Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
To add to the above, Why don't Burt and Ernie marry already? Are puppets under the same laws as Human Americans? Why doesn't the Cookie Monster get an intervention for his cookie addiction? I wonder about these things too.

And why don't several of them pitch in and at least buy Oscar a tent? Or a nice sleeping bag? It's cool that he likes trash, but he lives is a garbage can!

Sadly, the Cookie Monster is now the Veggie Monster (how lame is that?).

"Veggie Monster vocals" just doesn't have the same ring to it.... ::(:

Random thought/feeling: I guess I celebrated May 5th by doing yardwork and eating steak fajitas. If anything, I feel disappointed to have fallen to the level of stereotypes.

On second thought, I feel good. The fajitas were delicious. :D


Well-known member
having a BBQ later this evening w/ some friends then heading into downtown boston for some late night festivities. let's see how this goes... it never ends well when a bunch of loud obnoxious military guys come strolling into a place like we own it, especially in boston.
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