How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Pms. The noise. I feel
Reading these sorts of posts make me so glad to be male! Take care of yourself, Dottie.

I've really been struggling the past few days. I just wish I had something to live for that gave me hope and a real sense of purpose and motivation.
Sorry to hear this. College not doing it for you?

My PC died without warning, it has a lot of programs like photoshop, all my photos and documents.
I hope you backed up all your items! You have too many good photos to lose!


Well-known member
I'm feeling very good! Better than I should be after consecutive nights of less than six hours sleep, haha.


Well-known member
I really wish I had some sort of purpose or direction in life. I feel like I'm just aimlessly going through the routines each day with no motivation whatsoever. I look down on myself for not having the same optimism and energy that all my peers have, and all the things outside of school they do. They all seem so determined and certain of what their future entails. Meanwhile, I have little interest in academics or anything at all really and I have to submit my uni course applications by the end of next month.

My mum wants me to do medicine. She doesn't say or admit it directly, but I know she just wants me to do med, mostly because of the supposed job prospects and job security in the healthcare sector. And if not med, then biomedical science or something similar. Knowing myself, I probably will end up succumbing to her expectations and just do it, even though I have no real passion for it. Then again, I have no real passion for anything at uni or even at a technical college, no dream career or job, nothing to strive towards at all.

I'm only 17 years old, I simply don't understand how anyone could come to an informed decision of what they wanted to do in the next ten years of their life at this age. And in the past few years, I feel like I've made zero progress. I'm still socially stunted, deathly skinny and an absolute train wreck. I just don't have many qualities that could be seen as admirable in the Westernised society I live in. I'm crippled by stigma and can't bring myself to get off my *** and do something about my complacency and apathy.

Lastly, I also feel guilty about all of this. I had the same chances and opportunities as everyone else, and all I had to do was say yes and accept and give it a go, but I keep refusing because I'm too afraid of change. Other people have so many more obligations and jobs to keep up with, while I have neither. I feel like I should have no excuse to be whining about my life, or whether my issues are anything more than just typical teenage angst.

I just want everyone to shut up about careers and school and university entrance scores and valedictory dinners for just a moment. I can't remember the last time where I was truly relaxed. There's just always something in the back of my head to worry about, always something.

/end rant


Well-known member
Not too bad, actually. I just recently got over the hump so to speak of being in kind of a funk for the last couple of days.


Well-known member
I'm feeling very good! Better than I should be after consecutive nights of less than six hours sleep, haha.

Urgh, I hate having to wake up after minimal sleep :thumbdown:

Meanwhile, I have little interest in academics or anything at all really and I have to submit my uni course applications by the end of next month.

Have you considered taking a gap year?

Same here. :sad:

It was truly shocking

Pretty good, we had to do role-playing in class today with actors playing angry and emotional parents. Not only was I not anxious, it was actually fun.

Good on you! I hate having to interact in classes


Well-known member
I have been thinking. And nothing new about that. I read a question on www,
Q) Are you doing what you want to do?
My answer) I don't know what I want to do!

Hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I laughed and cried at my well aimlessness.
Its so astonishing to me that I really don't know what I want to do. Since morning or since a long long time back, I am thinking of this question, what I want to do??
And no answer. Is it possible a human can exist without an aim or purpose.
I can't figure out my aim, purpose, calling etc or a simple answer that tells me what I want to do.
bah I hurt my neck and its crap. Stupid yogalates class a week ago trying to be (bunnyears) "constructive" I felt it strain and then it was fine for a few days and then the last three days pain. horrible pain, getting old is shi* making studying incredibly difficult


Well-known member
Reading these sorts of posts make me so glad to be male! Take care of yourself, Dottie.

Sorry to hear this. College not doing it for you?

I hope you backed up all your items! You have too many good photos to lose!

I haven't backed up as much as a I would like, Mikey. I have some photos and documents on thumb drives. Man, I hope I can re-load photoshop its pretty expensive, brings me lots of joy too.
^For the life of me, I can't figure out why no big Pharma company has not yet produced a proper cure for PMS. They would make billions upon billions of $$$$$ from it. I would buy it no matter how much it cost!
(I know Evening Primrose helps, but it only makes a tiny difference)
I hope it passes soon for you dottie.

here here

I have a question about the primrose oil though. Because I've often heard people say get this oil or that oil for this thing or the other thing. But then, when I go to a pharmacy I see these teeny tiny bottles about 5mL or 15mL at most. I'd like to start trying this essential oils thing but what do you with them? :thinking: I dunno whether to burn it or snort it or leave the teeny tiny bottle out for the borrowers:eek:mg::giggle:
here here

I have a question about the primrose oil though. Because I've often heard people say get this oil or that oil for this thing or the other thing. But then, when I go to a pharmacy I see these teeny tiny bottles about 5mL or 15mL at most. I'd like to start trying this essential oils thing but what do you with them? :thinking: I dunno whether to burn it or snort it or leave the teeny tiny bottle out for the borrowers:eek:mg::giggle:
^Lol, joule :p
You can get it in capsule form. Just swallow it with water like a vitamin pill.

It has (GLA) in it. They have found that women have low levels of (GLA) while experiencing PMS.
^Lol, joule :p
You can get it in capsule form. Just swallow it with water like a vitamin pill

It has (GLA) in it. They have found that women have low levels of (GLA) while experiencing PMS.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh haha capsules that makes more sense.

:thinking:. o O I wonder what the teeny tiny bottles are for