Your Values & Beliefs


Well-known member
I think I'd be more wary of a person that loves cats. They are kind of evil, you know, and only a slightly untrustworthy person would love something that is evil.


Well-known member
I think I'd be more wary of a person that loves cats. They are kind of evil, you know, and only a slightly untrustworthy person would love something that is evil.

* GraybeardGhost casts a wary eye upon Absolutely_Sweet_Marie, and silently vows never to mention cats again. *

Lordy, what have I done? ::eek::


Well-known member
I think I'd be more wary of a person that loves cats. They are kind of evil, you know, and only a slightly untrustworthy person would love something that is evil.

:O Cats are not evil. Rather, they are just extremely selfish and self-centred. Despite this, you do not see them oppressing others. It is the human's own will to submit to wishes of something so cute and furry which allows the cat to control the human.


Well-known member
1. Work first play later
2. Stand up for yourself
3. Karma. 'nuf said
4. Save your pennies
5. Hold on to your dreams
6. Don't tell let people tell you you can't do something
7. Know when you need help
8. It's better to be poor and free than rich and controlled
9. Get your priorities straight
10. It's not a bad life, just a bad day
:O Cats are not evil. Rather, they are just extremely selfish and self-centred. Despite this, you do not see them oppressing others. It is the human's own will to submit to wishes of something so cute and furry which allows the cat to control the human.


Sorry Graybeard, I had to respond to this with a chuckle. It's so true!

I do love my kitty though :3


I know those posts were meant in a joking way, but if there are still people who genuinely believe that cats are selfish and evil, it´s not true. It´s just the rationalization of human logic, who tries to attribute their own character traits, morality and immorality to animals. Animals don´t have individual consciousness like people, they are guided by collective consciousness, instincts. They don´t CHOOSE their decisions, what they do, therefore they are not responsible for what they do. I think all animals are perfect as they are, if they happen to be messed up somehow it´s usually because people were meddling into the natural course of life and destroyed its balance, imposed on it their own notions of what is right and how things should be.. Nature is wise, people are not..


Well-known member
When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did. Don't wait till you're 70 years old to look back and wonder "what if...". That must be a terrible feeling. I started working on this one, taking more risks, getting out there.

Laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself completely seriously. I think it's a quality people should try to hold on to.


- The strong and the rich have a moral obligation to protect the poor and the weak
- Care about things that don't immediately affect your life
- Take care of your body and your body will take care of you
- Never feel complacent or comfortable - particularly toward the status quo and the current state of how things are.
- Protect the environment
- Question your knowledge, not your values
- Reward compassion
- There is no such thing as wisdom, only perspective.
- Question everything, in particular:
Admiration for others
Your motives
- Attempt to transcend your own world view
- Look out for the overlooked, the misunderstood, the forgotten and the unpopular
- Remember that just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean that it cant.
- Not everyone is capable of the same things as you, and they never will be.
- Stand up for yourself - even if makes you unpopular
- Acceptance is fleeting - be true to yourself first.
- Be friendly to strangers
- Above all else strive for equality for ALL people.

Oh and if there is one thing that I truly value - it's basic consideration and courtesy to other people.

I also like BlackPumas list too - very excellent.
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Well-known member
Laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself completely seriously. I think it's a quality people should try to hold on to.

Totally. Just let the ridiculousness of everything about yourself and about the world amuse you. Laughing is a kind of medicine.

- The strong and the rich have a moral obligation to protect the poor and the weak
- Look out for the overlooked, the misunderstood, the forgotten and the unpopular

Oh and if there is one thing that I truly value - it's basic consideration and courtesy to other people.

But the poor and the weak also have an obligation not to stay that way and continue to leech off the rich and the strong greedily.

Sometimes the unpopular and the misunderstood are the way they are because they are simply being unpleasant. Hobos for one. Always begging for money only to spend it on useless things. As for the misunderstood, you can't always give in to them just because you don't want them to feel bad.

But otherwise, I agree that you should treat others with courtesy and politeness, no matter what situation they're in.


