Recent content by andsorry

  1. andsorry

    Stressed, Anxious and Miserable

    I started a new job which I like, but my anxiety is through the roof. Doing simple everyday things has become a nightmare. Yesterday I couldn’t even remember how to divide 99, or spell accommodation. I’m also having trouble recalling information and listening. It’s so embarrassing especially...
  2. andsorry

    How do you go on?

    I’ve been telling myself that depression is a weakness, a state of mind, something I could overcome. I need help. I want tell people I know, but I’m in fear they will judge me. I want to seek resources at school but am afraid they will hunt me. I want to say I’m unhappy and I feel like I’m at...
  3. andsorry

    I’m bored with life.

    I’m reevaluating my life again and I find that I’m really bored with it. It’s beginning to feel mundane. I’m finding things no longer keep my interest. I got a dog, but even the little guy can’t keep me happy or content these days. How do you get out the rut when you’ve reached the bottom...
  4. andsorry

    I'm so in RAGED

    College makes me so tense that everything feels like a life or death situation. I finally made 3.0 status and I’m back failing again. I hate this so much that I have become in raged. I almost smashed my computer. I’m angry and right now so filled with so much hatred. I hate feeling like a...
  5. andsorry

    Feeling such in a bad mood. Ranting

    I'm writing just to let of steam. I had a bad week. Stupid TA took points off my grade because we had different meaning of the word response. Then I did poorly on two exams. I despise exams. Right now I don't even want to be in college. I greatly detest this place. I want a job in the real world...
  6. andsorry

    Have you ever felt you're ahead of time?

    For example with days sometimes I feel like it's Friday when in reality its Tuesday. Yet, for some reason I feel a whole week ahead. Has anyone experienced this?:question:
  7. andsorry

    Do we not matter anymore?

    Not that I am bashing anyone with a serious disorder, but how come when we complain of emotional pain from anxiety and depression we’re not taken seriously. I hate it! They think we’re just complaining and looking for attention. Emotional pain really hurts. Then they wonder why we chose to...
  8. andsorry

    Going back to counseling and feeling guilty about it?

    So I’ve been browsing the web looking for reasons people go to counseling. I’m depressed, but I won’t admit it and I don’t even consider it to be a legit problem to go to counseling for. I feel like I’m taking up space where someone with a real problem could be getting help. I need to go back...
  9. andsorry

    I really want everything to end

    I feel unfit for this life. I’m basically failing life. I’m irritated just being in this useless damaged body.
  10. andsorry

    Fighting my mind for control?

    I’ve wanted to see a psychiatrist again for some time now. Yesterday, I check my Chemistry test and I got an F and cried historically because that means I might finish the class with a C maybe. I want to get my GPA from beyond the 2.0 zone so I could get scholarships. My problem is having really...
  11. andsorry

    Protruding suicidal thoughts, how do you overpower them?

    I’m having a really hard time blocking them out. Listening to music doesn’t seem to drown them out anymore. Also I can’t stop the feeling like there are bugs crawling on me.
  12. andsorry

    Why can’t I express feelings?

    :crying:The people in my life get upset or annoyed when I say I’m not happy. They think my life is effortless, but it’s not. When I try and express that I’m depressed, I’m met with anger. They’re like what do you have to be depressed about and you’re pretty and young you’ll meet someone and get...
  13. andsorry

    confused about life

    I recently ended counseling on a good note right before my finals and everything seemed to go well. Then I received my first final grade an F. I spent an entire week studying for that exam. It has been two days and I still can't get over it because now I have to take the class for a third time...