Skype Group


Well-known member
It would be nice if the conversation is recorded so others can know how these sorts of things go. Sadly, I don't think anyone will agree to this.


Well-known member
I think this is a great idea, but I don't think I'm brave enough to talk over it just yet. I am terrible at chatting on the phone even with people I know. Maybe I'll come around... eventually. ::eek:: It would be really nice and fun hearing all the different accents.
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Well-known member
You can make a username and one of us will add you to our contacts and to the group then you can log on when you have the time and see if anyone is on. We have had a good amount of people the last couple of days. Today it is a little light, but its early Sunday.


Well-known member
well im scruffpot1 on skype ill be there later tonight as i have to go and consider food and as they have just upped my citalopram, it takes a while for me to consider stuff hahahaha:)


Well-known member
Oh, why not... please add me to the group. :)

Mine is ShyAlleyCat. Like a few others have mentioned, I would only be comfortable chatting if I was home alone so Sunday isn't really the best day for me since everyone is here. It would be nice to chat sometime if I can get up the nerve. ::eek::


Well-known member
I'm interested, but I don't have skype. I also live with my parents, and I don't know if they would approve unfortunately...

I like the idea, I'm quite talkative, and yet...I'm still resistant.


Well-known member
I think the conference thing is a great idea! But I think we should set a date or something...You know, organize it a little so it's not just a one-on-one thing...that'd make me nervous.