do you remember your first kiss


Never really had one, as i don't count when a friend kissed me on top of my head, nor the time that a girl kissed every guy at the party on the cheek. So i guess you could say that I've never experienced a "first kiss" in any type of romantic or idyllic sense.


Well-known member
Yup her name was Melia and it was in front of the girls locker room it had taken me a little over a week to work up the nerves to kiss her. She was my first kiss I was not hers unfortunatly.


Active member
Yup, it was last Friday. We were standing at the door before I left, and he hugged me a couple of times. I started laughing at him, going "Hehehe, it'z funny, causea you're socially akward tooooo!" Then he suddenly kissed me :) :)


Well-known member
Some time half a year back, it was in the car. The guy never knew it was my first, neither did I want him to know. In anyway, it wasn't a big deal.


Not the very first one. Though i do remember some of the very early ones.

Sloppy, slavery and each one lasting about 5mins comes to mind :eek:


Well-known member
Uh-huh. It was actually back in November. At the time it was a major "Wow" moment, but later on I thought, "Wow, I've been waiting 20 years for THAT?"

It may have been my first kiss, but it certainly wasn't the first kiss with meaning to it.

laundry list

New member
does a kiss on the cheek count? I didn't think so. well then it was when i was 16 in the middle of an immature round of truth or dare. pretty horrible. didn't kiss a girl again until I was 19. that was a lot better though.