How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Other than wishin' ma sister would drop the f**kin' smug, stuck-up, emotionally manipulative, superiority complex 'n' treat me like her f**kin' wee brother - and less like how ma dad treated me. Ah think ah'll snap 'n' tell her that one day soon, actually... Eh, no great! :sad: Ma tolerence for people is pretty low, family included. It's seems, like everything else in ma life, what little self-confidence ah huv has left me.

Surprised that am still here, tae be honest. F**k knows why? :idontknow: :crying:

Aw, good for you, Srijita, darlin'... Nice tae hear, well the positive side, anyway. Sorry yer no too good at the moment. Feel better soon. :thumbup:
Thank you Graeme, and same goes for you. I'm really sorry your sister's still being emotionally manipulative. Stay strong. *hugs*


Well-known member
Conflicted. Today is Independence day, and my classmate's birthday (not sure if I can call him a friend). There was an alert on my social network about his b-day and a link to "wish him a happy b-day". I didn't click on it and just logged out. Should I wish him a happy b-day and happy independence day? Not sure what to do. He doesn't reciprocate my efforts in the past. I used to send him e-cards and even wished him happy b-days, but he never did the same for me. Most of the time I'm the one initiating convos, trying hard to keep in touch, etc. He didn't do much, and he didn't sound interested in having me as a friend.

I sound like I'm holding a grudge here, but no I'm not. I'm just conflicted: do I need to keep doing things for people who don't ever reciprocate?


Well-known member
Miserable, miserable, miserable. Sorry guys, I know we don't need added negativity but I AM GOING BONKERS HERE!!

:kickingmyself: <---This doesn't do what I'm feeling any justice.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hope ye feel better soon, JuiceB. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Hot and tired. Can summer just be over already? Or at least be cooler? This constant rollercoaster of rain and heat waves is annoying. :|

I'm taking a break from rearranging some stuff in my room and doing some extra cleaning. I moved my bookshelf away from the window and such a huge difference it made in letting more sunlight in through the window. I didn't think my bookshelf was blocking that much since it isn't very big, but yay natural lighting! I tried moving my tv to the other side of the room, only to realize my satellite cable wasn't long enough. Now I don't know what to do. :thinking:


I feel pretty relieved whenever I see an ad for something on facebook that isn't geared specifically towards my personal interests, because that means they're at least getting something wrong, which makes me happy.
I feel pretty relieved whenever I see an ad for something on facebook that isn't geared specifically towards my personal interests, because that means they're at least getting something wrong, which makes me happy.

Years ago, a friend and I did a little experiment with the FB ads. We both changed our genders from female to male. The ads completely changed. As "females," we got ads about online dating and makeup and beauty stuff and weight loss stuff. As "males," we got ads for concerts and hiking and all kinds of things that were of more interest to us. So I've been a man on FB for about four years now. My mom's profile lists me as her son. :)


Well-known member
I'm hungry, but I don't want to go to the kitchen because there are a bunch people in the living room that I don't know... and I'm running out of breath mints to eat.


Well-known member
Miserable, miserable, miserable. Sorry guys, I know we don't need added negativity but I AM GOING BONKERS HERE!!

:kickingmyself: <---This doesn't do what I'm feeling any justice.
This was posted 8 hours ago. Are you feeling better now?

Home from work-Yes! ..getting dinner made for me and a foot rub afterwards. Life is good.
I still haven't gotten paid for this foot rub! :no:


Well-known member
in need of sleep, but also in need of time alone. Things with Mom (90, Alzheimer's, staying here through Sunday) are great, but she is in need of me to accompany every move she makes.

She is glued to the window and loves this town as much as I do.

Wow, I need some rest! It's impossible to take good care of myself and her at the same time. Hat's off to my brother and sister-in-law, who do this full-time! I am running on adrenaline and basics only here.


Well-known member
Pretty bored of staying at home all this month while my friends all having fun hang out with each other. I can see on fb their planning to go swimming, watch movies or go around the countryside with their bikes. A bit jealous. I could go outside but going alone makes me feel awkward


Well-known member
Pretty bored of staying at home all this month while my friends all having fun hang out with each other. I can see on fb their planning to go swimming, watch movies or go around the countryside with their bikes. A bit jealous. I could go outside but going alone makes me feel awkward

:thinking: Facebook is depressing , i wonder why i dont delete my account.


Well-known member
A bit confused... slept into almost lunchtime (which I don't do very often) now it's five thirty on a wintry night and wondering where the day went lol
Plus I had to spend a very pleasant hour at the wonderful centrelink... despite already having a job. Fml aha due to go back in a week >.<


Well-known member
I feel stupid.

For whatever reason, a lot of guy strangers have started approaching me lately. No idea why, since until like a month and a half ago, in all of my years of existence, I could have counted on one hand the amount of date offers I had. Anyway, one such guy caught me when I was alone. He was being pushy about getting my number and was quite frankly freaking me out a bit. I just wanted him to go away so I gave in with the intentions of ignoring him. Should have given him a fake one obviously, but I'm stupid in social situations and my experience in this department is so very lacking.

Obviously this back fired epically. He won't stop sending me messages. I'm trying to ignore them but goodness he just won't stop.
Ugh. Why am I such a moron? So so stupid :(