Movies relating to social anxiety


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Is that the film called 'Little voice'? It's a British film about a social phobic woman who turns out to be a great singer but she can only sing on stage in the dark. It's got Michael Caine in it as her mums boyfriend.


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Batman Returns... I always thought Salinas character, pre-Catwoman was one of the best representation of SA on screen. Even when Iwas little I found her to be totally relateable. When she finally snaps and tears up her room? Can't count how many times I've felt like that and how such a little thing made her snap. (sure, she was pushed out a window but it was the message on the answering machine about Gotham lady perfume and being beautiful with candlelight dinners with your boss or whatever that finally made her completely snap). The way she kept insulting herself after the meeting, the way she held her self when talking to people. Perfect.


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watch wanted koo movie wesley he suffers frm depression anxiety the musics good too

Blake B.

Zombieland is a must-see for any SA sufferers who haven't. Not only is it legitimately hilarious, but it's fun, it's strangely light-hearted, and most importantly, the main character suffers from a whole list of Anxiety disorders, which he channels to help him survive in the post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland of America. It probably doesn't hurt that Jesse Eisenberg has said on record that he suffers from OCD and anxiety problems, so he only makes it more natural.
Pi (1998)
The main character has social anxiety along with paranoid schizophrenia. It's a pretty interesting movie with a bitchin' soundtrack.


Well-known member
"Untamed Heart" from 1993, starring Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei. I love this movie because the main character, Adam (Christian Slater), is exactly like me. Even his job. It has a very sad end though.


Well-known member
Don't know if anyone's stated this yet - ZOMBIELAND, lol. Main character is exactly like me in college.