How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel like I have glue in my sinuses and cement in my chest. My throat's sore from coughing, and my head may just possibly be stuck in a vise. When will this end? I do not like it. :thumbdown:


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I feel like I have glue in my sinuses and cement in my chest. My throat's sore from coughing, and my head may just possibly be stuck in a vise. When will this end? I do not like it. :thumbdown:

Did I read that you've been cleaning?

I got sick BAD a couple of years ago after cleaning my place and inhaling a metric ton of dust.


Well-known member
Right now I am so hungry. I went to the grocery to buy something for dinner but they didn't have all the ingredients and I'm so lazy to transfer to another store. So I just made up something from leftover ingredients in my pantry. I'm now making creamy tuna pasta and waiting for it to simmer so I could eat already whew!


Well-known member
I am starting to wonder without sounding like a crazy person, which is impossible probably but oh well, here goes- if I might be part of another species of human hybrid? This actually brought me comfort recently since maybe I am separated from my real "species". There's no way that these people I am surround by on a day to day basis are of my dna, that is all I gotta say!!

When I was about 14 I started having the thought or suspision that most other humans are robots who are lying to me and a few other outsiders, keeping the truth from us....


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Sinuses are blocked up, got a really annoying headache. Feelin' dizzy an fatiqued. And ma sister has never to ask why am so tired today, ah just lied, though. Since she wouldnae believe if ah said that am no feelin' well. :sad:

Startin' tae wonder if ah'll ever get back upstair to ma bedroom, ma post-surgery recovery isn't progressin' as quickily as ah'd like.


Well-known member
I would feel a lot more excited right now because I have FINALLY had a job opportunity dropped into my lap, but my head keeps aching.

The job is contract (end date is indefinite at this point; I hope it lasts for at least a few months) doing data entry and transcription. Doesn't pay as much as I'd like, but at least it's full-time, and I plan on looking for permanent positions while I'm working the project. Hell, I have two interviews tomorrow, and if I get hired on the spot from any of them before the position starts on Wednesday, I'll take it.

I feel a bit of relief after dealing with so much anxiety and paranoia lately. Maybe that's where the headache came from.


Well-known member
Anxious and lonely.
I had this thought or dream in my mind from months back where I thought that the colder months, the darkness of Autumn would bring out the romance in my life - it was such a silly thought - but it was brought on by my own desires and by someone flirting with me and making me feel special. I tad this thought that I would go to his place and snuggle up and watch s Film together and stuff.
But now I am depressed because reality sinks in and I realise that I have been rejected based on the fact that I don't look like the girls he likes - so I have been rejected over A fantasy. And it deeply hurts


in a VAN down by the RIVER
My thoughts in chronological order throughout the day:

Batman v Superman
Clinton v Trump

'Talk about having your perspective realigned.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
D'ye really think puttin' undue pressure on me, as a subsitute for motivation, will make me recovery any quicker? Ye do realise ma recent orthopedic surgery is gonnae take at least year to be back to full mobility. Also...

Are aw wimmin domineerin', controllin', manipulative, inconsiderate bitches? Am guessin', no? So it's just ma mum an sister who huv that feminist mentality? By that ah mean, they've got their heids so far up their own arses that they cun tell whit they hud fur breakfast.

Thank f**k general life expectancy is lower for men than wimmin. Cannae wait til ah drop deid.


Well-known member
I recently started my first job at a supermarket and I feel so bloody incompetent, like some kid trying to play adult and failing really hard. When coworkers and customers come up to me, I mumble and they don't hear me properly or I don't know the answer to whatever question they had. And every other employee seems to know each other by name and crack jokes at each other and I feel like an outsider, yet again like in every other environment I'm put in. It doesn't help that my manager called me up saying that a certain someone wasn't impressed by my workplace performance, so now I'm scared of making the tiniest mistake for fear of getting fired.


Well-known member
I don't deserve life. One day I will gather up the courage to end it, but in the meantime I am hoping mother nature or natural causes gets to me first. I am a broken record at this point as this is all I ever say in this section. But it's the truth.