Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I just had duck sex explained to me by a German high on painkillers. What has my life become.

There are a lot of animals I wonder about how they mate. And some I know, but it seems weird - like cows; how can such a bulky animal manage to... anyway.


I know Nate has seen his fair share of cows gettin it on :D


Well-known member

So yesterday one of the managers made me clock out early. Only 44 minutes after my shift started.

I already had a problem (in my head) with the manager from the beginning. She always give me the stink eye, turning up her nose whenever I come to her about anything. I keep a smile on my face and don't make it a big deal.

I finally got a better job offer and I went to the manager about how to go on about my two week notice. She just looked at me with a stupid look on my face and asked why I'm telling her and to go to the other manager (general manager). I figured I could just tell ANY of the managers since they all act like they own everyone.

Well of course my next work day she tries to avoid me and continue to have an attitude. I had no help up front and there were only two customers in the store at that time. There is only a certain distance I'm allowed to go when watching the front and when someone wanted to see the ferrets I went to help them WHILE looking for the aquatic spe******t, dog trainer, and manager on duty. I couldn't find them anywhere. I was still able to see the front from where I was so I kept an eye out (like any other employee does, right?). No more than 5 minutes that I was looking for someone I finally found the manager and asked for help but instead of helping me, she decided to argue why I cross my perimeter and made me clock out right away.

I think she exaggerated and because she knows I'm quitting and shows favoritism to other employees, this happened. The main reason though of course was that there were no walkie-talkies up front and no other employees I can reach to ask for help. I have no explanation for that issue, since I'm not the one responsible for that kind of thing.

I called the company's hotline and reported her (hopefully) and I go back in today so hopefully the GM is there. I just don't know how to approach her and tell her what happened. I may not. I'll just be sure that there are phones/walkie-talkies up front so I don't have to go out of my way again to help a customer.

How'd all that work out? Im curious as to how to deal with evil managers if thats even possible.
There are a lot of animals I wonder about how they mate. And some I know, but it seems weird - like cows; how can such a bulky animal manage to... anyway.


I know Nate has seen his fair share of cows gettin it on :D

Cows don't have hymens.


Well-known member
How'd all that work out? Im curious as to how to deal with evil managers if thats even possible.

I really don't know how I could have dealt with her if she kept doing this. If I didn't put in my two week notice she might have not done it, but then maybe. She's just a bully and immature. I don't know how I could handle it. It probably IS impossible. I just greatly hope my next managers aren't the same. I hope they are actual MANAGERS and not bullies.


Well-known member
In other news, the results for my university application should be out when I wake up tomorrow (I'm going to bed now). I've been telling people the results are out next week so I don't have a bunch of people asking me about it tomorrow or checking it out themselves and telling me the results before I see them myself.
That editing made that hard to watch. Speaking of people being dicks, there's this video from a high school in my country going around the internet, 13 minutes of a girl slapping and punching a guy who can't do anything because he's surrounded.

I'd be interested to know what has happened about this? people are extra stupid if they do things when being filmed. I once had a complete stranger slap me in the face for no reason, this gives me some clue to their mentality