Did you know you can overcome Social Anxiety Disorder?


Well-known member
Minus a few erroneous claims and condescending follow up posts, I think KC's intentions were good. Thank you for trying to spread positivity... There is not a cure but it can be greatly reduced and our lives can be lived much more fully but it is very, very difficult and takes a lot of courage and struggle on our part. I unfortunately have not found either quite yet. Depending on the severity, since SA is on a continuum, and many other factors, it is relatively easy or extremely difficult to change. I wish it was as easy as a phobia of snakes, where one can just gradually increase proximity until one can hold a snake, then waallaa, no more fear of snakes. Yes, I realize that is an oversimplification, so don't take offense if that is one of your phobias, but some phobias are have much more straightforward fixes. With SA it is so much more complex.


Well-known member
He started off well enough but his posts are condescending and ignorant. Attacking sufferers on this forum shouldn't be tolerated. Save the "Healthier than thou" attitude.
A lot of people on this board are actively getting help. Some members here suffer from panic attacks that may only be helped through medication.


Well-known member
Thanks for positive message, I think you have some great points for those starting to first realise what they suffer from.

However, I think many sufferers on this forum have already tried many of those things you suggest, and despite all the positivity and help they have tried, their anxiety goes very deep, and is not as easy to manage.

Help, let see

2 pyschologists, two counsellors, 3 Gps.

I am regular on lifeline helpline.

I exercise, eat well, practise relaxation and mindfullness.

I am actually doing pretty well, achieving a lot for a sufferer of severe anxiety.

Some of the days I am living are some of the best of my life, despite severe anxiety. Some days are the worst of my life, and I see no future, but I am really living.

Anxiety is a part of me, and I have to be satisfied with that.
Read something last night on web about "gene expression". Basically the science has uncovered evidence that genes/DNA are not the main things that control our biology, but the DNA itself is controlled by things outside of the cell, which includes our positive and negative thoughts.

I guess that means in theory, if we retrain out brains, then we CAN overcome all our anxiety-related disorders???:question:
(Previously i too had believed that we are "stuck" with suffering the bad effects of our genes for the entire lifetime).

Note that I'm not saying this is the facts, or that i even believe it (fully), but i just thought i'd share it here .. throw it out there. It is a very new, new-agey thing! :thumbup:


Well-known member
I don't think you understand the severity of social anxiety. I understand you're trying to spread positivity, but like others have said you're doing it wrong.

^ this.

My mother and father are both quite anti social. My dad i think suffers from mild S/A. My mother to the extreme. My therapist too has told me several times i can manage and control it to an extent but it will always be there, and its more a matter of recognizing it as a part of myself, seeing it for what it is and incorporating it into my life. "Curing" it per se does not exist.

Your heart was in the right place with this. Your idea is good. Just the presentation was a bit....off.


Well-known member
Read something last night on web about "gene expression". Basically the science has uncovered evidence that genes/DNA are not the main things that control our biology, but the DNA itself is controlled by things outside of the cell, which includes our positive and negative thoughts.

I guess that means in theory, if we retrain out brains, then we CAN overcome all our anxiety-related disorders???:question:
(Previously i too had believed that we are "stuck" with suffering the bad effects of our genes for the entire lifetime).

Note that I'm not saying this is the facts, or that i even believe it (fully), but i just thought i'd share it here .. throw it out there. It is a very new, new-agey thing! :thumbup:

That sounds very interesting. Can you let me know where to find it?


Active member
Minus a few erroneous claims and condescending follow up posts, I think KC's intentions were good. Thank you for trying to spread positivity... There is not a cure but it can be greatly reduced and our lives can be lived much more fully but it is very, very difficult and takes a lot of courage and struggle on our part. I unfortunately have not found either quite yet. Depending on the severity, since SA is on a continuum, and many other factors, it is relatively easy or extremely difficult to change. I wish it was as easy as a phobia of snakes, where one can just gradually increase proximity until one can hold a snake, then waallaa, no more fear of snakes. Yes, I realize that is an oversimplification, so don't take offense if that is one of your phobias, but some phobias are have much more straightforward fixes. With SA it is so much more complex.

For some, it might be a difficult road, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Negativity can make it seem like it can be rough -- but I promise if you just put your best foot forward and don't give up and keep trying and work with a professional to guide you -- and really try your best, things will work out. Don't give up, be positive, and find that purpose or meaning that keeps you going.

Of course it's never simple -- I never said it was. But if you keep a couple tips and be knowledgable, understand more, and really get outside help and maybe from professionals and really help yourself, you will get better. Some things might work and some things might not but you will never know unless you try.

You got this!


Active member
I just feel like people on Social Anxiety Disorder forums act like it's the end of the world or basically feel like there's no hope. There's always hope and there's always a way to get help and these forums are all full of posts that just promote Social Anxiety more.

