Storytime, gather round...


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...she asked Bexi to make her one, being an animal lover herself bexi REFUSED to cook a poodle, but did offer mamba a meat substitute???in a baguette!hehe Black mamba accepted and ate,she bite into the baguette and felt somthing cold and hard!! she looked in the baguette, "oh my god" said mamba, "its only a bloody....


Well-known member
...thumb. Who's thumb is this!!? she screamed. She felt a warm liquid trickling down her side, no she hadn't wee~ed herself, someone had chopped off a very useful thumb and blood was pouring out onto the pretty french streets. Who did this!? ...


Well-known member
..."this" said bexi,is becoming a major mystery! we need columbo, jessica fletcher, quincy, morse, cagney&lacey, taggart...someone!" Mamba was perplexed too, "whos thumb is it???" there was a knock on the door! Bexi opened it, it was......


Well-known member
..bread dough, so masterpiece swallowed it and black mamba was left wondering why she had a missing thumb. Quick as a flash she donned her columbo gear and took to the SPW forums to find an answer, there she met...


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...silverliner, who was preparing to go to Flares in his em...flares! mamba asked if all his digits were intact, they were!damnit, so who was missing a thumb??Mamba posted a thread headed "Missing thumb?" and waited until...


Well-known member days had passed and not a single reply. 'Wow, this is one tough case' she thought to herself, 'I know, I'll consult...


Well-known member old friend Winsome, the willing witch. Even if she doesn't know to whom the thumb belongs, she still cooks the best brew this side of the old black stump. Meanwhile in a dark dank forest to the east............


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...a small sacrifice was taking place, GettingThere had the sudden urge to offer a baby goat to the god of ...


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sodden tissues that get stuck in the wasing machine.
whilst doing this scarifice she looked down at her hand and notice *shock horror* that she was missing a thumb off both hands. The question was..


Well-known member
...who left that tissue in the washing machine? Sudden it started snowing, and fredscarecrow was forced to...


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......take shelter in that same dark dank forest. Whilst biding her time there she met an elf named Harry. Harry looked strangely familar.........


Well-known member
...she thought. Slowly eyeing his green jerkin with curry stains down the front. The pointy shoes which unfortunately hadn't managed to avoid what bears do so happily in the woods and the meths and milk on his breath, Fred realised this was none other than the elf that came to her one christmas as a child because.....


Well-known member
(the halarious thing about this is: my *now* exboyfriend is called Harry)

Sing "jingle bells batman smells" at the top of his voice and had woken the neighbours , who had then pelted him with bananas thinking he was the neighbourhood cat. Harry, because of the shock had..


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(this is crazy, do you know him or somehting? hes obssessed with bears)
a rather deranged monkfish. It was just..well hanging there doing the *glub glub* thing that fishes tend to do when suddenly, swinging through the trees came a...


Well-known member monster truck driven by a tiny bear so short he could barely see over the steering wheel, so fred and harry ...


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...jumped aboard the monster truck and tiny bear drove like a bat out of hell!!! They sped off for miles and miles and both fell asleep. When they awoke they found they were...


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....dressed in short skirts and fishnet tights. they thought "hay this is cool" and decided to make a blazing fire and dance around it like a pair of...


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drunk puppets. Raising their arms and legs in the air, jumping madly they were having the times of their lives until...


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...a giant golden chicken raised his enormous foot above their heads, 'quick we gotta get out of the way of this carnival chicken!' they shouted, but neither could hear each other as the steel band were playing ...


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...ten feet long electrical flutes that seemed to shake the very ground. "yeah i gotta get me one of them" they ran over to the band, grabbed one of the flutes and...