How are you feeling?


Well-known member
bad :( was supposed to meet a friend but an hour ago started to feel extremely nauseous. No way to contact him, damnit, I hope he doesn't wait around too long... SORRY


Well-known member
awful ::(:

i had a panic atack almost 40 minuets ago and im stil shaknign and i cant stop crying

i dont want to live like this. i jsut dont. i hate my life and i hate myuself. im so qweak

yesterday night i decided will be the edn so mixed my meeds with a lot of aalocool btu i only end up drunk . its so pathetic, drinking alone, wanting to die and i canot even do that.- im such an awful person

and i dont care if i shouldnt werite this. iwant everyone to know thje patheti loser i am. here, writing to people who doesnt even know me how i tried to died an failed. how its imposbbile for me to stop crying and how i hate myself so much.

and it took me 10 minutse to writer this, which makes 50 minutes of criing and it dont seem to stop, so yeah,v geeat-

Aw Mr.Jones Don't Cry *hugs*!!
Everything will be okay I'm here if you need somebody to talk to. Your'e not pathetic and you're not a loser so don't think that. ::(: !!!! Alcohol and medication won't fix your problems in fact it only makes it worse. A. It would really break my heart if anything happened to you, you're such a good person and shouldn't be feeling this way. Please if you feel suicidal go to the hospital or call a helpline. ::(: ! Nobody deserves to feel this way.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Depressed and lonely, which, lately, is nothing new. And I'm at a point in my life where I should know what I want to with my life. But I still don't. ::(:


A little bit sad.

Thinking I might start a Journal here like so many others....mostly to vent, self indulge, complain.... and question every single thought I have.

where do I get off eh? what gives someone like *me* the audacity to attempt such a move...?

Screw it... I suppose its better than continually making inane threads...
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Im sorry everyones having a bad day

hugs Jonesy
hugs try again
hugs graeme
hugs dark angel
hugs this portrait
hugs kia kaha

Squall you need to pump some of your mellow music in here :)


Well-known member
awful ::(:

i had a panic atack almost 40 minuets ago and im stil shaknign and i cant stop crying

i dont want to live like this. i jsut dont. i hate my life and i hate myuself. im so qweak

yesterday night i decided will be the edn so mixed my meeds with a lot of aalocool btu i only end up drunk . its so pathetic, drinking alone, wanting to die and i canot even do that.- im such an awful person

and i dont care if i shouldnt werite this. iwant everyone to know thje patheti loser i am. here, writing to people who doesnt even know me how i tried to died an failed. how its imposbbile for me to stop crying and how i hate myself so much.

and it took me 10 minutse to writer this, which makes 50 minutes of criing and it dont seem to stop, so yeah,v geeat-
Jonesy, I'm so sorry. You are much better than you think, and if only we could make you see. Please do not kill yourself. ::(:

Do you need to talk? Because I'm listening now. PM me whenever you need to. If I was in Spain I'd give you my phone number.


Well-known member

Everyone cuddle in.


Well-known member
Why do I do this to myself. I hate myself for hating myself,I cant stop punishing myself and putting myself through so much pain. I want to give up,im so tired of making any progress just to have it erased in a day or 2. I dont know if il ever get better.


After being unemployed for nearly a year and a half - I may have a job installing insulation in newly built houses (he said my slim build is necessary for getting in too small areas... I knew being a weed would pay off eventually) OR working in the hospital making deliveries around the city.

Or it might just all turn to crap.... I dont know yet.
Hugs invisibleman of course you are making progress:) Rome wasnt built in a day

kiakaha you have an amusing way with words in all the threads Ive read actually. I do hope that one turns into an opportunity for you
also Invisible man try and make a list of what you love ( aswell as your work ethic:)) because learning to love yourself allows you to break that hate cycle and love others.


Well-known member
Not tired. I can't believe it's 10:30pm already. Where did my day go? :confused:

Sucks I have to go back to school tomorrow. I want my spring break to start!

Everyone cuddle in.

I'll see your hug and raise you a hug from whatever the hell this is.

I have to go back to work Monday morning after being off since Wednesday. It was such a long layoff and I'm nervous. I also have to work Saturday during store hours. Eekkkk. Hopefully I'm still in training mode by then and don't have to be on the sales floor alone.