Guys: Ask Us Girls!

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What if it was... [insert your favorite male celebrity/the guy that you consider to be the single most attractive man on the planet!]... how about then? Come on, be honest, no one will judge you :D

If he was someone I wanted to have a future with I wouldn't risk it. There are too many possibilities of the whole thing going wrong. I'd only participate in a threesome if all of us were single.

You should never mention sex to a woman... it will always be a no, no matter what, there are a few exceptions of course though,

What makes you think that? My other half and I like to find a spot upstairs in a pub in summer so we can check out other girls' cleavages. It's quite fun actually. And I'll banter about sex with the best of them.

lets say I just meet a girl. we have a brief conversation and I say "i'd like to talk to you more but I have to go... do you want to go out some time?" or "can I have your phone number".

Is this too forward?

If the conversation felt like it ended up nowhere, do you think it would be less appropriate than let's say if during the conversation we found we had something in common?

That sounds fine to me. It's plausible, it's honest. So you have a life and have to be somewhere else. So what? And you're declaring an interest in the girl by asking for her number so you can contact her again. Why not?

Girls like ass holes...true or false?

Too complicated to answer simply as different girls want different things from men. For me, I want a man who's nice but can stand up for himself - and me - if necessary. I don't want a streak of piss for a boyfriend, but I don't want some idiot who's always trying to prove how big and strong he is either.

Some of us may fall prey to guys who treat us badly because many women believe we're unworthy. A hangover from misogynist days, of which there is still a ghost in our society.

Do girls like it when guys that they've never met before randomly start talking to them????

Do girls like ginger biscuits? Some do, some don't, and it depends on the manner of the guy.

do you girls like it if I were to start a convo with you just because you're pretty?

I went out with a female friend once who was better looking than me and she got all the attention from guys. They clustered around her like bees around a honeypot... and mostly ignored me. Oh, except the Aussie guy who chatted with me but kept on saying, 'no offense, but Amber's arse is like a peach and yours is much bigger'.

Oh, thanks chum.

In the end I made my excuses and left. I didn't go out with her again, it didn't seem worth it.

So I think the pretty girls like that, but it's worth bearing in mind that you might be putting across a derogatory message to other girls she's with.

Alright, I have a question for you women; Is it totally out of the question for you to take the first step when you see a bloke you like? In my surroundings a girl initiating contact for dating and so on is so rare, a visit from aliens living on Mars would be more likely^^.

My experience of a relatively gutsy woman is that if I make too obvious a move on a man then I scare him off. After being in a relationship for many years I also get the impression that a guy will generally want a girl to signal that she's up for being approached, but leave most of the seduction to him. The occasionall move I do make seems to be ample.

I'd like to do a bit more seducing, but it seems out of place to do so.

Is there any hope for a shy guy like myself who is afraid of women? I mean most girls go for the confident guy who makes them laugh don't they?

Yes, but that isn't so much to do with seducing women as getting by in society at all. If you are among other men and want to get some point across, are you ever going to manage if you aren't confident enough to approach them and say what you want to say? This issue isn't about women, it's about confidence full stop.

We may have differences, but we're not so different that there's a special skill to approaching us at all! Get your bedrock of confidence and you might well find that confidence approaching women follows.
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Well-known member
My experience of a relatively gutsy woman is that if I make too obvious a move on a man then I scare him off. After being in a relationship for many years I also get the impression that a guy will generally want a girl to signal that she's up for being approached, but leave most of the seduction to him. The occasionall move I do make seems to be ample.

I'd like to do a bit more seducing, but it seems out of place to do so.

Too bad that you've got that impression since seducing and flirting women are one of the nicest things there are in the world. I know I wouldn't be scared away if a girl came to me like that. At least if she made it clear to me that she was onto me, I think that would have triggered a lot of reactions in me^^. When it comes to reading "attraction signals" I'm horrible, I lack the social skills to do so, and this poses in fact another question: What kind of {subtle} signs will a girl normally give to a bloke to let him know she's interested in him?


Well-known member
She'll be tactile with him, touching his arm a lot. At the end of a date she might put her arms around him and linger as the couple are meant to part. She might make a lot of eye contact. She might wear clothing that looks awfully easy to remove, or at least deliberately shows off her assets.

She might do something a bit naughty with the stem of her wine glass or the straw in her drink. She might touch herself where she would like him to touch her (mind-gutter-out of! I meant her neck and face, where it's nice to be kissed). She'll look fascinated in what he says, and smile a lot.

She might mention that she's got an evening coming up and - oh dear! - nothing to do. The suggestion would be, 'come on, ask me on a date! I've said I've got nothing to do that evening!'.

