Insecure people!


Well-known member
I’ll tell you a short story,

There lived a kid, he was a shy boy, but at his age he could not tell the difference between being shy and being a SP, the kid grew up, but he noticed something strange, whenever he met someone he would sweat and blush and would not be able to utter a word without babbling, he felt bad, but at that age he didn’t bother, he didn’t dare speak to a girl, then he saw that girl (with him at school) and he wanted bad to meet her, but he was too chicken to go up to her, so he would send a messenger between them, and then he took a date (thru the messenger) but he freaked out before the date and just stood there on the park entrance and wouldn’t dare go inside, before he knew it, everything was over, the girl got fed up of him.
He kept on growing up and the more he grew the worse he became, he regarded himself as a completely hopeless case, he would go to were teens hang out feeling that everybody is looking at him, his looks would be of a man waiting for someone to attack him, it went worse and worse by time, he s a young man now, his best friends regards him as a man with no experience, and would even joke about him, he would laugh but deep inside he was crying, he would go back home and take out on his poor mother, shouting, screaming , just letting it all out for the dumpiest reasons.
The young man is in university now, when he decides enough is enough, but no matter how hard he tried he could not break the cage of fear, no matter how many times he would try to reconcile with himself he would fail, there was no hope……..
What did he do? How did he do it?
It what you’ll know from me, cause that person is me.


Well-known member
Gee, where are all the norm and norm defender attackers now? Run out of your so cool comebacks like "get a clue' etc.? I was impressed, NOT, were you impressed Norm? They obviously know it all Norm, and they aren't going to even begin to consider any change in their lifestyle. They are not only complete geniuses on SP, but raising children, EVERYTHING! I'll bet they can even tell the farmers how to grow bigger & better crops! "Get a clue strawhat moron, use more fertiliizer!!" whoo hooooo

I'm still listening Norm, although I admit the 'seperating the body & soul' thing frightened me a bit.
I still want to hear what you have to share.


Well-known member
Norm shut up already. Nobody is impressed with your simple minded stories. No one is going to talk to you unless you can actually look past your own 'ego' and start answering all the questions presented. Why don't you answer them. Because you know that you can not. You believe that you know all and have all the answers. Most of your statements you should be asking yourself. In short a million times over- you are a hypocrate. Not attacking you. Just being honest. If you can't handle the truth then you should go somewhere else to spread your 'wisdom' or lack there of. PS- all of your babbling philosophy about spirits and being outside of yourself, etc, etc, is just baseless. I can back up my theories with evidence. You can hardly back any of your philosophies up with factual evidence. So go boost your ego elsewhere. The only thing you have said that makes any sense is that some social phobes are ruled by their irrational fears ,are focusing inwards and becoming defensive. Wow, really! Genius of you.... We already know that is part of the problem and by not focusing on our problems but focusing outwards help alleviate or own problems. It's a basic treatment. Now even when you do this people with real SA will still feel being in unfamiliar situations and around unfamiliar people is uncomfortable. And that we must gain courage and face our fears- after time we will adapt to our fears. Wow... - the abusive language you are truly genius once again..

Don't worry norm... I'll teach you how to see the value in being an ethical person.. I have all the time in the world.


Well-known member
But when I say things like genius norm's defender I am only 'trying' to help norm become a stronger person- it's tough love! :D

As far as raising children.... I've studied up on it... you should do the same... + my advice should be common sense- a parent who can't control his emotions will likely verbally and physically abuse thier children. They go to extremes.

Children need boundaries- obviously, and they need to be corrected when not obey their parents- that's obvious also.

Now people who feel like they just need to constantly put their children in place by fitful rages, smack them around and lock them in closets are out of control- wouldn't you say?

It called being strong but evenhanded. It is also called teaching your child how to think for themselves and see why what they are doing is wrong. This is one of Norms problems. Bad parenting... maybe he is all broken up about growing up in a single parent home. Maybe he was the type who was spoiled rotten- when he got into an argument with his mommy about not being allowed to smoke or doing the dishes, he would storm out and live with the 'street-kids' for a day or so, until he felt like going back home. Norm- has his own issues that normy should deal with before he qualifies himself as majically superior to people with SA.


Well-known member
get a clue- what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Besides it sounds like you were only shy not SA. Just a neurotic person who could use your own 'illusions' to solve your problems. Your advice will also work for some neurotics, but it won't help everyone. Stopping being so arrogant in believing that you are EVERYONE and know everything.


