Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I'm doing tests with velcro mounts for monitor screens and other such devices. That stuff is A LOT more powerful that I imagined. I just tried to pull my monitor off a mount I had nailed to some wood, and it tore the nails straight out.

It's a little too powerful even. I can barely get the screen loose without tearing the glue on the velcro off, or snapping the screen in half. Hm, I may have to rethink how I'm going to do this.
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Well-known member
Spent three hours after waking up just daydreaming and sometimes I might've fallen asleep for a few minutes as well. What a waste of a morning, but I enjoy daydreaming since I can do all the things I can't actually do in real life.


Well-known member
I'm doing tests with velcro mounts for monitor screens and other such devices. That stuff is A LOT more powerful that I imagined. I just tried to pull my monitor off a mount I had nailed to some wood, and it tore the nails straight out.

It's a little too powerful even. I can barely get the screen loose without tearing the glue on the velcro off, or snapping the screen in half. Hm, I may have to rethink how I'm going to do this.

LOL Your struggles with Velcro
I am by no means bragging, and I don't really take the usual American pride in it, but for not having a ton of friends, I am really really busy. Like, insanely so. I don't even know how I'd have time for a good social life even if I DID have more friends.

I just can't believe that in the course of one day I have to:

- go to class
- tutor
- work out
- cook healthy meals
- do laundry
- do schoolwork, including two partner presentations, two long reading assignments, and a large midterm paper
- take care of siblings
- keep house clean
- take recycling out
- get this paperwork and that paperwork done for my mother, and to transfer to another college this fall, and I had FAFSA but it's finally done
- and on top of it all our dryer is broken so the laundry is more involved (hanging clothes around the house), we have no oil so we have to heat up pots of water to bathe and do dishes and clean in general - with one pot for an entire house, and one of our large stovetop burners is out (and I'm embarrassed that I can't take a shower like normal modern humans, I have to bathe in a plastic bucket until we get some oil...)
- and maybe, just maybe, somehow find time to hang out with someone now and then, or sit down and have a drink or some pleasure reading, or go to the mall with my sisters

Insanity. And what can I really cut out to have less stress? Not much.


Well-known member
^It only gets worse as your responsibilities will get more serious and double when you get married and have kids. Plus you will be expected to do all of it with a smile and have a blog that shows you doing all of these creative projects in your "free-time"...meanwhile saving for your children's college and your retirement. Then hope the whole time no one gets sick or has a disease because who can afford healthcare even with the "Affordable healthcare Act"? It's not affordable. Oh don't forget to pay your taxes, too or they will put you in jail.

not my idea of a good way to live if you ask me.
Drove the Chevelle to work today. Forgot my sunglasses so i stopped and got a pair only they're driving glasses and strangely enough i like them better.
Pretty sure the matcha I bought is low-grade despite its label's claims to the contrary. The website for the brand gives a whole spiel about how to make sure you're buying quality matcha, but theirs is dark green and doesn't taste all that fantastic. It's possible I'm preparing it wrong, but the color... it's supposed to be bright green. Meh.

It's too expensive anyway, I just really wanted to try it, so I bought the stupid expensive bamboo whisk and the crazy expensive matcha powder. Seems I've wasted my money. Lesson learned: leave the authentic matcha experience to masters of the Japanese tea ceremony :/

That said, I love the taste of matcha lattes even with low-grade matcha, so I can just use my powder to mix with warm milk. Very tasty.


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Having some wild and worrying mood fluctuations. Sometimes, I think I'm on the edge of going mad but I have returned to a stable mood. Trying to remain logical...feeling better now.


Well-known member
What's the point of even trying anymore? No matter how hard I work, I can't fix myself. I just keep getting more injuries. I can't function nearly as well as a "normal" person. Why bother anymore?


Well-known member
^ There is a lottery for moderators held among those who have used a secret word during the preceding year. It is held on April 1, so you just missed it for this year.


Well-known member
-_- Some students at my school cheated on the English test, and now everybody has to resit it... including me. :eek:mg:
Not sure. I did hear they were looking for moderators for the facebook group? If you want to be a mod of something I guess. :idontknow: I am thinking you ask though. Like a PM perhaps. If you have a good record.

Which I don't so.


Hmm... i don't know if i have a good record or not. I reckon i have a decent one at best. Anyway


Well-known member
Huh, just found out about this internship program starting in May (just the applications, the internship itself starts in July). The duration will be around 3 months, and they just pay food and transportation. This exactly what I've been looking for, short term internships. I can't pass up this opportunity, but it would be nice having someone to prevent me from running away from it.

F*ck, only students can apply. I already ended my degree last year so I can't apply. Back to square one.