Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Weird.. Last week and just now my lip started to unexpectedly swell up without provocation. It's not a lot, only about a quarter of my upper lip, and it doesn't hurt, but it's very odd.
Isn't it strange how life is all about keeping things filled?
Keeping your stomach filled, keeping your bank account filled, keeping you gas tank filled, keeping your time filled, keeping your social/love life filled, keeping your family life filled, keeping your house filled, etc.
Life is like a constant battle against emptiness.
Basically life is just people running around and doing things trying to be made whole but never quite getting there.
The bucket always has a leak.
So we put up examples like celebrities and the wealthy and we say "Aha! These people have filled the bucket! These people have been made whole! This is what I need to emulate!"
But have they really been made whole? Or do they just have a bigger bucket with bigger leaks?
Sadly this is so true. :sad:
If everyone in the Western World stopped working to get money to buy all the "stuff" to fill the created, endless void, then those economies would just collapse.

Regretful. I just cut off all of my hair, and I feel so sad. I shouldn't have done it.
Oh noes! :sad: They make really good wigs now, maybe you could buy one to wear until yours grows back?


Well-known member
Blue, I slept so comfortable with short hair. It was a huge difference. So, I'm happy I did it. Last night I think I was freaking it, having just done it.. But it feels amazing.

I'm convinced that the migraines I was having, and even some of the restlessness was due to how heavy my head felt.

I feel alot better today:)


Well-known member
I have the idea that the world is going to end very soon stuck in my head. It's always there no matter what I do. I will get caught up in the day-to-day for a while and then bam! it is again brought to my full attention and it makes everything I've done, everything I'll ever have a chance to do seem so pointless, so incredibly insufficient and unimportant.

I get scared about what the "end times" are going to entail and I feel absolutely alone in this because I know it will be everyone for themselves. I've found in my life that the thing I hate the most is evil within people, people who deny the presence of peace within themselves in the name of creating terror and pain for others. This disturbs me so much and now that terrorism and hate crimes are everywhere all the time, it makes my soul so heavy, so deeply saddened.

I know I'm supposed to live my life to the fullest, to find what I love and pursue it to no end but how in the hell can I do that when I feel there is a menacing force hovering overhead, just waiting to wreak havoc? This life is not enough and the one beyond, the one I used to find so calming and certain, now seems merely daunting and bewildering.


Well-known member
It's always okay to not want to deal with a child and for it to be too much unless you're the mother.

I ruined my life.


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It would be nice to have someone to talk to (or any other sort of commitment to another person) early in the morning, as a way to force me out of bed. Being dependant on myself to follow through with my schedule never works.


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Waiting now I guess for my schedule for work. Just submitted my pre-employment papers. I'm pleased with myself.


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Thank goodness I'm not the only one who's concerned about this barnyard full of dung poisoning our societies.

These are among numerous unsettling implications of the “just-world hypothesis”, a psychological bias explored in a new essay by Nicholas Hune-Brown at Hazlitt.


Hence the finding, in a 2009 study, that Holocaust memorials can increase antisemitism. Confronted with an atrocity they otherwise can’t explain, people become slightly more likely, on average, to believe that the victims must have brought it on themselves.

Believing that life is fair makes you a terrible person | Oliver Burkeman | Comment is free | The Guardian


You can be good to someone for such a long time but then ONE mistake can somehow tip the scale entirely and then they dont like you anymore....or maybe they never did in the first place.


anyway, I heard about this book by James George Frazier in a game I used to play called Eternal Darkness.

This section is pretty much about how people all over the world throughout history have come up with all kinds of reasons to basically single someone out and treat them like sh!t while not having to feel bad about it and often even the complete opposite: feeling like they've done the right thing by mistreating/scapegoating someone. its disgusting.

Loners seem to be a type of person that have often been subject to certain kinds of unfairness throughout history. I recall reading a story somewhere of a guy in france during the middle-ages who was accused of being a werewolf because he lived in a little cabin out in the woods on the outskirts of town and there had been recent wolf attacks in the area. just your typical oddball loner being scapegoated for some bullshit.

Chapter 57. Public Scapegoats. § 1. The Expulsion of Embodied Evils. Frazer, Sir James George. 1922. The Golden Bough
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I don't know if it's alcohol, a medicine side effect or some health issue but my mum is bad again. Can't even stand up, but says she's fine. It's not the first time this happened, but I never know what to do. I took her to the couch to lie her down, but she got up to go to the bathroom and fell on the ground. Same thing happened before. I'm not really sure what will happen when I leave the house, since she'll have to go through this by herself, and I can easily see her hit her head somewhere and die since no one would even notice.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I don't know if it's alcohol, a medicine side effect or some health issue but my mum is bad again. Can't even stand up, but says she's fine. It's not the first time this happened, but I never know what to do. I took her to the couch to lie her down, but she got up to go to the bathroom and fell on the ground. Same thing happened before. I'm not really sure what will happen when I leave the house, since she'll have to go through this by herself, and I can easily see her hit her head somewhere and die since no one would even notice.

That's terrible, I can only offer a hope that things will get better. You must be exhausted.