Well-known member
get a clue get a clue get a clue.... ohhh, i'm beginning to like that, although it still sounds so tacky ok superior no-it-alls.... where in this:::::

((((( Rarely, but when you scold them, make them feel like crap, or even threaten them.... they respond.))))))))

did i say that i think kids need to be abused, smacked around, and all that? get a clue, get a clue, get a clue.... that's YOUR iinterpretation of it

scold them--- what you are doing is wrong-- you shouldn't be doing that

make them feel like crap--- if you do that at your friend's house, they won't like you andf their family might not like you either...

threaten them--- if you don't stop that behavior, you will be going to bed early tongiht or staying in your room to think

get a clue get a clue get a clue get a clue get a clue get a clue get a clue


Well-known member
not directly... your mindset is that it is ok to excuse harshness, and that all children are nonthinking- therefore it is valueless to teach them a lesson in reasoning... while they are immature and can't be expected to reason like an adult- children aren't hopelessly stupid... get a clue, get a clue , get a clue... hahahahaha

did I say that..?


Well-known member
I don't pretend to 'no' it all....

and am willing to accept that I am wrong when I am rationally and logically proven so... not when I am degraded by someone who thinks that they are going to teach me some tough love... , get a clue, get a clue... :lol:


Well-known member
a hypocrate is someone who expects certain values to be followed and accepted, while excusing their behaviour to the contrary... , get a clue, get a clue, get a clue :roll:


Well-known member
You and normy are hypocrates... because... you think you know it all--- and fiercly protect your self esteem by becoming defensive...(wee shouldn't do that right?)because you feel that no one else should hold an opion or judement contrary to yours... why because you are right. How do you solve this apparent conflict of theories and opinions? You have an open discussion based as much as possible on credible opinion that is backed up by facts when possible. Defensiveness in regards of sarcasm- to prove a point maybe more understandable than someone who self righteously instigates insults and the such to prove a point..., get a clue, get a clue, get a clue


Well-known member
oh by the way I am just trying to prove a point my child:

((((( Rarely, but when you scold them, make them feel like crap, or even threaten them.... they respond.))))))))

Hypocracy is wonderful isn't it? It's ok.. I am just trying to prove a point. Wait did that sound tacky? Should I try really hard to be cool now? I don't want to sound tacky... oh no, now I am becoming insecure.... lmao.... :lol:


Well-known member
funny.. you responded to 'get a clue' but you scurted around the point being brought up afterwards... defensive aren't we? you shouldn't do that.... so why don't you and normy stop being so defensive already and have a logical discussion on All of the discussion brought up.. No you guys are too 'cool' to do that.. you rather focus on making a point and addressing pointless minutia. Wait you aren't really interested in exchanging ideas and learning or teaching. You guys just want to shove your ideas down our throats to boost your own fragile self esteems.


Well-known member
*sigh* I'm done with this forum. Normy obviously has nothing of any substance to teach expect a few things that are obvious and don't require abuse or insults to get the point accross. So why don't we do these obvious things? Because everyone here are unique individuals with different personalities and different problems. Some biological, some just neurotic, most are both. We all learn and get better at our own pace. We can be dillusional and talk about seperate souls and old men in the sky with canes. Or we can do things the not so easy way and think rationally. Logical and rational (corrective thought) is a long term solution that is built upon a strong foundation. Norm proves himself incapable or to 'egotistical', hypocritical, and arrogant to learn . Or maybe he is just too weak and simple minded to reason but he himself has to be screamed at like a child in order to learn. just being brutally honest . So he takes HIS lesson and tries to force it upon everyone else. But, his grand values he doesn't have to obey himself. Because is 'superior' and loving. In reality he is a defensive hypocrate. Once again- I'm not insulting- just being brutally honest.

But I do appreciate the good intentions. Does that make you feel any better?

I'm done- I win- wait Norm wins- wait we all win? No Norm you can have this victory, apparently you need the self-esteem boost. I love you really Norm. I'm just trying to teach you something. So, stop being a meanie by constantly showing how I am being defensive and insulting all the while you do it yourself. :cry: :D


Well-known member
PS- I didn't post all at once because your attention span is way too small to grasp all of that at once.

Yay! you win.... :D


Well-known member
i am a raping sexual monster and serial killer with sa (like previously mentioned on this forum alot of sa ers are eeehmmmmrmmhhhh)
and i'm gonna kill everyone that is gonna reply tho the loser called norm.
no seriously....what the hell are u people thinking...nothing personal...but the looser is only here to stir trouble and you're giving him what he wants. why don't you let him die in his own missery?
why are people justifying to him? he is not here to learn, even if all you had was an out of proportion toe, he would still find a reason to argue with you, probably to hide or distract himself from his own shortcommings. don't take it personal, he's just a looser that has got nothing better to do and that's how he should be threated.

Just ignore the looser


Well-known member
Dear guest, glad to hear you admit defeat in a good spirit, I’m sure you’ll find your way in life sooner or later.
Ps when did you start so you can quit? Just a friendly question.


Well-known member
jp, sorry to hear that you are still sore for what i did to you, if it all matters, i did it in good faith.


Well-known member
norm said:
jp, sorry to hear that you are still sore for what i did to you, if it all matters, i did it in good faith.

hahahaha...norm don't make me laugh....


Well-known member
Jp, you are so insecure that you break your own rules, thought you asked everyone not to respond to me !!!!!!! maybe you’re just a kid …..yea I guess you are.