But the poor and the weak also have an obligation not to stay that way and continue to leech off the rich and the strong greedily.

Sometimes the unpopular and the misunderstood are the way they are because they are simply being unpleasant. Hobos for one. Always begging for money only to spend it on useless things. As for the misunderstood, you can't always give in to them just because you don't want them to feel bad.

But otherwise, I agree that you should treat others with courtesy and politeness, no matter what situation they're in.

While it's true all people should try to help themselves - and the lack of doing so is dismempowering - the fact remains that there will always be people who are will be poor or weaker than others - not everyone is going to have the same strength or resiliency. Most of us like to think that just because we are smart enough to be in a position where a situation like that is unlikely to happen to us ourselves, we can dismiss and make excuses. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to poverty - and by nature of a system where there are haves and have nots - there will always be financial inequality - which is why substantial (not formal) equality should be something all of us strive towards. By right of being born into this world - we (at least we should) have enough insight to look after one another.

There is always a reason for the way people are - most of us don't want to take the time to understand why, or find it difficult to see things from anothers perspective (especially from the less well off) - a convenient excuse to make laden heavy judgements like hobos begging for money to buy useless things.


Well-known member
While it's true all people should try to help themselves - and the lack of doing so is dismempowering - the fact remains that there will always be people who are will be poor or weaker than others - not everyone is going to have the same strength or resiliency. Most of us like to think that just because we are smart enough to be in a position where a situation like that is unlikely to happen to us ourselves, we can dismiss and make excuses. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to poverty - and by nature of a system where there are haves and have nots - there will always be financial inequality - which is why substantial (not formal) equality should be something all of us strive towards. By right of being born into this world - we (at least we should) have enough insight to look after one another.

There is always a reason for the way people are - most of us don't want to take the time to understand why, or find it difficult to see things from anothers perspective (especially from the less well off) - a convenient excuse to make laden heavy judgements like hobos begging for money to buy useless things.

Yes I agree that we should look after one another. But you can also choose who you want to expend your resources and energy on. Some people just happen to deserve it more than others. Do you feel your help would really benefit them in the long term? Do you think you'll have made a big enough impact for them to look on towards the future with stronger shoulders to hold their burden on?

The 'excuses' are there so that we don't inefficiently waste our time pitying or sympathising with such individuals. Understanding or seeing a person's perspective is one thing, taking action is another. If you really care about the situation the hobos are in (again I'm only using them as an example) then you would do something to really help them. Sympathy is not enough.


Well-known member
Yes I agree that we should look after one another. But you can also choose who you want to expend your resources and energy on. Some people just happen to deserve it more than others. Do you feel your help would really benefit them in the long term? Do you think you'll have made a big enough impact for them to look on towards the future with stronger shoulders to hold their burden on?

Giving money to homeless people isn't about benefiting them in the long term or making a big enough impact for them to look on towards the future with stronger shoulders to hold their burden on, giving money to homeless people is what you do to make their lives that bit easier obviously giving homeless people isn't going to change their lives but it will still help them. Also no poor people in Belfast spend their money on useless things it is the middle classes whp spend all their money on themselves.


Yes I agree that we should look after one another. But you can also choose who you want to expend your resources and energy on. Some people just happen to deserve it more than others. Do you feel your help would really benefit them in the long term? Do you think you'll have made a big enough impact for them to look on towards the future with stronger shoulders to hold their burden on?

The 'excuses' are there so that we don't inefficiently waste our time pitying or sympathising with such individuals. Understanding or seeing a person's perspective is one thing, taking action is another. If you really care about the situation the hobos are in (again I'm only using them as an example) then you would do something to really help them. Sympathy is not enough.

Actually I do - but it's a constant never ending battle to fight indifference, which is where the problem truly lies. Who said anything about passively sympathizing.

