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  1. yohannes

    Speak movie about selective mute

    After a blurred trauma over the summer, Melinda enters high school a selective mute. Struggling with school, friends, and family, she tells the dark tale of her experiences, and why she has chosen not to speak.
  2. yohannes

    Have you kept your New Year resolution?

    Have you kept your New Year resolution? I was kind of afraid to make any new year’s resolution. I had made allot of resolution before and didn’t really kept them.
  3. yohannes

    Does God exist?

    “1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today. Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few: The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and...
  4. yohannes

    Are medication really the answer to SA?

    I feel like Social Phobia isn't a common disease that can be treated with medicine. Most of the drug that are used for SA are actually were develop to treate depression but for an individual who has SA and doesn't have depression won't help them with there SA. I had taken paxil for a while and...
  5. yohannes

    Struggling with the existing with God? I had been searching for the answer for this q

    I had been searching for the answer for this question does God exist? I been wondering that if God existed why wouldn’t he help us? I came to the realization that we can never prove that God exist all we can have is faith. While I was contemplation the meaning of faith it came to me that I...
  6. yohannes


    Ok I have completed CBT like four month ago, and I was making some good progress. When the group finished men i was hit by hard relapse. Anyway I went to my doctor and talked to her and I told her I wanted to be on paxil. I was kind of afriad, because alot of people said the withdrawl from...
  7. yohannes

    interested in helping one another?

    I was in a group therapy for a SA at Ryerson Unviersity for about 3 month. The group treatement was called Group CBT. It was really an interesting experience. I have taken alot of thing from the group. We did cognitive restruction you challange your negative thoughts. While this was very...
  8. yohannes

    Why are we so afraid?

    Why are we so afraid? We all know the soluting to our SA. Their are treatment like CBT, ACT, and medication. If you follow up on one of these treatement their is a great chance you will be able to overcome your SA. But it seems that most of us are afraid to get better or are afraid what we...
  9. yohannes

    Do you feel like life is passing you by?

    Do you feel like that life is passing you by and it seems that you haven't really move an inch. My brother is 26 and his an engineer. He has establish his life and his moving up in this world. He has many friends and a girl friend. I am 24 I don't have nothing. When I mean I don't have...
  10. yohannes

    This is where i am at. Where are you?

    I had SA for almost ten years. Since, I was fourteen now I am twenty-four. At the worst times my SA was so bad that I didn’t leave my house for straight month. I usually go online or play games until I go to sleep. I was afraid of leaving my house. I was afraid that everyone was watching me...
  11. yohannes

    anyone interested in forming a Cbt group in toronto?

    Cognitive behavioral therapy i was thinking about forming a group for SA were we can practice social interaction with each other. The group meets like meet twice a week or more if possible and do things that causes SA. We will do it together , so that we can support each other. Lets face it...
  12. yohannes

    stop with this negative thought it aint helping

    i am reading a lot of negative staff in this forum. Like i am a failure & i am this and that. That is not really helping anyone and specially you. All those negative thoughts and feeling that you have is really making your SA worst. I use to think like that i am a loser, i am ugly, & i am...
  13. yohannes

    Ever wonder this life is a dream?

    do you ever go to your mirror and look at yourself and can't believe that is really you. In My Dream I am happy to be a life, but sad I am dead. In the mirror I see a person Wondering if that is me Is this me or is this a dream. I feel empty hallow This is not a dream I have lived before.
  14. yohannes

    Anyone easily dismiss approval?

    If anytime a person complements me I just dismiss it or forget it fast? When someone disapprove and say something negative I take it as a total fact. Your own thought isn’t like your thought, but instead what other perceives of you or thinks of you.
  15. yohannes

    What will you be doing if you didn’t Social anxiety

    We all had dreams and ambition are you living your dream or have you given up. What will you be doing if you didn’t have Social anxiety career wise and social wise. I know I would have finish school ages ago and living a comfortable life.
  16. yohannes

    bad event

    I find that I remember every single bad event or bad thing that people said about me. It’s is weird my mind seem to store all the negative event that happen to me and play it over and over. I used to think those people were the problem and now I realized it is my mind. I am reading a book on...
  17. yohannes

    my struggle

    Since I was a child I was a very shy person, but I had friends and I was doing excellent in school. I laugh, joke, & played around. When I reach the age fourteen things completely changed. I became self conscious I thought I was a hideous person. I was convinced I was ugly and no one wanted...