Has anyone ever been in love or had someone else fall in love with them?


New member
I've been in love once! I was with him for 3 years! Best years of my life! I felt so alive! No man has ever made me feel that comfortable like the way he did. Unfortunately we had to break up cuz i was moving to another city. Been single for a year now and haven't found anybody that is worth keeping. Every time i go on dates the guy always makes me feel uncomfortable and wanting to just end the date. Any tips on how to improve my dating life?


Well-known member
I'm in love and have been almost 2 years. I've never been in love before that. I almost lost my love once and I can tell you that when you are losing something very dear and important, you WILL notice how much you REALLY care about them/her/him.

That day was the most horrible day ever in my life. Luckily I didn't lose her. Now we are fine again. ::eek::


Well-known member
I've been in love oh yes, but have i been loved? I very much doubt i have.

Being unloved is porbably the most painfull feelings in life. People say that you don't really need anyone and you should learn to love yourself, but i believe that a person cannot be truly happy without somone who loves them.


Well-known member
Any tips on how to improve my dating life?
There's no real trick. Trial and error, basically.

I have loved. The first girl I really loved broke my heart. I think that has set me back a bit.

Girls have loved me, too, especially my ex. I was a fool.


Well-known member
No one ever loved me in the tiniest. Probably no one ever will, the way I am right now and the way I'm progressing, I'll have to learn to live alone.
I thought that I experienced love with someone once, but it turned out to be just smoke and mirrors on their part.
Once bitten, twice as shy :/


For the first time in my entire life, someone told me THEY had a crush on ME last weekend.

It's nice. :)

I have seen your picture.. I can understand why. I am happy for you :)

Ummm... No I dont think anyone has been in love with me. I thought maybe I loved this girl once, but I think perhaps I just loved the way she made me feel about myself

Young and stupid - I learn...clumsily.


Well-known member
no, not ever have I been in love. I have not had any serious relationships yet, either. I am looking for one, though :) And I guess that's my problem: I want it too much. That's never a good thing. So I would guess it's not going to happen anytime soon. Not until I change myself.


Well-known member
I'm not 100% positive that I'm actually in love with this one person that I've been thinking about for over 3 years... so I'd have to say no to that. As for the second one, I'm also not 100% positive that anyone's ever been in love with me. But that's not to say that I've never felt something quite close to love that it didn't give me the least bit of heartache. 'Cause not ever knowing if there's someone out there who could be in love with me is heartbreaking at times but I think it's almost the same as having been almost-in love with someone and knowing that they don't feel the same way. :-( *sigh*

Well, sometimes the feeling doesn't last forever and that's fine. There are many things in this life to be just as worthwhile and enduring. I can be in love with music, art, nature, and things that I used to take for granted when people around you fail to give you what you need.


Well-known member
I was loved deeply by a man for 4 years. We were both intensely infatuated with each other. We had many awesome experiences together. He always called me is angel and said I was meant to be his....It was nice being so special to someone...I'm so angry at myself for letting him down....That man gave me everything he could possibly give, he loved me with fierce passion. He treated me like the best gift that could have ever been given, I was lucky to be loved so much by someone even if it didn't last. This is where the horrible guilt comes in; I didn't love him.. This man was amazing to me, but it wasn't good enough for me, I guess. I couldn't feel worse about it. He would tell me how much he loves me and I just didn't feel the same. It took me 4 years to realize that.. I destroyed that poor guy...I didn't mean to....


At one point I thought I was, but I'm so young, how could I really know! It was nice while it lasted. He lived in Australia, and I live in the US. It was all going alright until I actually met him in person. There wasn't anything wrong with him or anything, he was exactly the same. I think it was just that I had realized that I didn't love him the way I thought I did.

I don't regret dating him, though. Just wish we could have stayed better friends after it was all said and done. I really miss being his friend.