rate the last film you watched


Well-known member
I think I fractured two ribs diving out of the way avoiding Guardians of the Galaxy footage/spoilers. It's been a tough six months. :giggle:
You gotta do what you gotta do. ::p:

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 8

While the odd long titles of these movies always make me laugh, I do really enjoy them per story and story delivery. It's quite different from the first one as well, because where the first one is more science fiction, the second is a lot more about cultural friction.

I'm not gonna lie it has quite a number of clichés, which are more noticeable on the ape side of things, but overall it was quite an interesting movie.
I like this one, actually. It's really driven and focuses more on the apes than Rise did (even though I liked that one, as well). I'm finding this to be a very nice reboot of the franchise.
I like this one, actually. It's really driven and focuses more on the apes than Rise did (even though I liked that one, as well). I'm finding this to be a very nice reboot of the franchise.

Me too, I like it a lot. Especially how the friction in this movie is believable. The antagonist is a great example of that, while the actions are rash and unjustifiable, the hate/motive itself is quite relatable.
I watched a few this week.


I really liked it!

Princess and the frog
really funny

very good story and made me open up my eyes.

last holiday

yes man
i kinda like the motivation what it brings


Well-known member
Cold Mountain 6.5/10. A Civil war spectacular. This film was spoiled by many logical consistencies, and also by the fact that I didn't get any feeling that there was chemistry at all between Ada and Inmann. There were lots of characters in the story and Inmann encountered many harrowing situations on his long journey back to Cold Mountain. I felt some of these situations were poorly resolved, and felt unfinished. I got the sense there was more tension and chemistry between Natalie Portman and Jude Law. And then he ran off and left a single mum with a sick baby in the middle of the wilderness with marauding Yankees everywhere. The final shoot out suffered from manipulation by the director and didn't ring true to me.

Soul Surfer. 6.5/10. A film with a good heart to it. An inspiring story about never giving up. Some of it was a bit too saccharine, and movie directors always seem to have difficulty in re-creating real sporting events in this case surfing.
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Well-known member
Mr nobody...

8/10 a good movie about divorce and journeys through life.
That got me it hurt my soul but a very good movie. I couldn't sleep after seeing it , one of his lives , I saw his wife was my ex wife to the t and that hit me hard...why couldn't I have seen this movie before I got married....live and you learn.


Well-known member
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. I'd give it 8.5 out of 10. I just watched it again and still think people have been to harsh on Lucas about the prequel trilogy. I like Episodes I-III as much as the original Trilogy.
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in a VAN down by the RIVER
Nightcrawler - 8.5

Jake Gyllenhaal is mesmerizing as Lou Bloom, a lowlife sociopath whose demoniacal ambition wreaks havoc on anyone foolish or desperate enough to be sucked into his wake. The movie sports a great supporting cast, slick visuals, and plenty of suspenseful moments to keep you enthralled throughout.

My only qualm is the off-kilter score, which at times seems apologetically cloy in its attempts to make Bloom appear sympathetic or likeable. Bloom is NOT a loveable loser, or a victim of circumstance, he's a creeeeeeeeeep with a capital C and the music should've played that fact straight. Bad guys win in real life all the time, everyone knows it, so who needs it sugar-coated with dopey music? It's an unfortunate disservice to Gyllenhaal's riveting performance.

But other than that, the movie is awesome and I can't recommend it highly enough.

So... go watch it. :D


Well-known member
Montauk Chronicles 9/10

Amazing, scary, twisted.

If you like learning about things you are not supposed to know exist in this world then this movie will be perfect for you.
Some of them scenes were so horrible showing the MK ultra stuff I couldn't watch and had to look away ...so be warned if you are sensitive.


Well-known member
Knight And Day.
I would never have chosen to watch if it wasn't because I was bored and it was on tv.
Tom Cruise always annoys me. Somehow he was actually less annoying than usual in this movie, but still, it wasn't a great movie.


Well-known member
Knight And Day.
I would never have chosen to watch if it wasn't because I was bored and it was on tv.
Tom Cruise always annoys me. Somehow he was actually less annoying than usual in this movie, but still, it wasn't a great movie.

I also watched this movie.. This movie is boring..