relationships suck


Well-known member
I hate people who are in relationships, i hate the whole f***ing part of getting into the whole relationship crap.. i am tired of seeing people walking down the street happy.. screw them all


Well-known member
Yeah LMAO I know what you mean!! Screw them all.......

Makes me so angry. It's even more annoying when you see 'em holding hands and stuff.


Well-known member
LazerCarp said:
I hate people who talk about relationships as if they are the biggest issue in life

Yeah i'm like that. My friends ex gf was like to another friend of mine, she would always hassle him about not having a gf and saying when she next sees him he must have one etc... :!:

crazy, and media forces all this crap about relationships on us. Programs like sex in the city and stuff which promote it all.

While I don't dislike relationships, I wish they weren't put on such a pedestal as the be all and end all for having a happy life. Hell I put enough things on a pedestal to screw my life up as it is lol.

Alot of my friends have GF's etc, i'm happy for them still. It's just not where im at in my life emotionally right now, and thats fine (contrary to what the media will have you believe).

I don't wanna end up angry at people who are enjoying a relationship though, although I try to avoid being in places where couples are all intimate and stuff - it just makes it awkward for me.


Hi all,

I think I got lucky with my gf. Since my SA problems started I'd been sure I'd not find anyone. Not just the physical meeting someone, let alone actually going on a date - but someone who would understand my problems.

Feeling lonely, my only real option was dating websites but I found someone. She has agoraphobia and until quite recently was house-bound too. In some ways she suffers more than I do - in others she can manage but I can't. But we help each other. I can walk through a shopping centre but she can't - until we do it together. I can't order a drink from a bar - unless she is with me.

It helps a lot when someone understands it all. Saying all the above though, a break up of a previous relationship was a big factor in bringing on my depression and social phobia in the first place :cry:


Staff member
what a bunch of miseries!

I'm happy for people who have found someone, I'd be concerned if I hated people for being happy!


Well-known member
The things that REALLY REALLY get be is the attention freaks. When people walk by they hold each others hand or they are really close and kinda lean on each other.


Now on the happiness issue, someone who wants to go into a street and gun down 50 people feels the most happiest thing his/her entire life.

Relationships like that are weak in the first place when they have to publically show their affect|TENSION|. They never last that long, especially with the romance crap that goes on. I hate romance!!!! If they were really content then why would they need to be overt to strangers about their relationship status? It's a good question.


Well-known member
hm, i think there's a fine like between the couples that are merely minding their own business like normal people, but there's deffinately others who simply want to flaunt what they have and are all over each other.

i'm in a relationship and i had to make it very clear waaaay in the beginning that i'm not into the whole PDA, hanging all over each other in public crap. no one wants to see it, and that's something i consider to be done in private.

but i feel there's nothing wrong with anything appropriate. hating things out of sheer envy is a waste of energy. i learned that the hard way


Well-known member
Well, I'm lucky enough to be in a relationship. I dont see why anyone else being in a relationship would make you feel so bitter. What does it matter what others are doing.


Well-known member
They can have a relationship but keep that stuff private or less overt. I don't want to be reminded constantly what I do not and cannot have.

If you go into a place loaded with money, food and other stuff where there are lots of poor people who can hardly afford food, what you gonna do? Tell them they can't expect the world to change around them.

While a relationships and companionship are not the most important things for survival, they are important to me enough that I think about it every day.

Jealousy maybe...I probably think like this because most people don't deserve to have a relationship. They take it for granted and lie to their partners. Not sure if it's anger or jealousy. I'll figure it out one day.


Well-known member
But if you got a gf wouldn't you want to hold her hand, cuddle or kiss her whenever, where ever, cause I'm sure you would.
I'm sure as hell not gonna stop doing these things just cause it makes others uncomfortable or bitter.
I just hope you get to experience it.


Well-known member
Currently I can only say what I think I would do. But I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to do these things out in public. I am aware it could annoy or hurt another person because it happens to myself now. I'm not required to do these things in public to express my love. I can do that in privacy and in the most intimate way possible (Not talking in a sexual way here). The people that probably get more offended are the ones who aren't really able to have a girlfriend or partner.

Those people are normally not happy in the first place. I wouldn't want to make their lives even more harder.

Also the point is a big question of mine. What'st he point? What does it prove? I can't see a connection. Proves you can be socially in love? Alot of abusers are WONDERFUL guys/girls in public but behind closed doors they are monsters.

Btw I edit my posts lots.


Staff member
when you fall inlove, nothing else exists than your partner, you are 'one' these people are just feeling that, its not showing off, they are just enamoured.

I smile and think its sweet when I see it :)

I think some of you guys have got serious jealousy issues and are very bitter considering your responces


Well-known member
I like to see people holding hands and stuff. Its nice to see people in love. What a depressing world it would be if we had to hide all that stuff.
I still think youll think differently when you get a GF.


Well-known member
Remus said:
when you fall inlove, nothing else exists than your partner, you are 'one' these people are just feeling that, its not showing off, they are just enamoured.

I smile and think its sweet when I see it :)

I think some of you guys have got serious jealousy issues and are very bitter considering your responces

Can you explain the abusers who are simulating being in love in public but beat their partner at home? If I was to believe that everyone who did those things were in love I'd be a very sad person with a very closed mind.


Well-known member
I am not huge fan of PDA, but it can be tastefully done. I have only been in two relationships. The first guy was quite into it, and it sort of got annoying. Maybe I didn't really care for him in a romantic way, that sounds bad, but it took me some time to understand that and realize that there was someone else that I still had a liking for. He was also very bad in private, though, he would be all over me, and ould barely let me breath. We did live in the same complex at school, so did see him often. But, even one night, we were sharing pizza in my apartment, and he made me share a slice with him!? AFTER that relationship ended, I shortly after, had another BF (also my current BF) and he i more tasteful about it. We will hold hands now and then and a tasteful kiss on the lips now and then, but he does not go overboard with it like my ex did.

Before I was in any relationship, I never had a huge problem with others showing PDA. Maybe I never really noticed it. I mean, I saw couples holding hands, but it was just natural and something I've seen everyday. I really didn't know what it felt like and so therefore I couldn't be jealous or find it nauseating or too cutesy. I just didn't feel anything for it. I wasn't even concerned about being in a relationship, I was too busy concentrating on school. Now that I have been ina couple, I worry that if I do break up that I will feel like I need to be in one, or become dependent. Hopefully not! I do sometimes wish, though, that I were single. I feel like I could concentrate more on school again and also find myself.


Well-known member
your damned right i am bitter, when you try to open up to someone you like and they keep hurting you, of course, one is going to be bitter when you constantly get rejected, and you see everyone else more happier than you, and you stick out like a sore thumb because you aren't happy, your angry, bitter and depressed.

maybe the whole thing is a waste of time


Staff member
MadCat said:
Remus said:
when you fall inlove, nothing else exists than your partner, you are 'one' these people are just feeling that, its not showing off, they are just enamoured.

I smile and think its sweet when I see it :)

I think some of you guys have got serious jealousy issues and are very bitter considering your responces

Can you explain the abusers who are simulating being in love in public but beat their partner at home? If I was to believe that everyone who did those things were in love I'd be a very sad person with a very closed mind.

???? what are you on about ????


Well-known member
Simulation, Emulation, False Reality..These are all things that can be used to trick someone into something that may not be true.


Staff member
oh I thought you were talking about the real world and being jealous of people bad