Get out there and be around positive people who don't have the disorder. I just want to spread positivity and realism a little bit here and there, I think it's healthy.
I just feel like people on Social Anxiety Disorder forums act like it's the end of the world or basically feel like there's no hope. There's always hope and there's always a way to get help and these forums are all full of posts that just promote Social Anxiety more.

Get out there and be around positive people who don't have the disorder. I just want to spread positivity and realism a little bit here and there, I think it's healthy.

It really isn't that easy. I'm terrified enough just going through my backyard sometimes.


Well-known member
For some, it might be a difficult road, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Negativity can make it seem like it can be rough -- but I promise if you just put your best foot forward and don't give up and keep trying and work with a professional to guide you -- and really try your best, things will work out. Don't give up, be positive, and find that purpose or meaning that keeps you going.

Of course it's never simple -- I never said it was. But if you keep a couple tips and be knowledgable, understand more, and really get outside help and maybe from professionals and really help yourself, you will get better. Some things might work and some things might not but you will never know unless you try.

You got this!

There isn't anything I am more knowledgeable about. The problem isn't knowledge. It is the lack of support. I have tried, but not nearly enough. The behavioral part of CBT scares the **** out of me. I know you mean well when you say "you will never know unless you try" but that kind of talk is what people were getting so upset about. I am going to take the high though, and just say that we are fully aware that we must try and I am sure most of us have tried. If I had never gotten fired from my last job, I would still be seeing my oh so amazing shrink and I would probably be a lot further down the road to recovery. Unfortunately, I am all alone and can't afford help without insurance, which makes it infinitely harder.


Active member
Sometimes it isn't that easy, I'm not saying that at all. But instead of being so negative, be positive. A positive attitude and outlook will help you get over this and help you so much in life in general.

There isn't anything I am more knowledgeable about. The problem isn't knowledge. It is the lack of support. I have tried, but not nearly enough. The behavioral part of CBT scares the **** out of me. I know you mean well when you say "you will never know unless you try" but that kind of talk is what people were getting so upset about. I am going to take the high though, and just say that we are fully aware that we must try and I am sure most of us have tried. If I had never gotten fired from my last job, I would still be seeing my oh so amazing shrink and I would probably be a lot further down the road to recovery. Unfortunately, I am all alone and can't afford help without insurance, which makes it infinitely harder.

Don't feel like you're hopeless -- I am sure there is at least one trusted person or someone you can talk to about this. If not, then there are plenty of free 24/7 local/state & country hotlines where you can talk about your mental health problems and they will care and help you work out a plan to get better and answer any questions. Talking it out with someone sometimes really helps us.

They are many, MANY solutions out there. Even some mental health offices have sliding scales, so save a little money here and there every month and use it towards the office. Keep searching, you have an internet and a computer and unlimited resources out there. Some therapy sessions over online cost as little as $15 per session. Keep telling each office your situation, and if it's truly hard, I'm sure someone will help you out. You just NEVER know unless you try. I know with your perception it's hard to realize this but I promise you there is always hope.

Don't think that you are alone -- you are most definitely not. That's why they have mental health help all over the world, especially now in 2013. Don't let your guard or hope down. There are so many resources, especially just to talk to someone and let all your real feelings and thoughts out and relate to someone. Don't be so close minded. You have to find that purpose and philospohical meaning in your life and pursue it.

Keep researching online about your problems and how other people overcame them. This isn't cancer. This is Social Anxiety Disorder. You HAVE options and you can overcome them, or live a happy and successful life without this ever bothering you again. You don't have to think about it or get to that point where you don't know what to do again. That's why there's so much help out there.

Trust me, you can do this. You have to keep trying and don't give up. If you don't have insurance at the moment then work around it. Think outside the box. Help yourself. You are the only one who can change anything, not anyone else. Professionals can guide you. But it's up to you if you want to get better and let someone else let you get better.

I can only argue with someone with a negative settled mindset so much -- I promise you there's hope.


Well-known member
So, you post on social anxiety websites why exactly? On the other site you posted on you said you did have SA but on this one you're saying you haven't. You're either a troll or a bit mentally disturbed because no normal person trawls mental health websites and lies about having SA. I'm really not sure what your purpose is but it's getting irritating. It's like you just copy and paste the same generic responses over and over again.
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Active member
What are you talking about??! I thought I did have Social Anxiety Disorder (stop saying SA, social anxiety is just social anxiety in general, social anxiety disorder is the disorder) but it turns out I think I just had really bad depression. Maybe with a few bad anxious spells thrown in.

I'm not a troll in anyway, I just want to spread positivity. I want you guys to understand that you don't have to live like this even though these forums suggest that it's something normal and that help isn't ok.

WELL, help is OK and you can overcome this and get treatment. Just take it for what it is! Why are you still on here? Because you feel like this isn't something you can get help for?! That's bullcrap, you always get help and get better. I just wanted to spread the knowledge. Knowledge is power and so is understanding, and positivity.