do you remember your first kiss


omg this thread has just put me on crapvalley cos now im thinking when it happens ive not had any chances to crap it up when i was younger so now im way too scared to do it

Ahhhh im screwed also
I remember mine, September, 2008. I was really drunk and she had just got dumped by her boyfriend - I invited her to watch wedding crashers with me then I did the old "yawn and put your arm around her". We were both tired so I asked for a good night kiss then we went to sleep :D

Of course the next morning my SA was back so it was pretty awkward haha


Well-known member
yesss :) i love kisses! haha
i remember most of my first kisses with different people.. my very first 'real' kiss i wasss 13 or 14 and it was awesome! haha, i was addicted after that! i'm the makeout bandit!! muahahaha :D

For an agoraphobic, that is an impressive feat.


Well-known member
So ironic that this thread pops up when I come on the boards, because I just spent like 20 minutes agonizing over mine...
I was 16 and I just wish I could take it back. It was horrible, and I really, really dislike the guy. It was unromantic and just awful.
I try and tell myself first kisses just aren't important and what's really important is your "first kiss" with a new boyfriend/girlfriend, but everyone always puts so much emphasis on the "first" kiss. It's supposed to be magical and special or whatever. It just really depresses me and bothers me. I'm someone who dwells and obsesses over mistakes and I wish I wasn't like that. I feel like I wasted something that was supposed to be special, and you get one "first" kiss. =(


Well-known member
Yes. It was incredibly awkward. I had my first kiss when I was 18. It was with my friend Bill. He and I were friends for probably about 6-7 years. I initially met him through my sister. He worked with her and was friends with her first, then I met him. Blah blah. After he broke up with his b*tch of a girlfriend, we started "dating". Although, I don't know if you could officially call it that. He was extremely shy and awkward, like myself. I think those are the reasons we didn't really work together. Opposites are usually better together. We were both too shy to say how we felt and to make the first move.

Anyway, he came over to my house one night after work to hang out. We sat there and talked for about two hours. He said he should probably go home and go to bed. He got up, started walking to the door (I was sitting in a chair close to the door), bent down, and kissed me. But it wasn't a very passionate kiss. He just bent down and kind of put his lips on mine. It was so weird and uncomfortable. He didn't do much with his lips. I felt like I had to do something or else it'd end up being even more uncomfortable. I had no idea how to kiss, but I kissed him back anyway. It wasn't awful, just ugh...

But I'm glad it was with him and not some jerk that I would end up hating or something. We're still friends. I've been with my current boyfriend for two years. He went back to that b*tch girlfriend and has a kid with her now. Yadda yadda yaddda. Pointless post.
grade 2, birthday party, spin the bottle, a girl, dont remember her name. my childhood was weird @_@


neveeeaaaar :/



Well-known member
I've never kissed a girl. I don't even know how to kiss, lol. I've only kissed girls in my dreams (^o^)
My first kiss was an absolute disaster!:eek: Hint; have your first kiss with someone nice who won't criticize it later on!