Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

^ That is really bizarre. o_O

I often wonder at what time in history did it become a goal in humans lives to become "Happy" living on this earth?
What date in the timeline did humans decide that hunting and gathering for food and reproducing/raising offspring was surely not all there was to existing and we should actually be striving to be "Happy". :thinking:

Did the neighbouring tribe who first noticed the other nearby tribe cultivating crops and herding animals in little fenced-in pens for food, had more time to paint on big bits of bark, weave baskets out of reeds/tree strips, paint on cave walls and create/perform intricate dances think "hey, they look like they are having FUN! We should do what they are doing and strive to be as "Happy" as they look." :idontknow:


Well-known member
Once again the schools that I leave always end up having some great rebuilding done the next year or a few years later. When I left my first school they had already built this huge gymnasium, but after I left they changed a lot of stuff around it that I would have loved to see.
When I left my third school they were rebuilding it and building another huge building next to it. They also changed the courts a lot (I would have loved to play basketball there). It got completed the year after I left.

Then my university just finished a park or garden or whatever right next to it. When I was attending it that space was just a dirty open field. Two years later they finally made it pretty.
Well, joke's on you. I'm going back to university in September.


Well-known member
I often wonder at what time in history did it become a goal in humans lives to become "Happy" living on this earth?
What date in the timeline did humans decide that hunting and gathering for food and reproducing/raising offspring was surely not all there was to existing and we should actually be striving to be "Happy". :thinking:

Did the neighbouring tribe who first noticed the other nearby tribe cultivating crops and herding animals in little fenced-in pens for food, had more time to paint on big bits of bark, weave baskets out of reeds/tree strips, paint on cave walls and create/perform intricate dances think "hey, they look like they are having FUN! We should do what they are doing and strive to be as "Happy" as they look." :idontknow:

I feel like they're sort of intertwined. I mean, personally a lot of the things required for living I find quite enjoyable - eating, sleeping, sex, etc. Being happy, or enjoying things to an extent almost seems necessary to survive. Just a half baked thought though, triggered by your interesting question!


Well-known member
^ That is really bizarre. o_O

I often wonder at what time in history did it become a goal in humans lives to become "Happy" living on this earth?
What date in the timeline did humans decide that hunting and gathering for food and reproducing/raising offspring was surely not all there was to existing and we should actually be striving to be "Happy". :thinking:

Did the neighbouring tribe who first noticed the other nearby tribe cultivating crops and herding animals in little fenced-in pens for food, had more time to paint on big bits of bark, weave baskets out of reeds/tree strips, paint on cave walls and create/perform intricate dances think "hey, they look like they are having FUN! We should do what they are doing and strive to be as "Happy" as they look." :idontknow:

When the drug companies tried to convince us we are depressed, and we need to happy, so here ya go, pop some pills?

I'm striving for something neutral, somewhere in between happy and sad. Eternal happiness is overated and unattainable.


Well-known member
Ok so having neighbors isn't all bad, no. Meeting some new people and this lady has a 17.5 hand German warm-blood Hanoverian horse she needs me to ride for her! *pinches self* Only the most beautiful, athletic horse breed on the planet. I rode one once before and it was life changing. No other horse I have ever ridden came close to it. Now I have one in my backyard. Horse angels are looking down on me apparently ♥
Ok so having neighbors isn't all bad, no. Meeting some new people and this lady has a 17.5 hand German warm-blood Hanoverian horse she needs me to ride for her! *pinches self* Only the most beautiful, athletic horse breed on the planet. I rode one once before and it was life changing. No other horse I have ever ridden came close to it. Now I have one in my backyard. Horse angels are looking down on me apparently ♥

Wonderfuls! you'll need one of those top hats :p


Well-known member
You mean a dressage top hat? Maybe...that would be pretty awesome....I'd wear one for that. That would mean we were competing and good.


Well-known member
I thought all horses were warm-blooded. What with being mammals and all.

here's the meaning of it with horse breeds

Warmbloods are a group of middle-weight horse types and breeds, primarily originating in Europe, registered with organizations that are characterized by open studbook policy, studbook selection, and the aim of breeding for equestrian sport. The term distinguishes these horses from both heavy draft horses ("cold bloods") and refined light saddle horses such as the Thoroughbred and Arabian ("hot bloods"). Though modern warmbloods are descended from heavier agricultural types systematically upgraded by hotblood influence, the term does not imply that warmbloods are direct crosses of "cold" and "hot".
Such a pet hate of mine.. :thumbdown:

I avoid texting while driving 99% of the time, but sadly I have done it. I hate when I see others do it, though (I'm aware of the hypocrisy), because a text can't honestly be that important that it can't wait a bit. Shows you how hooked (and stupid) people are.

Smartphones are a blessing and a curse.

But I will say that with all this technology people generally seem less happy, myself included.

It seems to change your brain to always expect instant gratification and that is a recipe for unhappiness.

Agreed. Although I think the way you use it is up to you - you don't have to let it make you unhappy.


Well-known member
This guy's accent makes him sound like he's saying "buttnets" instead of "botnets".

I... am a twelve-year-old and can't watch this video without laughing.