Hope these things help.


Well-known member
That's never happened to me, I wonder how that would be like. To actually be shown interest in. Until that day comes I've got to remain hibernating^^.

Next question: Having SA I often put on a shell to hide the true me. As a result I appear cold, somewhat rejecting, serious and like a closed book. Are there actually girls who dare to break though that kind of ice? For it seems beyond impossible that females will show me interest considering the nature of my social behaviour.


Well-known member
Why would they break through that ice?

a) If that layer is there it might be there for a good reason, so why break it?
b) Why break an icy layer when there are other potential dates who have no such layer to break?

You answered the question yourself: if you want to get interest from females, you need to change the way you relate to them. Then you'll see changes in the way they relate to you.


Well-known member
The male has the stronger sexual desire.
Therefore the male is generally more likely to look at a female and feel lust.
The female is less likely to do so.
If the male wants to increase the chances of sating his lust with the female, it is up to him to inform him of his attraction to her.
Why would the female be the active one in this case?

Of course, in real life, it's not that simple, but that is the basic premise, is it not?


Well-known member
satine, i lurve your posts, very informative especially it being from a womans perspective

i find that (i am still late teens i'm basing this from my age ish group) the most common thing a woman will do before doing anything, if she has an interest in me when i look at her she looks back for a longer length of time then someone who is not interested..
however i haven't gone past this so i dono what happens after...


Well satine you are the exception I was talkin about... umm no edit- you missed my point

having a man with you while talking about sex in a bar is different, talking with other girls about sex is different... than a stranger approaching you when your alone and starts talking about sex from the get go.
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Too complicated to answer simply as different girls want different things from men. For me, I want a man who's nice but can stand up for himself - and me - if necessary. I don't want a streak of piss for a boyfriend, but I don't want some idiot who's always trying to prove how big and strong he is either.

So since you couldn't even give a straight answer for yourself, we can assume this means yes to his question?

I just wish women could give a straight answer on what they find attractive without some wishy-washy bullshit. Blah, I don't know why I even ask, the answer is obvious I suppose.
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Well-known member
So since you couldn't even give a straight answer for yourself, we can assume this means yes to his question?

Original Question:
Girls like ass holes...true or false?

No, I prefer well-meaning people. This is true for males as well as females.

I just wish women could give a straight answer on what they find attractive without some wishy-washy bullshit.

I'd like my man to be a 6'4" and athletic-built with crew cut hairstyle. His IQ has to lie in the 120-130 range, no more no less. He has to be literate, a non-smoker, and a competent mechanic. Trilingual is preferred but not required. Any more questions, please ask!


I got a question... I was once over at a girls house when I was 15 for new years eve, umm she was all over me all the time, we touched each other alot, she clearly was into me and I into her, once when she pushed on me and I fell onto the bed with her she started laughing hard coz she saw I was "hard". A few minutes later she told me to leave!!!! WTF? this girl was into me, we were even together in a relationship a month later, she had sex before... so why did she react like this?? It's not that I have a small one it's the opposite,

Is it inapropriate to be hard while touching each other and lieing on each other?

Or could it be that she wasnt comfortable with that coz there were 2 other girls in the room too, the first thing she did after laughing was telling those 2 girls into their ears what happened while me lieing there on bed and trieing to act like I didn't know what just happened.
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Well-known member
man don't worry, i find teenage girls to do and act stupidly, like yesterday at the party the birthday girl had a lil too much to drunk and kept going in and out of conciousness. her friends just kept talking non stop and kept giving her alot water which sounds nice but when i was their it look like they were annoying her and they should of taken it easy, luckily me and my friend and her boyfreind help her out by not falling to the ground after the first time.

anyways in more relation to your post, i once read an artile on the internet where this guy at the bar was talking to this chick, he had a decent size supposidly and she rubbed him and said something....i forgot but she thought it was small and left....weird aye! like their is no way for them to tell through cloths!


Haha I really don't believe a 15 year old would be picky about size and laugh coz it seems small... I think it could have rather been the opposite, that she was freaked out coz it seemed so big lol... I always felt self conscious from then on about it, like I have a to big one and girls don't like it... this might seem weird but I was self conscious about that

So she acted stupid and there was no logic behind this... oook then


Well-known member
I'd like my man to be a 6'4" and athletic-built with crew cut hairstyle. His IQ has to lie in the 120-130 range, no more no less. He has to be literate, a non-smoker, and a competent mechanic. Trilingual is preferred but not required. Any more questions, please ask!

That man doesn't exist lol


Well-known member
Sure he does. It's not like I put "strong and manly, but sensitive and not afraid to show his emotions."
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