Skype Group


Well-known member
This feels scary (literally i can feel it)but i can only hope for good things...


Hope to meet many of you guys!
When I get out of my rubbishy phase and am feeling happier, I will Skype you :) It will feel like I'm watching a vlog lol.

And ahh closetnerd. I remember that username, though we never chatted... he/she made some good posts :)

An interactive vlog! Woohoo! I imagine you've got a west country accent for some reason

And yeah, she was the best. If only she could read this now
I don't like to talk about people behind their back, sorry.

A weird thing i have.

You never picked up the dog and bone and give me a bell, how come?
Aww lol. Well hopefully it will be soon :D

Hope I'm saved as 'Twiggle' ::p:

You certainly aren't saved as booty call ;).

You're saved by your real name of course, but with SPW next to it in brackets, because of the... 16 people I have on my phone, 25% are called your name.

(I won't tell the world your name, don't worry ;))
And the remaining 75% are saved as 'Booty Call', right? ::p:
The sooner I can give you a call the better as that will mean I'm back to normal. Just for the record, you are the only 'Zac' in my phone :)

Woohoo, I feel so special, of all the Zac's in the world, you picked me!

And of course the rest aren't called booty call.

I have to use code names in case anyone picks up my phone one day :D
Just thought I'd bump this thread, again mine's pebblesdundee, and I'd really love to skype with anyone, especially as I don't us my old webcam (the one that makes me look as pale as a sheet most of the time and as red as a tomato when i blush even a tiny bit) any more, I'm enjoy my good quality webcam now :D


Well-known member
With my old internet group, I did used to do conference calls and it was a bit hectic but it can be fun. Moonbladematt is my name on there.


Well-known member
ME TOO >_< God I love this idea. Trying to talk to people who already understand how it is to be shy =x makes it a lot easier for me. many people we got so far? and who do I pm my skype name to?


Welllllll, I was part of one on here but quit it because I never really felt part of the group and.... well it was kind of boring :p

But.... my username's horizoneyes3167 fwiw


Well-known member
I was already part of a Skype group from here. It was boring and nobody seemed to want to talk with me anyway. I recently removed it from my Skype. No point anymore.


I've used Skype for years.. 2004

I've formed some good relationships - in Italy, Thailand and Turkey, and gone to visit and they came to visit. It's magic - lost in Bangkok at the British Embassy... get on Skype and "I told you I'd visit! It's me. Wow!! I'm just down the road and I'll finish work in an hour. See you there..."

It's a phone without having to hold a piece of plastic against your ear, or pay any bill, or remember a number. Sounds like opera quality.

Why people are still stuck with bell wire and the cheap, cutout / bad line / no-signal glamour of a sexxyy mo-bile--phphphoooooone completely astounds me.

Not sure what you mean by a group. Why don't we all have individual ID and all have a conference call together?

Skype - Leshiy66613

we have our own Russian-speaking conference.

it will be interesting and fun to talk with foreign brethren.

sorry for my english))