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...and a possible female interest on the 4th. Engagement party that I kind of want to skip on the 12th.

Moving kind of fast aren't we? :D ;) Then skipping it too. ::p:

Certainly do. Going to Newcastle (a 3 hour drive north) to see a friend on the 2nd, then driving to Melbourne (8-9 hour drive south) to see another friend and a possible female interest on the 4th. Engagement party that I kind of want to skip on the 12th. Strangely enough I have no plans tonight for NYE!

Thanks for asking. :)

Kidding aside, that sounds quite fun. The social warmth spaced out by long drives should be blissful. Hope you have fun.


Well-known member
One year finishes, and another starts I don't see the attraction or need to celebrate such a mundane yearly event. But then again I am a miserable bast#ard.