The trouble I have with these kinds of attitudes is the implication that some people simply arent worthwhile and the belief that somehow it couldn't possibly happen to you. If YOU were in that situation, if YOU were ignored and not cared about how would you feel? It's easy for so many of us to sit there, behind our computers, with our literacy and cognitive functioning and our understanding of the world and the little bubble we live in, and express sentiments such as some people deserve more than others - because we just cant imagine things being any-other-way. It's just too difficult to comprehend. We expect so much from others - but we are so unwilling to extend that same expectation for ourselves *to* others, as soon as our needs are met, who cares about anyone elses? - this is extremely frustrating to me.
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Dragonoth & Kia - I think both of you have a piece of truth, but nothing is black and white. Not all homeless are automatically saints and some got there because of their own faults or irresponsibility, but not all. I think there is a scale like with everything. Which doesn´t mean people should automatically overlook everyone who is homeless just because of those bad examples. I think people are generally mistrustful of homeless ppl and beggars because they don´t know what´s behind it so they rather assume they are in this position because they did something wrong, also they tend to associate them with those who are dirty, fight and drink, or they think maybe they could be dangerous etc. I have been in this position myself a couple of times, once I hitchhiked to Austria and was stuck overnight outside in a freezing winter. I looked for a place to sleep, found an open building so I thought I could spend night in the basement. But there was no water and I was thirsty. So I left it and wandered outside, there was no water. So I entered one building, freezing cold, knocked on the doors of one flat. I had scarf wrapped around my head. A woman opened and I asked her if she could fill my bottle with water. She went to the sink and filled it only half.. I wanted to say to please fill it all and I guess I stepped a bit over the porch. But she pushed me out and slammed the door in front of me. I was close to tears. (Btw if you want to know what happened with me afterwards, I went back to that building where I wanted to sleep, but it was closed. So I was wandering outside and couldn´t find anything, in the end I was crying from cold and tought I would freeze. As a miracle, in the end long after midnight I found a train station where there was warm, it literally saved my life. Now reading about those homeless who froze to death, I know what it is about. Homeless ppl have tough life, if they get that far I think they are beyond help from society too because they are out of the social net. They´re basically in the rubbish bin of society and who is going to dig in there.


Well-known member
The trouble I have with these kinds of attitudes is the implication that some people simply arent worthwhile and the belief that somehow it couldn't possibly happen to you. If YOU were in that situation, if YOU were ignored and not cared about how would you feel? It's easy for so many of us to sit there, behind our computers, with our literacy and cognitive functioning and our understanding of the world and the little bubble we live in, and express sentiments such as some people deserve more than others - because we just cant imagine things being any-other-way. It's just too difficult to comprehend. We expect so much from others - but we are so unwilling to extend that same expectation for ourselves *to* others, as soon as our needs are met, who cares about anyone elses? - this is extremely frustrating to me.

If I was in that situation, alone, and I was ignored and not cared about, I would think I deserved it because I f**ked up.

So yes, I would rather take care of my own life first. I would rather fend for myself in the meantime. Because I would rather not be in that situation myself. Because I am the only person I'll always have at my side, come rain or shine. You can call me heartless, callous, selfish for it - or whatever adjective you feel is appropriate - I will continue to live for myself first and foremost because why the hell not. I'm never going to care about everyone in the world. I'm never going to be nice to every single person I meet. What does that say about me? Well that's up to everyone else's opinions, I guess.

Lea - What you said is indeed a very unfortunate truth. I hope you never have to go through that again.


If I was in that situation, alone, and I was ignored and not cared about, I would think I deserved it because I f**ked up.

I doubt that. You can only say that now because it is something that isn't happening to you. If that really happened to you - I am sure you would appreciate (and accept) a little bit of compassion. One that it seems you yourself are unwilling to give.


Well-known member
prejudice swings both ways

hating people simply because you think they have more than you is just as bad as people hating those who they think have less

helping up the unfortunate in order to level the playing field is an act of love
tearing down the fortunate in order to level the playing field is an act of hate

the truly compassionate person doesn't draw lines. rich, poor, sick, healthy, popular, unpopular - they all deserve equal consideration