but feeling too lazy right now.


Well-known member
its after 12 and im still awake *sigh*

I also really need to clean my room... ive needed to for weeks actually. But Ive been too lazy and now too depressed. The other night I wasnt able to fall asleep till like 6am! I seriously hope that doesnt happen again.

And sorry about your tummy ache =(


Well-known member
I know! It's 12:23 here and last night I fell asleep at like 5:30. I don't want to be up that late again, sleeping is peaceful lol except last night I had like 2 nightmares....Bad luck I guess =( . yeah I'm not complaining but I think I've been sick I've had like a stomach ache the last like 3 days, it sucks. No swine flu I hope lol.


Me? No I got up, it's true though that often I have hard time to finish what I am doing and go to sleep. Once I didn't manage to go at all, as I was on the internet.


Well-known member
I have the same problem, the internet can be like heroin sometimes lol

I'm just feeling relaxed with a stomach ache listening to music, I think I will probably get to bed soon though, getting tired lol
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Well-known member
I feel apprehensive. My sleep is just not restful enough and I'm a little tentative going to bed. I just hope I wake up feeling rested tomorrow.:confused:


Well-known member
Like an absolute mess. I have some serious stress issues thanks to SA and other things. I've had a tension headache for the past two days. I feel like ****.

I go to sleep stressed out, I wake up multiple times at night still stressed and when I wake up in the morning my stress meter hits the sky. I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS.

BTW, I am referring to anxiousness, anxiety, etc as stress, whatever.
Like a complete idiot.


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty happy for once.

I went to my best friend's birthday dinner thing, even though I wasn't invited to and had a pretty good time.

And then I found some money hidden in my car by the previous owner when I got home, so that was kind of cool.