What are you like when you're not shy?

When I'm truly myself (meaning cut-off from outside influence like work, society and constant complaints of others for a few weeks), I am a very balanced person.

In that state of mind it's not hard for me to find a very long lasting blissful vibe of sorts that enables me to concentrate very deeply on everything I do without it causing any stress. Jokes come natural, every factor is overlooked and equally considered before coming to a conclusion, and everyone is the most important person on the planet at that time. Though, I haven't been able to really be myself in years. And as time goes by I can feel that the life I'm leading is corrupting it, it's sliding away.. which saddens me greatly, because the state of mind that's replacing it is so gray and terribly mainstreamed. On occasion it makes me sick to my stomach.

Once in a while I ''wake up'' shortly, and see things as I used to. And I usually just gaze around and reminisce while it lasts. It feels a lot like; when it's cloudy out, and suddenly the sun breaks through for a minute or two.

The only time when it weakly shines through on a longer bases is when I'm around animals. Particularly cats and dogs.
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Well-known member
For starters I talk a lot. And I make lots of jokes and I don't have a problem being the center of attention/the clown in the group. I'm not afraid to state my opinion and discuss things with people, which is something I'd never to otherwise.


Well-known member
This is a real interesting question.

The fact that we feel stupid when we are not quite might be a huge cause for our shyness and social phobia.

I also feel a bit stupid myself too. The problem is that we are excessively self-conscious about ourselves. We are constantly analyzing our behavior and are usually too harsh about it.

But we must see it this way: Try analyzing the people that are outgoing and talkative. Don't you often think to yourselves: "What a pathetic act this guy is doing. Can't he/she realize how lame he/she is?"

We have to stop feeling idiotic about ourselves, especially when the world is full of bigger idiots. I know, easier said than done.


Well-known member
I don't know, I'm never not shy really!

If I wasn't I don't think I'd be a loud person. Probably just smile and laugh more, be more carefree and less analytical of every tiny detail. Also probably be more impulsive.


Well-known member
Im actually quite confident i noticed when im well rested with no caffeine and people just compliment me too much i start getting arrogant that i have to hold back on too much confidence lol that jus made no sense but wtf whatever


Well-known member
It's hard not to be shy, but I had a few times when I wasn't (maybe a tea's side effect). On these times I just felt natural and comfortable. I felt safe and without fear to express what I wanted.

The problem is when I'm shy and I try not to act shy for not looking weird. That's when I feel like a complete stupid, like if I'm doing it all wrong. And after that I always regret what I've done. I hate that feeling, like if all I do is wrong. It's a very tormenting feeling and it also inhibits me from participating more often in the future.
Like a freaking teacher. When I warm up and get talkative with my friends, I most of the times end up making explanations and teaching them about science, music, history or any other thing I know about, as most of my friends only know about their career and football (which if you live in the only country in the world where football is played with the hands, you know it as soccer).

If I have too much confidence with someone and that person allows it, I can be a little bossy.

If I had any friends who may get them (which I don't besides my brother), I'll introduce a lot of pop culture references in my conversations.


Active member
With some people(whom i don't trust, but whom i know very well for a long time) I start laughing, I make a lot of inappropriate jokes, i talk a lot of nonsense, but it all seems kinda unnatural.
But it's not real me, i don't know why i behave like that.

With the people i trust i behave differently, more natural, but i don't know really how. I should probably ask them, what am i like and how I behave.


Well-known member
I am a master of assessing what people want to hear, what is appropriate and what is not. With strangers that usually makes me a very curious, sincere and polite person, and with friends it means I usually crack out some great jokes, from playful with some girls to extremely revolting for the sake of it with a few buddies who get it.
I also like knowing everything so I can appear smart, dont we all :(

Unfortunately, I go into emotional functional lockdown when Im required to be more than polite to strangers or with girls, and automatically assessing everyone means I am deadly tired when I try 8 hour-a-day customer service jobs.


Well-known member
I'm not shy at home and not around my friends.

I always have everyone laughing and I'm just a total goofball. If you met me for the first time however, you'd think I'm the most boring person God put on earth.


Well-known member
When it's just me and my mom-- or me one on one with a person I've known for awhile, I'm more sarcastic and morbid than I am the rest of the time.
I like to entertain people but my humor turns a bit low brow when I'm comfortable enough to not think I'll be judged or might accidentally offend anyone.

The rest of the time, I'm much more careful to not say anything that could possibly be hurtful.
My humor is pretty much the only thing that changes though. My demeanor and personality remain the same. I still try to be polite and considerate at all times.


Well-known member
When it's just me and my mom-- or me one on one with a person I've known for awhile, I'm more sarcastic and morbid than I am the rest of the time.
I like to entertain people but my humor turns a bit low brow when I'm comfortable enough to not think I'll be judged or might accidentally offend anyone.

The rest of the time, I'm much more careful to not say anything that could possibly be hurtful.
My humor is pretty much the only thing that changes though. My demeanor and personality remain the same. I still try to be polite and considerate at all times.

^This pretty much describes my disposition to the subject


Well-known member
laid back, sarcastic and witty

When I'm shy/uncomfortable, I come across as a dumb bore.::(:

Man on the Moon

Active member
To say the least, I feel comfortable. I don't filter everything that I say. I just say it. Sometimes though I regret what I say, but "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."


Well-known member
I’m introverted I still like a lot of alone time but just feel freer to express how I feel and not criticize and feel anxious about it but it is rare I only feel that on occasions with a few people.


Well-known member
Fun as hell.. People enjoy my presence and personality and want to be with me...