Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
The last 6 months, since i putted on some weight yea, im think i got ugly, i cant do anything to hide my belly and my neck is beggining to dissapear :D lol

Getting fat is affecting my self confidence. But i find a consolation in the fact that good looks comes second in the way you're being looked at, in society in general, after financial status, personality and all that.

Yea, looking good helps, but not as much as having money and having a social status, strong and pleasant personality, etc etc.

I'm now talking from a man's points of view. For womans, good looks stil remain critirea no1 when it comes to society perception. Thatrs the way things go. So as long as im a man...good looks dont woory me so much, although i'm not ugly and used to have an almost perfect body 3 years ago. Lol i should start cutting the sweets and doing some workout again.


Well-known member

They call me Ugly Azz cos i'm ugly on the inside.

Shit, right now I look perfect, wish I had a camera! (not flawless just...far from it, its just those damn big puppy dog eyes!!)

Ahhh, i'm gonna regret this soon :eek:


Well-known member
Now this is the biggest problem I face - I look good. I wish I was ugly. Girls come up to me and try to start a conversation and I put on a stone face or act as if I'm really busy. And they never come back and talk to me. In fact they snub me. It really hurts me inside but hell what can I do about it? I cannot let them get to know who I really am on the inside - a social phobic, "empty" guy that has no talent, no skills, no hobbies, no real career, nothing. My looks do me no good at all. They only worsen my anxiety because I need to put on a persona. I just wish I was an ugly face so that people didn't expect me to do things that handsome guys so easily do.
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Well-known member
Now this is the biggest problem I face - I look good. I really wish I was ugly. Girls come up to me and try to start a conversation and I put on a stone face or act as if I'm really busy. And they never come back and talk to me. In fact they snub me. It really hurts me inside but hell what can I do about it? I cannot let them get to know who I really am on the inside - a social phobic, "empty" guy that has no talent, no skills, no hobbies, no real career, nothing. My looks do me no good at all. They only worsen my anxiety because I need to put on a persona. I just wish I was an ugly face so that people didn't expect me to do things that handsome guys so easily do.

I though you said you were into all that spiritual yoga stuff?

Sounds like a pretty interesting hobby (lifestyle whatever) to me. Well not me exactly, but it sure as hell sounds like something the women would dig. ;)

Cant feel for you wanting an ugly face though, I need all the help I can get! :D


Well-known member
Most of the time, yes. I'm trying to get better at just accepting myself the way I am and being alright with that. It's an everyday struggle though when we live in such a superficial society.


Well-known member
yeah i do think i'm ugly. if anyone says i look nice or something i dont believe them. ive been too depressed to care that much about how i look. i dont put a lot of effort into looking nice anymore. i dont even know how to look nice. i dont know what clothes look good on me, what makeup to wear... i dont know anything!


Active member
I've always hated my looks especially my roman nose but I do think I have got better as I have got older and I don't think I am as bad as I used to think.


Well-known member
I Don't Know, You tell me.....


Am I ugly? I don't think I'm very good looking. Worst of all..I feel like I'm the most boring, worthless, pathetic human being, especially when my cousins and siblings are not around which are the only people I socialize with.


Active member
i don't think i'm ugly, just plain I guess. I always thought having intelligence was better because beauty fades, but lately I've been worried about the brain fading as well!


New member
I think I'm ugly
I get embarassed when someone says I'm not though cuz I know they're lying


Active member
One of the reasons why i never go out is that i have a huge body image problem. I'm a bit short and skinny,also there are many scars on my face which make me avoid looking at the mirror.When i have to, i look at the mirror with half open eyes so that i can see a somewhat goodlooking face::p:.If i didn't have all those scars i would consider myself goodlooking really, because i don't care about my being short etc. anymore. There's no solution to heal those scars but i can improve them hopefully if i can see a good dermatologist, but first i must find a way of going out of course.I think they call it catch 22 or something,my bad looks prevent me from going out but the only way to improve is going out and looking for a solution:confused:
I think I'm short, fat and ugly but some females seem to be attracted to me. This damned anxiety if I could just conquer it I do not think I would do bad at all with the opposite sex.
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Yes I do think I'm ugly especially since people use to say that I was. Now I don't really believe anyone when they tell me that I'm pretty. I think they are lying and saying that just to make me feel better or good about myself.