How are you feeling?

just overwhelmed with too many things. pretty much hit rock bottom.

Speak your mind. Freely. Hold not one thing back.

Sometimes, with my Magnum, feel like I should speed into life-corruption and destroy everything it has done.

Spend more time with Magnum than I do anyone else.


Well-known member
...Like $h!t!::(: I've felt depressed all night over nothing in particular. And I'm ssooo tired right now but it's to a point where I'm too lazy to drag my ass around and do what I need to so I can just go to bed. I have to be up early too. Dammit!!!!!!!!!:mad:


Rock bottom, to me, feels like a frightening free fall.

I felt rock bottom this past Monday, and thank God it passed overnight. I told myself banish resentment towards others and of myself for a day so to ward off another onset of depression. The following Tuesday was one of the better days at work I've had in a while.

Right now, I am feeling happy just writing a post after a couple of beers.


Spent the last three days in my room playing video games, guitar and drinking dr peppers. I feel gross and bloated and think I am going to be violently sick. Sadly this is the highlight of my week.


Left out. However considering that I really was left out it's expected that I should feel this way.


Oh well, their loss is our gain, what were you left out on?

Eh...I sent an aquaintance from school a text asking what she was doing this weekend, I never got a reply and saw today on facebook that she and a couple of other people I know were hanging out last night. I would have really liked to chill with them too ya know?
Quite crappy ::(: i'm currently down to 1 friend now. ::(: The other friends i've known for years seem to have lost interest in me since i've been going through another rough patch with depression. I guess i don't need people like that in my life eh? friends are suppose to care right? ::(:

Yeah... friends are supposed to care... but it's a busy world today. A mad rat race... sigh...
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Like having a great workout routine, burning all the fat and building back some of my lost muscle :D. Feeling like torturing my body through exercise to make it stronger :)

Good feeling, would recommend exercising to anyone, in whatever form or manner that you can perform it ;)
Like having a great workout routine, burning all the fat and building back some of my lost muscle :D. Feeling like torturing my body through exercise to make it stronger :)

Good feeling, would recommend exercising to anyone, in whatever form or manner that you can perform it ;)

Feel burning.
When all is done and walk away, worn out and stiff.
Have to allow time for healing though. I give three days for that.

20 floors, 272 stairs, 3min 52sec, rough stuff.

That and this are keeping head above water.


Well-known member
I feel like nothing. Even on this website.

I applied for so many jobs and called and asked if they are hiring.

My sister got a job and quit a while ago, which I would have never done. But now she has another.

Why is this happening to me?

I think only religious people know the answer. Because I don't pray.

Well if thats the reason... i don't even know why Im writing this.
I feel like nothing. Even on this website.

I applied for so many jobs and called and asked if they are hiring.

My sister got a job and quit a while ago, which I would have never done. But now she has another.

Why is this happening to me?

I think only religious people know the answer. Because I don't pray.

Well if thats the reason... i don't even know why Im writing this.

Maybe you should start thinking seriously about online work as a temporary thing until you can get a real life job... just suggesting.


not actually Fiona Apple
Physically, Fantastic! Yesterday, and basically all week, my back was so sore I could barely bend over, quads so tight I could barely walk up stairs, and gluts so tight it hurt to sit down. I got 11-12 hours of sleep last night, and now I feel like I could run a marathon! It's ridiculous! Maybe I should more than 5 hours of sleep during the week