Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
If I was you I'd leave it till later. It's 9 am. :bigsmile::thumbup:

Good point... :ironicsmile: Naw! Am gonnae do it at some point next week, when I have more time tae maself. Just thinkin' about it, that's aw.

Was it no you who suggested it, anyway, Winja? :bigsmile:
Got a thing in the mail for jury duty this February. Sounds kind of fun, actually. But sadly I may have to postpone it til next year - don't want it to interfere with my classes.

I'm on a desktop at the library right now, but my library has wi-fi! Booyah! haha. I'll be hauling my laptop down here soon enough. Kind of nervous about that, though - I live in a rough area. A petite woman carrying a laptop case... *gulp*


not actually Fiona Apple
It's interesting to look at the different types of reactions people have to 'quietness." There's the pity "aww", as if being shy is like winning the tough luck award. "aww, you're so quiet."

Then there are the "it's just a phase" people. They'll tell you when they were your age they were the same way and they grew out of it when they got older.

And the always fun "stop being shy!" people, who think it's just because you're new or whatever, and that you'll warm up eventually. And if you don't, they feel it is their job to get you out of that shell.

Some will treat you as a child or as they would someone who is mentally challenged or a puppy. I notice non-English speakers will also be treated like this as well, as if not speaking the same language makes them child like.

Most probably don't notice or care though, treating you like mostly anyone else.


Well-known member
hello, i got a question, in a online date chatroom, are u scared to post a picture of yourself? or shouldn't i worry? i just joined a site but I'm scared to post a picture, because maybe some will recognize me.


Well-known member
I was with my friend yesterday pretty much all day. That's about as much socialising as I'll want to do all week now.

However, I wasn't feeling too bad until we were walking to a restaurant and there were 3 guys on a balcony, looking at us. I got really anxious and when we realised the restaurant was actually closed, we turned around to walk away, and I still noticed these guys looking at us and talking amongst themselves. I told my friend that those guys made me really anxious and I'm glad we were walking away, but he, of course, didn't understand. Less than 5 minutes later we went to an ice cream store and my anxiety was not there, even though there were people everywhere. Weird and annoying.


not actually Fiona Apple
Now that Fiona Apple has come out with a new album, there are some half decent Fiona Apple T-Shirts out there. :applause:


Well-known member
I hate people, they sicken me! UGH! :mad:

I've just watched a video of some anti-war protesters calling for a ceasefire on Gaza whilst being shouted down by the pro-war Israelis... Who shouted such things as: "They don’t deserve to live, they need to die", "May your children die, you dogs", "Now we want to go back there [to Gaza] and kick out all the Arabs.", "The people demand more shooting"...

Also, I find the whole "anti-Semite" thing ridiculous... Some Jews are the most anti-Semitic people on the earth! Arabs ARE Semites... Jews are one branch of the Semite tree. (Of course though, "anti-Semitic" means "anti-Jewish", which is preposterously incorrect; a Semite is a Semite, regardless of whether they are Jewish or not!)

(BTW, just to add I am not anti-Jewish or anti-any group for that matter, I just hate people killing others!)
Most probably don't notice or care though, treating you like mostly anyone else.

Hm, I think this particularly is experienced differently under different circumstances. I for one don't feel uncomfortable at all with people that treat me normally. It's incidentally general awkwardness/forced gentleness that's anxiety educing. It makes me feel as though I make them feel like they could accidentally harm me emotionally. It's like an awkward loop. Which is unfortunately most people I meet.
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Well-known member
And I got scammed today. It was so smoothly done that it took me more than 10 minutes to realize that I've been had. Fortunately it wasn't too much money.

I must be getting old, I am not even angry.
I'm somewhat at a crossroads with what I should be doing with my life. I suppose it's kind of just started, considering I'm fresh out of High School, but I really don't think college is the place for me. I just feel like I don't belong.

I understand that a college education isn't necessary for success, but it's so hard to go against the groove and just make a determined decision to drop out. Nothing a university has to offer will help me pursue what I ultimately want to do. The only reason I've started attending the college was because I didn't know what else I was supposed to do and this seemed like the common path. I know there are people who've gone to college and haven't done anything with their degree, so I don't want to have to be in the same position I am now, but with a debt on my back.

I feel like I'm stuck. College is supposed to be a fulfilling experience full of freedom and responsibility, but I feel like I'm trapped and wasting my time. I want to start my life.

Hep, sorry about this. It's just so frustrating arguing with myself about this without an outside opinion. Hopefully conversing with my mom about it will help.
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